Indians With Fake English Accents

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Mar 03, 2009
there are ppl who will adopt certain accents or styles of speech depending on who they're around...some ppl just can't help but mimic...
but those aren't the same as ppl who are obviously trying to put it on....but i've never seen anyone walking around day to day faking accents....sounds hilarious

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Mar 04, 2009
Well it's better than having a fake Ozzie accent :D
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Mar 04, 2009
desertdudeshj wrote:Well it's better than having a fake Ozzie accent :D

There's a lad from Adelaide, South Aus who goes by the name of capt. Aus who would find a buxom Indian girl dressed in a yellow and green sariee speaking with an aussie accent, holding a can of fosters and a litted up Winfield fag, to be highly exotic :!: :!: :!:

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Mar 04, 2009
Del wrote
I didn't say speak like natives, I said fake.

Really? Short term memory issue, maybe? Read below.
Del wrote
How can someone who has never been to Britain sound like they grew up in Berkshire or Surrey?

cosmodrift wrote:
According to your line of thoughts all Japanese should always swap "R" and "L" and add the "O" after every word otherwise we should second guess their intentions and personality. Come on.

Del wrote
Where did I imply that?

You implied that when you agreed with this nonsense:
raidah wrote:
some do fake the accent. funny thing is, a small thing like this can say so much about a person.

Del wrote
Well said. They're FAKE.

So you meet an Asian with a British accent. You assume by yourself that's a fake accent which in consequence makes you believe everything else about that person is fake? Gosh, this is odd and if it's not called prejudice I don't know what it is.
Maybe this mate of yours from your work is a pain in the back and her accent just overgrew in importance.
I think you are overreacting.
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Mar 04, 2009
cosmodrift wrote:So you meet an Asian with a British accent. You assume by yourself that's a fake accent

How can it be anything but when the closest she's ever been to the UK is Dubai? And she didn't grow up with Brits here.

An educated Indian who has never been to the UK will speak EXCELLENT, PERFECT English (I know quite a few) but with an Indian accent.

cosmodrift wrote:which in consequence makes you believe everything else about that person is fake? Gosh, this is odd and if it's not called prejudice I don't know what it is.

I only believe her accent is fake.

Maybe this mate of yours from your work is a pain in the back and her accent just overgrew in importance.
I think you are overreacting.[/quote]
I dunno what you're on about mate. I don't know what you're defending either.
There's a guy who seems to think it appropriate to put on an American, 'Yo!' accent when he sees me. I doubt if he speaks like that at home.
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Mar 04, 2009
Del wrote:
An educated Indian who has never been to the UK will speak EXCELLENT, PERFECT English (I know quite a few) but with an Indian accent.

excuse me... man

whether been to the UK or not man, neither matters man.,

well man, its how one interacts with the language man

(for british accent one could get that from growing up with brits ).....

and may be with an american accent, it's probably from the media man .. very popularly called Hollywood man.....


man = Accent!!!!!!!!!

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Mar 04, 2009
I do business with a LOT of indians, many of them are very educated and went to English speaking schools, listened to BBC World radio etc. They speak English with an anglicised accent but not mimicking an English person.
The women often sound particularly nice to my mind, very clean and precise English, like Edinburgh girls!

But a very few Indians do try so hard to sound like the King/Queen of England. Sometimes Indians call their fellow countrymen who try to be English 'Bounty Bars' (after the confectionery) or 'coconuts'. In other words brown outside, white inside.

The opposite of young white kids in the UK that want to sound/act like black rappers (they're known as 'whiggers', nothing to do with hair, you work it out....).

By the way, interesting fact No.1 - to make a Welsh accent, take an Indian accent and raise it an octave. Try it :P
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Mar 04, 2009
Speedhump wrote:But a very few Indians do try so hard to sound like the King/Queen of England

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Mar 04, 2009
Del wrote:
Speedhump wrote:But a very few Indians do try so hard to sound like the King/Queen of England


There was a comedy series in the UK a few years ago called 'Goodness Gracious Me' written and performed by Indians. They had a husband and wife sketch called 'the Coopers' who were exactly what we are talking about. You have to watch this....

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Mar 04, 2009
If I choose my clothing according to the fashion my clothes are fake? If I buy the exactly same car of a friend because I like it, is my car fake? If I adopt an accent for daily use because I like it is that faking?
So everything else is fake. We are always emulating something, following tips of others, dressing like others we see on TV or on the street.
It does not mean we are faking.
It's what you do that counts, not the way you sound like.
You call that fake, I call that style. Less aggressive.
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Mar 04, 2009
It would be stylish if were to speak like 50 Cent?
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Mar 04, 2009
Del wrote:It would be stylish if were to speak like 50 Cent?

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Mar 04, 2009
nEVEr judge a book by its cover (disagree)
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Mar 04, 2009
Oi! You'm all making me gurt pi$$ moi salf, like!

This thread is gurt tutchin raw nerves.

You'm all just a bunch of gurt big sansitive nancies wot needs to chill.

Wednesday Jones
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Mar 05, 2009
There's nothing to chill about Jones. We are just having a conversation.

Del, there are thousands speaking and dressing like 50 cent. Maybe tasteless for some, including myself, but definitely not a reason to believe that "a small thing like that would tell so much about that person" in a negative way.
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Mar 05, 2009
cosmodrift wrote:Del, there are thousands speaking and dressing like 50 cent.

Yeah, they're called Americans.

How cool would a Chinese or a Serbian or a Brazilian (if you still think I'm attacking Indians) appear with a 50 Cent accent?
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Mar 05, 2009
Del wrote:
cosmodrift wrote:Del, there are thousands speaking and dressing like 50 cent.

Yeah, they're called Americans.

How cool would a Chinese or a Serbian or a Brazilian (if you still think I'm attacking Indians) appear with a 50 Cent accent?

That would be awful, but, once again, not enough to question their personality. It is a matter of taste, or bad taste only. If you can't understand that after all that have been written so far, maybe you have an English problem.
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Mar 06, 2009
cosmodrift wrote:
Del wrote:
cosmodrift wrote:Del, there are thousands speaking and dressing like 50 cent.

Yeah, they're called Americans.

How cool would a Chinese or a Serbian or a Brazilian (if you still think I'm attacking Indians) appear with a 50 Cent accent?

That would be awful, but, once again, not enough to question their personality. It is a matter of taste, or bad taste only. If you can't understand that after all that have been written so far, maybe you have an English problem.

I write for a living. In English.
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Mar 06, 2009
cosmodrift wrote:
Del wrote:
cosmodrift wrote:Del, there are thousands speaking and dressing like 50 cent.

Yeah, they're called Americans.

How cool would a Chinese or a Serbian or a Brazilian (if you still think I'm attacking Indians) appear with a 50 Cent accent?

That would be awful, but, once again, not enough to question their personality. It is a matter of taste, or bad taste only. If you can't understand that after all that have been written so far, maybe you have an English problem.

Surely taste is a trait of personality. A person's taste in music reveals things about their personality, as does their choice of cars. Surely 'choosing' to acquire an accent which is alien to you reveals something about you as a person, and that's personality?
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Mar 06, 2009
cosmo refuses to quit when he's behind, if you get my drift.

I take issue with retarded dwarves who question my grammar. Image
Dubai Expat Helper
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Mar 06, 2009
Del wrote:cosmo refuses to quit when he's behind, if you get my drift.

I take issue with retarded dwarves who question my grammar. Image

I also :D

'Contemporaneous with' or 'contemporaneous to', on such small blocks is our civilisation founded..
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Mar 06, 2009
Del wrote:
cosmo refuses to quit when he's behind, if you get my drift.
I take issue with retarded dwarves who question my grammar.

No one is questioning your grammar, Del and if I start exchanging insults with you I would be in contradiction with all my posts. My posts were very clear and in more than one occasion you said you did not understand where I was on about. So, since your grammar is ok, maybe your interpretation is the issue, but I just think the real problem is your stubbornness, being a fact you are worried who's ahead or behind in this dialogue. In fact, this attitude of yours makes things very clear why you created a post like this.
I am just killing time. 8)
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Mar 06, 2009
Where did he put his 2 fingers??? :lol: :lol:
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Mar 10, 2009
I'm from Australia where the only language required to speak is English so we have it easy. I don't care what name other nationalities take on or accents they form, they are trying to learn another language such as English. I think we should be thankful they know English as I would love to know another language.
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Mar 10, 2009
I embrace people from other countries who learn English and try. I am from Australia where we don't need to know any other language except English. I would love to know another language. I'm jealous!
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Mar 10, 2009
NinaSimone wrote:I embrace people from other countries who learn English and try. I am from Australia where we don't need to know any other language except English. I would love to know another language. I'm jealous!

Nina, I am from the UK and agree, I think we are showing our laziness by not learning another language. I have schoolboy French which I have used and slowly improved over the years, but it's still dire!

I never comment on, let alone criticise the English of anyone whose first language is not English. It's an awful thing to do, but it happens so much it's unbelievable :(

I wish I could learn Arabic or Chinese but who has the time (and my knowledge absorption isn't what it was either....:D ).

Nina Simone was one sexy singer. You related??
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Mar 10, 2009
i hate the fake paki british accents seriously. ppl migrate there or go there for a few years to work come to dubai and all of a suden they are BVITISH??? lol
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Mar 12, 2009
just in peoples thinkings, no meaning................
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Mar 12, 2009
NinaSimone wrote:I embrace people from other countries who learn English and try.

It's not the language I'm referring to - it's the accent.

I come from south London but how would I be perceived if I tried to speak as if I went to Oxford, Eton or Harrow?
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Mar 12, 2009
Del wrote:
NinaSimone wrote:I embrace people from other countries who learn English and try.

It's not the language I'm referring to - it's the accent.

I come from south London but how would I be perceived if I tried to speak as if I went to Oxford, Eton or Harrow?

It's commonly called; speaking with a plum in your chops :lol: :lol:
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