Just A Simple Question

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Just a simple question Feb 22, 2009
Mods if this is in the wrong place please feel free to move it.

Just watched the Doha debate on the TV,it was about Arab unity after Gaza.

One Pakastani guy got up and said that all Arabs are interested in was having a Brit or yank accent,i found this interesting as he was dressed in the famous pakastani national dress of a 2 piece pin stripe suite,he then said that the only way to sort the problem was for all Muslims to get together like Saludin and basicly go to war.

So my simple question is and is directed mainly at pakistanis "why is it that all you folks want to do is kill people"


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Re: Just a simple question Feb 22, 2009
busa wrote:Mods if this is in the wrong place please feel free to move it.

Just watched the Doha debate on the TV,it was about Arab unity after Gaza.

One Pakastani guy got up and said that all Arabs are interested in was having a Brit or yank accent,i found this interesting as he was dressed in the famous pakastani national dress of a 2 piece pin stripe suite,he then said that the only way to sort the problem was for all Muslims to get together like Saludin and basicly go to war.

So my simple question is and is directed mainly at pakistanis "why is it that all you folks want to do is kill people"


hehehe ...I'm no bacon sarnie but you are right....They do appear to be a troublesome bunch!!
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Feb 22, 2009
I am a Pakistani, but your question confuses me a bit. When you say all we Pakistanis ever want is to kill people, do you have the evidence of some statistics to fall back upon? I mean a single swallow does not make summer; one idiot asking a stupid question on some tv programme makes all pakistanis killers in your opinion? While you conveniently ignore recent history?? Two world wars, and all the other wars started in between including the use of nuclear weapons; two gulf wars; I think you have got your underwear in in a bit of a tangle there. Its not the Pakistanis that have done most of the killings. Cheers.
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Feb 22, 2009
People who are not free in their own country, or are experiencing troubles with the political establishment in Pakistan for instance, may tend to embrace irrational feelings.

Maybe they feel deserted because the Arabs don't support them in their causes.
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Feb 22, 2009
zonker wrote:I am a Pakistani, but your question confuses me a bit. When you say all we Pakistanis ever want is to kill people, do you have the evidence of some statistics to fall back upon? I mean a single swallow does not make summer; one idiot asking a stupid question on some tv programme makes all pakistanis killers in your opinion? While you conveniently ignore recent history?? Two world wars, and all the other wars started in between including the use of nuclear weapons; two gulf wars; I think you have got your underwear in in a bit of a tangle there. Its not the Pakistanis that have done most of the killings. Cheers.

Mate this is not an attack on pakistan just an observation,it does seem that when ever summet kicks off you see pakistani guys wanting to be-head and generaly be violent and this i dont understand,is your general population so far removed from the 21st centuary that all you see is vilolence.

As for recent history, i have never seen any other country being so violent ,mate you killed your best hope,on the news we see thousands of pakistanis demanding death to all the non beleivers,it just seems to ME that you are a very backward race who want the rule of the middle ages,this is MY view and i am happy for my remarks to be rebuked
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Feb 24, 2009
Mate (busa) I don't think Pakistanis or Muslims as you really mean are that violent. They might shout a lot, but in reality, you guys, US and UK are #1 in the category of war starting countries.

As an Iranian jock goes; US came half way across the world to tell Iran not to interfere in Iraqi business. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Feb 24, 2009
Yes these Pakistanis are pretty scary.

They seem to work on and justify things on some hate doctrine that was conceptualized in their country that the rest of the world does not adhere too.

Their economy is in doldrums, corruption rampant, inefficiency in having a government that works for the betterment of the masses and the cherry on the cake is justifying all of this through murder and aggressiveness.


Funny enough any country that has rebels using guerilla tactics to gain territory and resources normally manage to successfully curb them after a while. Read: Philippines, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand etc.

With Paki-Land the government backed army keeps losing against rebels in the restive northern areas.

I think Aid in anyway to Pakistan should be stopped! Let them fight it out amongst themselves !

Dear Pakis please stop with these ping-pong posts justifying your disgusting and deceitful behaviour.

Do watch what the rest of the world thinks of your government, your policies and lack of aptitude in conducting matters in a humane way.

Pakistan a failed state:

Read: http://worldblog.msnbc.msn.com/archive/ ... 69342.aspx
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Feb 24, 2009
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Feb 24, 2009
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the many retarded justifications of paki folks Feb 24, 2009
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Feb 24, 2009


Mate this is not an attack on pakistan just an observation,

may be you should stop observing things for a while, and enlighten yourself first.. ?

xl :

shock: :shock: :shock:
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Feb 24, 2009
bezor wrote: US and UK are #1 in the category of war starting countries.

As an Iranian jock goes; US came half way across the world to tell Iran not to interfere in Iraqi business. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Well said.
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Feb 24, 2009
Ok, now thats quite rude, "mate"; I presume you are a brit, so thats to be expected? I am afraid in the current circumstances, its a bit hard for me to defend some of the things that the Pakistani governemnt has been upto, but am hoping things will improve. About the state of some of the things allow me to enlighten you, and I am hoping you will check this in greater detail in some library near you. Pak is a young country, came into being in 1947 after the Imperialist Colonial power had its ass kicked out of the Indian subcontinent. Why were the Brits kicked out? Check out the atrocities they committed. Pak did not get anything in 1947, just an intact Army, and it was the army that has ruled most of the time; they aligned themselves with the Imperialists erroneously hoping they would benefit.
In 1979, Russia invaded neighbouring Afghanistan, and Pak agreed to help the USA oust them; the guerrillas were trained and stationed in Pakistan by the likes of the SAS. When the Russians too had thier asses kicked out, the US left, letting Pak hold the baby. Highly trained guerilla fighters from Chenya, Uzbekistan etc are now creating an insurgency, and the Pak army is having a hard time controlling them and hunting them down. The ordinary people are having a hard time, they are not killers mate. They are the victims. Only our enemies are gleeful and gloating, such as the retard that has sent in repeated posts above.
By the way, did you know that the British Royal family has Nazi connections??
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Feb 24, 2009
sage & onion
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Feb 24, 2009
muyesser wrote:[

Mate this is not an attack on pakistan just an observation,

may be you should stop observing things for a while, and enlighten yourself first.. ?

xl :

Oh ok by watching the news you meen ? or reading the paper ?,yep ok done that still seems to be a lot about pakistanis wanting to kill everything

shock: :shock: :shock:[/quote]
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Feb 24, 2009
zonker wrote:Ok, now thats quite rude, "mate"; I presume you are a brit, so thats to be expected? I am afraid in the current circumstances, its a bit hard for me to defend some of the things that the Pakistani governemnt has been upto, but am hoping things will improve. About the state of some of the things allow me to enlighten you, and I am hoping you will check this in greater detail in some library near you. Pak is a young country, came into being in 1947 after the Imperialist Colonial power had its a#s kicked out of the Indian subcontinent. Why were the Brits kicked out? Check out the atrocities they committed. Pak did not get anything in 1947, just an intact Army, and it was the army that has ruled most of the time; they aligned themselves with the Imperialists erroneously hoping they would benefit.
In 1979, Russia invaded neighbouring Afghanistan, and Pak agreed to help the USA oust them; the guerrillas were trained and stationed in Pakistan by the likes of the SAS. When the Russians too had thier asses kicked out, the US left, letting Pak hold the baby. Highly trained guerilla fighters from Chenya, Uzbekistan etc are now creating an insurgency, and the Pak army is having a hard time controlling them and hunting them down. The ordinary people are having a hard time, they are not killers mate. They are the victims. Only our enemies are gleeful and gloating, such as the retard that has sent in repeated posts above.
By the way, did you know that the British Royal family has Nazi connections??

British royal familly being box heads,ok i can see the link there :roll:

Brits did bad things in 47 ok i agree but i was kinda talking about today,yesterday, and tomorro. :shock:

And to be sure if a bunch of Brits marched through a pakistani town demanding that a bunch of pakistanis be,beheaded,shot,bombed,all women should not wear a veil etc etc it would all go down really peacfull like. :D

Retard Moi,possibly,still not having the urge to kill folk who have a differant point of view to me though.
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Feb 24, 2009
I have the urge to kill someone *reaching for my sword*
By the way, I would not look for enlightenment on the 9 O'clock news.
I did not say the brits did a bad thing by leaving India/Pakistan with tail between thier legs in 1947; that was one of the good things, albeit they were forced do do it.
For true enlightenment, you have to put in a bit more effort. The meaning of *racism* might even dawn upon you, and where it came from. The
people that are as white as the driven snow: the royals of the British isles.
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Re: Just a simple question Feb 24, 2009
smoggie wrote:
busa wrote:Mods if this is in the wrong place please feel free to move it.

Just watched the Doha debate on the TV,it was about Arab unity after Gaza.

One Pakastani guy got up and said that all Arabs are interested in was having a Brit or yank accent,i found this interesting as he was dressed in the famous pakastani national dress of a 2 piece pin stripe suite,he then said that the only way to sort the problem was for all Muslims to get together like Saludin and basicly go to war.

So my simple question is and is directed mainly at pakistanis "why is it that all you folks want to do is kill people"


hehehe ...I'm no bacon sarnie but you are right....They do appear to be a troublesome bunch!!

bacon sarnie? you want to explain this?
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Re: Just a simple question Feb 24, 2009
busa wrote:Mods if this is in the wrong place please feel free to move it.

Just watched the Doha debate on the TV,it was about Arab unity after Gaza.

One Pakastani guy got up and said that all Arabs are interested in was having a Brit or yank accent,i found this interesting as he was dressed in the famous pakastani national dress of a 2 piece pin stripe suite,he then said that the only way to sort the problem was for all Muslims to get together like Saludin and basicly go to war.

So my simple question is and is directed mainly at pakistanis "why is it that all you folks want to do is kill people"


busa or should i call u bhenchode tusa :D for translation feel free to get in touch with me :D

your question has all the answers in it. the guy wants to go to war because of Gaza. tell me this if your UK was run by guys in 2 piece pin stripe suite raping ur sisters raping ur mum and nanny would you sit there and watch the whole fiesta? would you let them kick you out of your own house?
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Feb 24, 2009
No,the UK would never be run by 2 muppets in pin striped suites as we have freedom of speach,also if the UK was invaded by an alien force we would rely on unity within our own people to fight of the invaders or the help of other countries not by hand fulls of cash but by a physical force,so can you see were i am going with this ?.

Translation ? pah easy a very fast bike
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Feb 24, 2009
busa wrote: the help of other countries

Quite honestly...
Red Chief
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Feb 24, 2009
busa wrote:No,the UK would never be run by 2 muppets in pin striped suites as we have freedom of speach

Freedom of Speech what a joke :lol: :lol:
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Feb 24, 2009
Rudeboy.....LOL @ bhenchode tusa! So you are not really rude!
Busa, what would anyone want to invade britain for? A has been power, thats dwindling rapidly, its economy in a terminal tail spin now, cold weather and cold unfriendly people, and no resources. You are finished
mate; you have a sizeable pakistani population there that have been the
butt of the racist attitude that you are displaying here for the whole world to see, and yet it will be these very pakistanis that might just prove to be your saviours; I dont know.....
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Feb 24, 2009
zonker wrote:Rudeboy.....LOL @ bhenchode tusa! So you are not really rude!
Busa, what would anyone want to invade britain for? A has been power, thats dwindling rapidly, its economy in a terminal tail spin now, cold weather and cold unfriendly people, and no resources. You are finished
mate; you have a sizeable pakistani population there that have been the
butt of the racist attitude that you are displaying here for the whole world to see, and yet it will be these very pakistanis that might just prove to be your saviours; I dont know.....

Well apparently a lot of pakistanis
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Feb 24, 2009
This seems to have got a wee bit off track,i dont give a monkeys about the royal familly or how many pakistanis live in the UK,i simply stated that when ever any one does summet to upset the pakistanis they demand death which in my retarded simple brained way is kinda old fashioned
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Feb 24, 2009
So you admit to being "...simplebrained and retarded"? Then I shall say no more.....I rest my case.
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Re: Just a simple question Feb 24, 2009
busa wrote:
So my simple question is and is directed mainly at pakistanis "why is it that all you folks want to do is kill people"


Hey monk are you asking a simple question ? let me ask you a simple question " why is that all you guys want to rape your daughters"... better still , get your facts right on who is doing the maximum killings in the world.
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Feb 24, 2009
tusa whatever that guy thinks is his opinion or as your brits would say it he is using his freedom of speech :D he is entitled to think whatever he likes. he is one INDIVIDUAL meaning he doesnt represent the whole paki population. got it bosa?
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Feb 24, 2009
Busa I feel for you.

I glanced through the posts by the Pakistani faction of the forum.
As expected they point fingers, bring in religion and get totally off track.

Sigh the fact still remains my Paki lads - your passport is worth s*it and your state is in a constant sense of turmoil trying to sit on the fence pacifying all factions but doing nothing in progressive reform.

To the Pakistani residing in Canada who seems to have an itch up his a**, the truth of the matter is you’ll are a volatile bunch. What’s the adage: Never argue with an idiot they bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Busa you should have never suggested anyone to rebuke what you said.
You have been truly swarmed by the “Tard Anonymous clan of Rawalpindi” :lol:


Apologies to mod for earlier repeat posts due to awful internet connection and being “trigger happy” on the reply button like a Pakistani can be on an AK-47
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Feb 24, 2009
godsent wrote:Busa I feel for you.

I glanced through the posts by the Pakistani faction of the forum.
As expected they point fingers, bring in religion and get totally off track.

Sigh the fact still remains my Paki lads - your passport is worth s*it and your state is in a constant sense of turmoil trying to sit on the fence pacifying all factions but doing nothing in progressive reform.

To the Pakistani residing in Canada who seems to have an itch up his a**, the truth of the matter is you’ll are a volatile bunch. What’s the adage: Never argue with an idiot they bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Busa you should have never suggested anyone to rebuke what you said.
You have been truly swarmed by the “Tard Anonymous clan of Rawalpindi” :lol:


Apologies to mod for earlier repeat posts due to awful internet connection and being “trigger happy” on the reply button like a Pakistani can be on an AK-47

"busa i feel for you" that is the most sissy thing anyone could say :S wtf are you?? godsent sissy?

we point fingers and we get off the track. guess thats bvitish for u mate :D

didnt know u were going around wiping ur ass with bvitish passports. hmmmm.

u r right. our state is messed up. what can we do. you give rights to every tom banana and harry and you get 13 year olds banging old "bvitish" aunties, and poping kids themselfs. guess theres a shortage of condoms in uk.

pakis in canada hmmmm no idea what you on about mate seriously looks like u drifting off the topic here. you sure u aint bvitish??
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