Following On From Bushra's Phone Problem...

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Following on from Bushra's phone problem... Feb 11, 2009
Is your mobile phone Kosher or Jekyll?

Press *#06# and the international mobile equipment identity number appears.

Then check the 7th and 8th numbers: 

IF the SEVENTH & EIGHTH digits are 02 or 20, this means your phone was assembled in the Emirates and is bad quality

Seventh & Eighth digits 08 or 80? Your phone was manufactured in Germany, which is OK quality

Seventh & Eighth digits 01 or 10? Your phone was manufactured in Finland, which is very good

Seventh & Eighth digits are 00: your phone was manufactured at the original factory and is the best quality

Seventh & Eighth digits are 13 - this means your phone was assembled in Azerbaijan, which is very bad quality and possibly dangerous.

Mine's 02 - Emirates.

Dubai Expat Helper
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Feb 11, 2009
I would tell you where mine was manufactured but my bloody screen wont work :evil:
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Feb 11, 2009
02 - Emirates
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Feb 11, 2009
02 (nokia 5800) --- go figure

01 (nokia 6300 and 8800)
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Feb 11, 2009
bushra21 wrote:02 (nokia 5800) --- go figure
Emirates, Bad.

bushra21 wrote:01 (nokia 6300 and 8800)
Finland, Good.
Dubai Expat Helper
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Feb 11, 2009
What the hell is 56???
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Feb 11, 2009
try removing the battery, not just switching it off/ on.
remove it and replace it after about 10 seconds - then see if the phone powers up
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Feb 11, 2009
dbxsoul wrote:try removing the battery, not just switching it off/ on.
remove it and replace it after about 10 seconds - then see if the phone powers up

Maybe she should charge it first? :lol: :lol:
Probably the screen will work again :oops: :oops:
Dubai Expat Helper
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Feb 11, 2009
00, grey iPhone import :P

lol @ Azerbaijan, BOOM!

my daugher got water in her iPhone s the screen was screwed, I baked it in the oven twice (on a bed of rice LOL), and it works fine now. I also pwned it with new firmware etc.....I'm a great dad !
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Feb 11, 2009
What type of rice did you use? And would this work on an iPhone 3G?
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Feb 11, 2009
just about half inch of long grain rice in a baking tray so the phone didnt touch anything metal.

it's really a last resort if all else fails. the phone seemed completely useless therefore binnable so I gave it a go.

I baked it on lowest oven with the oven door slightly open for about 3 hours, the first time the screen only worked partially afterwards, the second time it worked mostly, then after a couple of weeks it was fine.
I was worried the solder and stuff might mnelt inside but it was fone. As I say though, you have to be prepard in case it kills the phone totally!

luckliy as soon as she had dropped it down the loo she came home and put it in a sealed poly bag with rice for a couple of weeks which got most of the water out anyway, so I was only dealing with moisture under the screen and not sloshing water. She's a brainbox.
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Feb 11, 2009
3G has more plastic casing than the old? might be a problem, dunno. on her phone(not 3G) the black plastic at the bottom back buckled very slightly, but hardly noticable.
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Feb 11, 2009
I guess I should have put <joke> tags around my comment :P
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Feb 12, 2009
LOL, got me.

I obviously don't know you well enough yet :D

Off to the UK today for a week on biz, praying not to get frostbite anywhere important!
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