Personal SWOT Analysis

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Personal SWOT Analysis Feb 26, 2009
Personal SWOT Analysis
Discover new opportunities.
Manage and eliminate threats.
SWOT Analysis is a powerful technique for identifying Strengths and Weaknesses, and for examining the Opportunities and Threats you face.
Used in a personal context, it helps you develop your career in a way that takes best advantage of your talents, abilities and opportunities.

What makes SWOT particularly powerful is that with a little thought, it can help you uncover opportunities that you are well placed to take advantage of. And by understanding your weaknesses, you can manage and eliminate threats that would otherwise catch you unawares.

How to use the tool:
To carry out a SWOT Analysis, print out our free worksheet, and write down answers to the following questions:

What advantages (for example, skills, education or connections) do you have that others don't have?

What do you do better than anyone else?

What personal resources do you have access to?

What do other people (and your boss in particular) see as your strengths?

Consider this from your own perspective, and from the point of view of the people around you. And don't be modest, be as objective as you can. If you are having any difficulty with this, try writing down a list of your characteristics. Some of these will hopefully be strengths!

In looking at your strengths, think about them in relation to the people around you - for example, if you're a great mathematician and the people around you are great at math, then this is not likely to be a strength in your current role, it is likely to be a necessity.


What could you improve?

What should you avoid?

What things are the people around you likely to see as weaknesses?

Again, consider this from a personal and external basis: Do other people perceive weaknesses that you do not see? Do co-workers consistently out-perform you in key areas? It is best to be realistic now, and face any unpleasant truths as soon as possible.


Where are the good opportunities facing you?

What are the interesting trends you are aware of?

Useful opportunities can come from such things as:

Changes in technology, markets and your company on both a broad and narrow scale

Changes in government policy related to your field

Changes in social patterns, population profiles, lifestyle changes, etc.; or Local Events

A useful approach to looking at opportunities is also to look at your strengths and ask yourself whether these open up any opportunities.

Alternatively, look at your weaknesses and ask yourself whether you could open up opportunities by eliminating them.


What obstacles do you face?

What are the people around you doing?

Is your job (or the demand for the things you do) changing?

Is changing technology threatening your position?

Could any of your weaknesses seriously threaten you?

Carrying out this analysis will often be illuminating - both in terms of pointing out what needs to be done, and in putting problems into perspective.

Key points:
A SWOT matrix is a framework for analyzing your strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunities and threats you face. This helps you to focus on your strengths, minimize weaknesses, and take the greatest possible advantage of opportunities available.

This is just one of Mind Tools’ strategy tools (strategy is the art of taking best advantage of future opportunities.)

Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Feb 27, 2009
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Feb 27, 2009
godsent wrote:here kiddo, allow me to give you your SWOT analysis.

Strenghts : 1) being a local emirati glitterati which allows for certain privileges like for example, having muslimbangladeshi wanting to salad toss you. 2) Having an occasional sense of humour 3) Providing decent news about the administration of the country, that you and your buddies heard from yours or their uncles, while smoking sheesha and chiiling in the coffee shop for 5 hours in a day

Weaknesses : Your strenghts above can be your weaknesses at times besides sometimes making passes at western gals who u personally like and would get all "habibi-gaga" over but try to maintain a mean front.

Opportunities : As the Oil running out myth has been talked about over and over again since the 1940's, you my buddy would probably see UAE being a significant oil exporter well into your senior citizen age, fret not.

Threats : The looming recession and the holier than the thou attitude that has been maintained in UAE stretching your money too far and investing and spending frivolously and nonchalantly has finally caughten up to you. This is still a bad habit that seems hard to let go off.

allow the kiddo to give more SWAT analysis of him self :

Strengths :
1 ) he is able to sniff your IP number . :shock:
2) call his camel riding friend at Etisalat to get your home address. :shock:
3) show up at your door steps :shock:

Weaknesses : a big heart kid with little Patient. :oops:

Threats : could make you pay for the 2 mints you spent trolling in a 1month stay at the hospital :shock:

now you are not safe :!:
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Feb 27, 2009
Maybe Kiddo needs to chill the FC.UK out :idea:

How's that for a big hearted kid.

It's all done in good jest/humour here, stop behaving like an over-sensitive child.

Tell me in an adult fashion what you find insulting and I shall delete it. I was merely playing on stereotypes which is the basis of many comic skits, and making direct references from your past posts and interactions with others. Besides, you yourself use such sterotypes far more often, than many do about your folk. Quoting you, "2) call his camel riding friend at Etisalat "

Go drink your Almarai milk, have a couple of dates and think more constructive thoughts instead of wanting to send folks to the hospital.

Why have such a snazzy signature "If you wont read what you don't like , you will never learn... ". Might as well replace it with "If I dont read what I don't like , I shall call my friend at Etisalat and make it a mission to threaten and hound you" :D

Do you feel me habibi or am I speaking a language beyond your understanding :?:
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Feb 27, 2009
uaekid wrote:
godsent wrote:here kiddo, allow me to give you your SWOT analysis.

Strenghts : 1) being a local emirati glitterati which allows for certain privileges like for example, having muslimbangladeshi wanting to salad toss you. 2) Having an occasional sense of humour 3) Providing decent news about the administration of the country, that you and your buddies heard from yours or their uncles, while smoking sheesha and chiiling in the coffee shop for 5 hours in a day

Weaknesses : Your strenghts above can be your weaknesses at times besides sometimes making passes at western gals who u personally like and would get all "habibi-gaga" over but try to maintain a mean front.

Opportunities : As the Oil running out myth has been talked about over and over again since the 1940's, you my buddy would probably see UAE being a significant oil exporter well into your senior citizen age, fret not.

Threats : The looming recession and the holier than the thou attitude that has been maintained in UAE stretching your money too far and investing and spending frivolously and nonchalantly has finally caughten up to you. This is still a bad habit that seems hard to let go off.

allow the kiddo to give more SWAT analysis of him self :

Strengths :
1 ) he is able to sniff your IP number . :shock:
2) call his camel riding friend at Etisalat to get your home address. :shock:
3) show up at your door steps :shock:

Weaknesses : a big heart kid with little Patient. :oops:

Threats : could make you pay for the 2 mints you spent trolling in a 1month stay at the hospital :shock:

now you are not safe :!:

Dubai Forums Zealot
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Mar 01, 2009
Wow........sumtin very interestin seems to be building up here!
Although people do seem to be rather condescending to emiratis, on this forum!
Wunder Why?
Misery Called Life
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Mar 01, 2009
godsent, i really didnt find your post to be all that amusing as well. to me, it sounded as though you were being quite serious...i dont get it, the guy has somewhat cleaned up his act on here, which is more than can be said for most of the other posters... just my two cents
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Mar 01, 2009
Mmmm dramaaa...
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Mar 01, 2009
Fair enough. It’s just that I saw another copy and paste email and thought of personalizing it with a lil’ humour.

My aim was not to be condescending or abusive to anyone but just playing on certain stereotypes and tickling the Kiddo a lil’. He on the other hand has decided to send me to a hospital on the basis of a few silly jokes. I wonder who the drastic, over-sensitive and emotional person is now.

I have done my part in deleting my post. If the mod’s choose to delete my quoted posts from kiddo and rudey so be it.

Cheerios Peeps :)
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Mar 01, 2009
godsent wrote:Fair enough. It’s just that I saw another copy and paste email and thought of personalizing it with a lil’ humour.

My aim was not to be condescending or abusive to anyone but just playing on certain stereotypes and tickling the Kiddo a lil’. He on the other hand has decided to send me to a hospital on the basis of a few silly jokes. I wonder who the drastic, over-sensitive and emotional person is now.

I have done my part in deleting my post. If the mod’s choose to delete my quoted posts from kiddo and rudey so be it.

Cheerios Peeps :)

Wuss! :x
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Mar 01, 2009
You trying to wind me up boy. :lol:

I believe there’s always room for diplomacy and level headedness.

For instance, I personally think you are quite the “monosyllabic T*at”
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Mar 01, 2009
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Mar 01, 2009
Stereotype godsent? Seriously? I go to university in Dubai, n i interact wit em locals a lot....u really can't put em in a bracket no more!
Besides ur post was rather distasteful....
maybe if u write sumtin positive bout em locals, the kid mit wanna sent u roses instead!
Misery Called Life
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Mar 01, 2009
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Mar 01, 2009
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Mar 01, 2009



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Mar 01, 2009
Misery Called Life take a chill pill... it was more of a post intitiated and addressed to UAE-Kid only and as I mentioned based on his previous interactions and posts with other members. Stop getting on the bandwagon of trying to highlight me as a racist which is far from the truth.

Besides you are flogging a dead horse as I have been told already the post has not been received well and have done my part in deleting it.

End of :!:
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Mar 01, 2009
just to be clear godsent, i wasn't implying that you were a racist -- just that i had found your post to be more offensive than funny. thanks for being so reasonable about this and not lash out on me for being a close-minded local who lacks a sense of humor :P
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Mar 02, 2009
Hey godsent no1 implied dat u were racist, but i guess sum humour is best appreciated, behind closed doors! If u kno wat i mean.......
Anywaz peace dude!
Misery Called Life
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Mar 02, 2009
Like I said before, there's always room for level mindedness and diplomacy.

Nawh you are quite the level headed Mod, missy. Besides, close mindedness is a phenomena prevalent in all communities so lashing out on you in that context would be well sad !

On this same note do use your excellent sphere of influence and advise UAEkid to drop what ever gripe he has against me. He did mention he had a big heart and you may strike a chord better than me. :lol: Not based on your nationality or any other reason, except the sole fact that I am convinced in your abilities of disarmament and peaceful reconciliation. Decent enough justifification for a favour in my humble opinion !

Cheers !
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Mar 03, 2009
ha ha........ disarmament? Watchin too much Tv are we?

"Disarmament refers to the act of reducing, limiting, or abolishing weapons. Disarmament." -The American Heritage The context of disarmament generally refers to a country's military or specific type of weaponry. The most common form of disarmament is abolishment of weapons of mass destruction, such as nuclear arms. General and Complete Disarmament refers to the removal of all weaponry, including conventional arms." -wikipidea
Misery Called Life
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Mar 03, 2009
Well I take it as quite the compliment that you are wiki-searching the words I write. Used on a human to human level it paints a dramatic picture and is also a word rooted from disarm. Agreed, not a choice of a word for many but that is the beauty of the English language where one has a surplus of words to choose from to describe a given situation, character or idea.

As for you, do get off my back because I am finding it a tad annoying that English does not come easy to you and is definitely not your forte. Moreover, you are painting a portrait of you being a juvenile and justifying “nitwit” with this “creaming my posts” irritating air about you.

End off… misery called life or just do us a favour, lose the pessimism think optimistically and kick the bucket! :lol:

Best lesson you have had for the day in grammar and its delivery. Perhaps you need to focus more on your studies, mere child.
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Mar 03, 2009
It's rather interesting, I'm branded a pessimist, juvenile and nitwit just cuz i don't seem to agree with you? That does speak volumes about ur own childishness....
(my name is simply provocative)

To quote u - "It's all done in good jest/humour here, stop behaving like an over-sensitive child." - Is it only applicabe to you?

Anywaz in your own words "Used (disarmament) on a human to human level it paints a dramatic picture" - yes dramatic picture indeed, simply because it was so Irrelevant and Senseless in the context of this discussion!
But, Yea i did appreciate your reply and reasoning....

Only a mere child i may be, but judging from ur posts, u don't seem all that mature either......

A word of advice, quit being so haughty, and try and enjoy a good discissuion!
Misery Called Life
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