hey dont give up hope though...sometimes it does work out...in my case it did...after 8 months...she did move for me...we stayed honest to each other...sure there were a lot of temptations...as always will be...but the only advice i can give you is...COMMUNICATION...its the key...you have to talk it out...and when you are angry/frustrated/ready to slam the phone...talk some more...but dont let silence do the talking...as thats what kills it all...knowing is better than not knowing and imagining senarios...and hey, as in my case...if you are in nearby countries...it helps heaps...!!send letters...old fashioned way...flowers if possible...and get a inexpensive phone plan!!!...

...coz you'd probably run up quite a bill!!
hmm on the flip side...where it can fail...lots of reasons...
2>not being true to each other
3>wasn't a strong one to begin with
4>you need physical presence (for all the hugs/kisses and fights!!)
5>any old excuse can set it off...if you live far off...
6>excuses are endless...if you want to create them
7>maybe its too early for anyone to really commit?
...as i said the list can go on and so can the excuses...but can you go on without him...or vice versa?....