Be Aware !

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be aware ! Feb 27, 2009
Sharjah police just caught 5 gang members (2 Asians 3 with no identification papers) who blackmail foreigner rich students (age 13-15 ) by beating them and taking their nude pictures !!! threatens the victims to publish their pictures on FACEBOOK if the don't come up with 1000 dirham from their families the victims asks their families for the money pretending it's for the school !!

Man are those criminals getting high tech and creative or what ?what is the world turning to ? I'll give them my nude pictures and the money voluntarily to post it on face book 8)

Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Feb 27, 2009
wheres the link???

anyway you dont need to be hi-tech person just add the person as your friend and you are laughing :D
Dubai Forums Zealot
Posts: 3309

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Feb 27, 2009
lol i guess thats why they ban sites like this for ppls own security. they deserved it coming to them. post more nude pics plz :D
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Feb 27, 2009 ... 89603.html

wait it doesnt make sense. why wouldnt anyone be scared of having their beating video being posted on facebook :S

theres something dodgy about this news and the parents knew about it and they didnt come forward :S lol sorry but i cant believe that.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Feb 28, 2009
there's something dodgy about rudeboy him/her self. If you cant see anything in the news, you're probably a nitwit.

btw, you sound like one of them.....
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