Don't Drink And Drive

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Don't drink and drive Feb 25, 2009
Note: Not drinking while driving... just driving to get drink. :-)

Ok, so I don't have an alcohol license, but I like a drink every now and then. Tonight, coming home from Abu Dhabi's High Spirits alcohol shop (where they never ask for a license) I was wondering what would happen if I got into an accident with a car-load of booze.

It got a little bit too real for me coming into the Marina when some idiot decided to change lanes in peak hour traffic without looking. If I had not been paying attention I would have hit the guy.

This would not be in Sharjah, it would be in Abu Dhabi or Dubai. Would it be no problem, small problem or big problem. I'm not looking for a definition of the law here, but more what actually happens.

Captain Australia
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Feb 25, 2009
I think it depends on the quantity you are carrying ,if considered for personal use ( god know how much is that :lol: ) then it won't be a problem especially in Dubai.
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Feb 25, 2009
uaekid wrote:I think it depends on the quantity you are carrying ,if considered for personal use ( god know how much is that :lol: ) then it won't be a problem especially in Dubai.

usually the amount for personal use can go up to 10 bottles. enough to make u drunk and pop babies on jumeriah beach :D
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Feb 25, 2009
rudeboy wrote:
uaekid wrote:I think it depends on the quantity you are carrying ,if considered for personal use ( god know how much is that :lol: ) then it won't be a problem especially in Dubai.

usually the amount for personal use can go up to 10 bottles. enough to make u drunk and pop babies on jumeriah beach :D

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Feb 25, 2009
Tonight's haul was 5 bottles of Vodka, 5 bottle of Rum, 4 cartons of beer and two bottles of wine (for the ladies).

Would that be considered personal use?

I have a party on the weekend.
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Feb 25, 2009
Captain Australia wrote:Tonight's haul was 5 bottles of Vodka, 5 bottle of Run, 4 cartons of beer and two bottles of wine (for the ladies).

Would that be considered personal use?

I have a party on the weekend.

if ur name comes in the news tommorow, i ll let you know ;). whatever u do make sure u close ur doors before you start drinking :D
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Feb 25, 2009
rudeboy wrote:if ur name comes in the news tommorow, i ll let you know ;). whatever u do make sure u close ur doors before you start drinking :D

Tell my mum I love her k?
Captain Australia
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Re: Don't drink and drive Feb 25, 2009
There were absolutelly different cases even in Sharjah...
Sometimes police arrange a temporary check-point om the border with Ajman and after checking take all bottles away from a boot of your car and let you go...

At the other hand I know a case happened with one middle-aged Ukrainian lady. She was heavy drunk and was going by taxi for a new portion of booze. After buying some bottles on the way back home the taxi driver made an accident in Sharjah...
As a result she spent a few months in jail and then was deported...
Red Chief
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Feb 25, 2009
Captain Australia wrote:
rudeboy wrote:if ur name comes in the news tommorow, i ll let you know ;). whatever u do make sure u close ur doors before you start drinking :D

Tell my mum I love her k?

lol take it easy sonny no need to be scared. but make sure u wear a condom :D
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Feb 25, 2009
Captain Australia wrote:
rudeboy wrote:if ur name comes in the news tommorow, i ll let you know ;). whatever u do make sure u close ur doors before you start drinking :D

Tell my mum I love her k?

sure you have a party

Well raggadee coppurr :drunken: , might be time for a piss ya knoww
Hiickupp :drunken: Mardi Grass up my A$$

Lets do the boozzzrunnn :drunken: hiiicckupp ye-heahh :wink: ... re=related

:drunken: :geek:
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Feb 25, 2009
RobbyG wrote:
Captain Australia wrote:
rudeboy wrote:if ur name comes in the news tommorow, i ll let you know ;). whatever u do make sure u close ur doors before you start drinking :D

Tell my mum I love her k?

sure you have a party

Well raggadee coppurr :drunken: , might be time for a piss ya knoww
Hiickupp :drunken: Mardi Grass up my A$$

Lets do the boozzzrunnn :drunken: hiiicckupp ye-heahh :wink: ... re=related

:drunken: :geek:

robby u want cap ass's address?
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Feb 25, 2009
"Excushe you drinkstable, I have haven't had a c*nt all night."

Nice vid. :-)
Captain Australia
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Feb 25, 2009
Captain Australia wrote:"Excushe you drinkstable, I have haven't had a c*nt all night."

Nice vid. :-)

Than you sure as hell haven't seen this one...

No more driving home 'with' bottles. You simply drive home 'behind' the bottle 8)
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Feb 25, 2009
Should we need a license to carry the alcohol in our cars
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Feb 26, 2009
uaekid wrote:I think it depends on the quantity you are carrying ,if considered for personal use ( god know how much is that :lol: ) then it won't be a problem especially in Dubai.

This advice is absolutely wrong. Although it may depend on the Police Officer that deals with you. The law is clear, you require a liquor license in order to purchase Alcoholic drinks and then transport them to your place of residence, you are also bound by law to have paid the 30% liquor tax and have a reciept with you to prove that. You can certainly be arrested imprisoned and worst case you could be deported.
A little known fact here is that you actually are required by law, to have a valid liquor license when purchasing and consuming alcoholic drinks in a hotel or club etc.
sage & onion
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Feb 26, 2009
Yo Capt'n,
Where is that bottle shop? do you have directions?
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Feb 26, 2009 ... 13947&z=17

It's here, Abu Dhabi National Hotels
Captain Australia
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Feb 26, 2009
i'd treat sage's standard "letter of the law" response with the indifference it deserves - he'd have you believe you're actually going to get b*m r*ped and castrated (followed by deportation of course) for living with your girlfriend in dubai

we all know there is a gargantuan divide between the law and the reality of what is enforced in dubai. i can only comment on my perception of reality, but i've been in an accident with a couple of crates of beer in the back of the car and nothing came of it

that said, it is true that you're actually supposed to have a booze licence even to buy booze in a hotel (if you are a UAE resident), so i'd recommend you get one for the sake of it.

i'm not sure what the script is these days but i think you buy it for about 100 dhs but in return MMI give you a 100dhs discount on your first visit!!

have a good party, hope you get it wet

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Feb 26, 2009
sage & onion wrote:A little known fact here is that you actually are required by law, to have a valid liquor license when purchasing and consuming alcoholic drinks in a hotel or club etc.

Sonion, that's quite interesting and just mad enough to be plausible in Dubai, but how does it work with tourists? Presumably this law specifically relates to those with residents visas? but what about those who are from GCC countries, but don't need res visas?

and what do the police do with all the confiscated loot? No point asking, but I might as well
Wednesday Jones
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Feb 26, 2009
funkygibbon wrote:
i'm not sure what the script is these days but i think you buy it for about 100 dhs but in return MMI give you a 100dhs discount on your first visit!!


Or take a Friday lunchtime trip to Barracuda and stay on Emirates Road all the way, don't go though Sharjah town centre.
Wednesday Jones
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Feb 26, 2009
funkygibbon wrote:i'd treat sage's standard "letter of the law" response with the indifference it deserves - he'd have you believe you're actually going to get b*m r*ped and castrated (followed by deportation of course) for living with your girlfriend in dubai

we all know there is a gargantuan divide between the law and the reality of what is enforced in dubai. i can only comment on my perception of reality, but i've been in an accident with a couple of crates of beer in the back of the car and nothing came of it

that said, it is true that you're actually supposed to have a booze licence even to buy booze in a hotel (if you are a UAE resident), so i'd recommend you get one for the sake of it.

Exactly, and I specifically asked for the reality rather than the law in my original post.

What I'm saying is that there must be thousands of people buying booze without a license ever week in this country. I was looking for anecdotal evidence of what happens if you get into an accident.

Thanks for your story funkygibbon, that's what I'm after.

It's technically illegal to do anything in this country, and 90% of people must be breaking one law or another every week. Especially so for the western expats.
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Feb 26, 2009
Wednesday Jones wrote:and what do the police do with all the confiscated loot? No point asking, but I might as well

If they're anything like the hoards of Arabs lining up at Abu Dhabi Hotels Association, I reckon they drink it.
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Feb 26, 2009
Seriously, Barracuda in UAQ is packed on Fridays, no licence is required, there is no tax, it is much cheaper so you can fill your car up without feeling ripped off. The choice is great too unlike MMI or A&E

Of course there is a risk as Sharjah is between UAQ and Dubai, but if you keep on Emirates road the risk of being pulled over is much less.
Wednesday Jones
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Feb 26, 2009
Captain Australia wrote:
Wednesday Jones wrote:and what do the police do with all the confiscated loot? No point asking, but I might as well

If they're anything like the hoards of Arabs lining up at Abu Dhabi Hotels Association, I reckon they drink it.

On their poker nights! :D
Wednesday Jones
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Feb 26, 2009
The rules don't differ much from overhere in Holland.

Softdrugs or marihuana policy is a great example;

Its not officially legal, but use and sale in coffeeshops are allowed by the authorities. So you can smoke your mardi grass next to a coppurr on the streets and hold on to high quality hasj and weed with a max of 3 or 5 grams for personal use.

The production and delivery to coffeeshops however are illegal. You can be sentenced for that but each individual may grow 5 plants at home for personal use from the legal Home Grow shops in every major city...

Thats the best analogy with the liquor policy I can give you.

Its tolerated, but not legal. :D :D :D
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Feb 28, 2009


Why am I posting? Cos I am awake after traversing the dangerous passage called Shake Ziad road between Shmerar Lakes Towers and Jubai Marina. Finishing that walkway will save hundreds of lives.

Captain Australia
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Feb 28, 2009
Captain Australia wrote:Gooooooooooooooooooooooooood


Why am I posting? Cos I am awake after traversing the dangerous passage called Shake Ziad road between Shmerar Lakes Towers and Jubai Marina. Finishing that walkway will save hundreds of lives.


We got a balloony one here guys!! How many bottles did you suck tonight, Captain Weener and Wine? :lol:
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Feb 28, 2009
Go to bed!
Captain Australia
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Feb 28, 2009
I'm a nightcrawler.
Want a real beer? Heineken...

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Feb 28, 2009
Wednesday Jones wrote:
sage & onion wrote:A little known fact here is that you actually are required by law, to have a valid liquor license when purchasing and consuming alcoholic drinks in a hotel or club etc.

Sonion, that's quite interesting and just mad enough to be plausible in Dubai, but how does it work with tourists? Presumably this law specifically relates to those with residents visas? but what about those who are from GCC countries, but don't need res visas?

and what do the police do with all the confiscated loot? No point asking, but I might as well

Visitors can apply and get a temporary liquor license from the police.

I for one will always advocate the proper and legal thing to do here, if some of you people want to blindly put everything at risk it is of course your choice.
sage & onion
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