What Women Want

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Re: what women want Dec 13, 2008
Its not the thing you told true,
some times woman need money, some times she thinks she need love and some times both, and not too!

i have spent my 10 years in friendship with woman and girls but still could not understand what is reality in their heart!
that's the thing called illusion.


Miss_lolly wrote:
shorn77777 wrote:lets make it simple. yeah>

plz write the abstracts.. say not more than four sentences. its quite easy to read from everyone....

i want a man who can give a baby

after marriage ofcours

that s it :roll:

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Dec 19, 2008
I want a normal human happiness :D
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Dec 19, 2008
so is there someone who gets alien happiness?
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Dec 30, 2008
today we want this... tomorrow other... sometimes we dont know what we want (spec. one time per month)... but for sure always want smth :D :D :D
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Dec 31, 2008
Jane_msk wrote:today we want this... tomorrow other... sometimes we dont know what we want (spec. one time per month)... but for sure always want smth :D :D :D

They say it is a woman's right to change her mind...

'They' must have been women!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Jan 01, 2009
Jane_msk wrote:today we want this... tomorrow other... sometimes we dont know what we want (spec. one time per month)... but for sure always want smth :D :D :D

do you make a wish now?

try me
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Jan 01, 2009
shorn77777 wrote:do you make a wish now?
try me

I was talk in common, but let me keep my wish in silence 8) Happy New Year!!!
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Jan 01, 2009
who cares what a woman want? would that make a man drink milk instead of coffee?
just let them want whatever they want, and you offer what you can offer, and if what you offer matches her heart/mind desires then its a good relation to keep if not then find another.
happy new year.
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Jan 03, 2009
Dubai Knight wrote:
Jane_msk wrote:today we want this... tomorrow other... sometimes we dont know what we want (spec. one time per month)... but for sure always want smth :D :D :D

They say it is a woman's right to change her mind...

'They' must have been women!

:lol: :lol: :lol:


it is a woman's world after all....u should feel so lucky we allow u to take part
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Jan 03, 2009
barbarella wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:
Jane_msk wrote:today we want this... tomorrow other... sometimes we dont know what we want (spec. one time per month)... but for sure always want smth :D :D :D

They say it is a woman's right to change her mind...

'They' must have been women!

:lol: :lol: :lol:


it is a woman's world after all....u should feel so lucky we allow u to take part
yes i am lucky, and wont you be kind enough to hear more about women's world plz
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Jan 06, 2009
a woman only wants to be loved and be taken to shopping especially to saks in burjuman at sales time.oh man the designer bags are damn cheap:) and perfumes and shoes etc etc not to forget the damas exclusive collection. see we women are not really demanding after all cheers to all the men out there who spoil their women! simple solution to please ur gfs and wifes
queen of Sheba
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Jan 06, 2009
queen of Sheba wrote:a woman only wants to be loved and be taken to shopping especially to saks in burjuman at sales time.oh man the designer bags are damn cheap:) and perfumes and shoes etc etc not to forget the damas exclusive collection. see we women are not really demanding after all cheers to all the men out there who spoil their women! simple solution to please ur gfs and wifes

answer here is........... a wallet/ credit card !!!!:D
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Jan 06, 2009
i'd say, first and foremost what's wanted is respect, love, trust and understanding... if all that's there then there's usually no way things will go wrong...

cuz having a big house or a beautiful body are a plus but being rich or looking hot is not what life moves on with....
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Jan 28, 2009
MA786 wrote:i'd say, first and foremost what's wanted is respect, love, trust and understanding... if all that's there then there's usually no way things will go wrong...

cuz having a big house or a beautiful body are a plus but being rich or looking hot is not what life moves on with....


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Jan 29, 2009
so is that over!!!!!

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Jan 29, 2009
yea, its over and now men know exactly what women want, but women will never find what they are after :P...
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Jan 30, 2009
no only some of them.. some are good..i guess..
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Jan 30, 2009
What most women want:
1. An AMEX Centurion or any credit card with no limit
2. Direct and unrestricted access to her boyfriend/hubby's bank account
3. The nearest shopping malls and platinum/diamond jewelers to be right next to their house
4. A guy to drag around the mall to show off

Of course, there are the oddballs who seek only love, marriage, babies and all of that.
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Feb 05, 2009
so what do those women do whos boyfriends/hus dont have such things..
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Feb 05, 2009
shorn77777 wrote:so what do those women do whos boyfriends/hus dont have such things..

:shock: They tend to sleep with someone other than there 'soulmate'.
You better start looking behind you son. You're in for a nasty eye-opener :wink:

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they seek pleasure in dreams Feb 14, 2009
shorn77777 wrote:so what do those women do whos boyfriends/hus dont have such things..

they seek pleasure in dreams i guess
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Feb 22, 2009
what you meant by an eye opener,

you mean...that.. eye...opener...

hey guys check out my thread "dancing.. and join us. we are gonna party,
and like never before. pre planned/programmed with a theme.

every one comes in a different costume.and we can request our songs to be played from dj as well
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Re: they seek pleasure in dreams Feb 24, 2009
prettygal wrote:
shorn77777 wrote:so what do those women do whos boyfriends/hus dont have such things..

they seek pleasure in dreams i guess

Or Television... :roll:....what women want depends on what they do not have.
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Feb 26, 2009
A woman thinks she wants:

A guy with nice hands, clean nails, clean shoes, small ar*e, Cartier Tank watch, gold card, car. But ALSO she wants one that will treat her like sh*t because it validates her low self-esteem.

When they find this guy that treats them mean, they continually moan about him, but they then go out and choose another one exactly the same, creating for themselves a useful history of self-loathing and excuse for failure, 'why do I always fall for the wrong guy'. :D

Laydeez, if this is not you, no need to write in, I know you exist (I know a couple myself) and you are strong and beautiful beyond belief, but you ARE the exception rather than the rule.

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Feb 26, 2009
Women want love, attention and caring. If you get that right, she will always be yours .... rest will fall in place

Though true love is hard to find now a days ....
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Feb 26, 2009
the concept is different.

once you are in love [world guy] then she doesn't look for any thing else. but its true like men and eveyrone she too looks the guy and assess before she let herself fall in love.

love is a bond, james bond..i mean it. it can conquer anything.

and speed hump i like your point. but look dont you think while having a car and money we are giving them protection and care and proving that we can protect her and care very much.

coz you know the skin is so soft and tender and it needs soft clothes and baby lotions. apparently its expensive in dxb..

anyone has different opinion, ? i can't see any one smirks. or is it true?
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Feb 26, 2009
Women simply want to be proper Fowned and when it goes wrong, they suddenly (or intentionally) want to keep the kid(s).

So the only difference with men is: We want the same but without the kid(s).

Keep it simple ladies.
Treasure the pleasure, avoid the seed.
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Mar 09, 2009
From the very begining its such a hypocritically discussed issue....but have we ever gave it a thought that why women is so insecure...

All a woman wants is......

to be treated as a human...not as a commodity or possession....
and what an average human wants ....is her wants,,

But in the recent times human is by him/her self confused about his/her wants so,,,, most of the women are also running after so called happiness.

Its different for every one...for some it is...

But we all need life, worth living,,,, not just breathing.

there is a difference btw living and being alive...so we all wanna

LIVE! :)
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Mar 09, 2009
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Mar 10, 2009
Hey guys, lemme give ya some hint- which I'm sure most of us women, if not all, will agree what our partner should know whithout us telling them.

•I love it when you hug me from behind and whisper in my ear.
•I want to be the best thing that ever happened to you--and for you to recognize this.
•I like it when you tell me what you're thinking, even if you don't know yourself.
•I'm in heaven when you hold my hand.
•"Fine" is never an appropriate response when I ask you how I look.
•When I compare my flabby tummy to a kangaroo pouch, say nothing.
•Most of the time when I fantasize, it's about you.
•I'm very impressed when you ask for my advice.
•I get turned on simply seeing that I have an e-mail from you.
•I expect you to call me.
•I'm more forgiving of you than I really should be.
•I need to hear how you feel about me. Often.
•I will always love it if you plan the occasional fancy-schmancy dress-up date and impromptu weekend getaways, and if you’ll buy my favorite cotton candy in advance when we're just going to the movies.
•You're sexy when you're shaving, fixing things, wearing a white T-shirt and jeans, driving, eating a peach, holding a baby.
•You look hot in hooded clothing items.
•Celebrating our anniversary, even if it's only been a few months, earns major bonus points.
•It's cheating as soon as you're doing something with her that you wouldn't want me to see, hear, read...
•Saying "I love you" immediately before, during, or following s. e x doesn't count. I wanna hear it often, straight from the heart.
•For the record: I'd rather you break up with me than cheat.
•I remember everything about our relationship.

Those are just few points among the hundred list. But above all, we NEED ( more than we WANT) a partner whom we will love, respect ,trust and spend the rest of our life with. Then rest assured that you'll be pampered till we get old from head to toe :wink:
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