Union Of Muslim Countries

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Union of Muslim Countries Feb 07, 2009
*This is a duplicate of a thread in Religion subforum, no other Muslim replied there so I am posting it here for more responses*


What do you think about a union for all Muslim countries of the world?

It will hopefully lead to many benefits for humanity and Muslims in particular and create much needed stability, peace, prosperity, advancement and progress Inshallah.

Adnan Oktar, who goes by his pseudonym of Harun Yahya, has already postulated many possible benefits of such a union between all Muslim countries of the world.

The Islamic Union's General Structure

The EU, a model for our proposed union, can be described as an entity in which member states' sovereignty, system of governance, and state bureaucracy would continue their functions under the umbrella of a constitution based on "European culture." Within this constitution's framework, member states would cooperate in politics, culture, and economy, and a central legislature and administration would coordinate their cooperation and represent Europe's interest as a whole.

The Islamic Union must have a structure that preserves member states' independence, national borders, rights, and interests. Each sovereign state must strive to unite under a shared Islamic culture, develop common policies, and establish the legislative and administrative organs that will implement them. The purpose here is not to achieve a structural merger of states, but to unite behind common policies and interests in order to achieve the political power that such a union would have.

In such a union, the world's Muslims will be in direct touch with one another, know each other's problems intimately, and help one another. Separatism, factionalism, and fanaticism will be put aside for the principle of Muslim unity. The fact that the Islamic world has not been able to reach consensus among the different views, systems, and models that characterize its members has prevented it from acting in unity. The proposed Islamic Union's call for unity will not be made according to race, economic condition, or geographical location, and all animosity arising from differences of race, language, or culture will cease under the umbrella of this union. Its members' sense of unity will not be based upon the superiority of one culture, nation, or group over another, but upon the spirit of solidarity engendered by equality, tolerance, love, and friendship.

One of the primary reasons for establishing the Islamic Union is to create a central authority capable of directing the general Muslim population. For this reason, the central authority must have a structure that reaches all Muslims or, in other words, must be able to accommodate all different views under its umbrella. The Islamic Union must be based on Islam's central tenets, receive practical as well as theoretical differences in views with tolerance and understanding, and successfully turn these differences into cultural diversity and wealth. These differences must not be allowed to obstruct the application of political will and joint action. All disputes between Muslim nations must be resolved, and their differences must be settled within the framework of this central authority. An Islamic Union that can manage its internal affairs will be able to resolve potential differences with other civilizations easily and to produce the joint policies that its central authority will implement and administer.

The Islamic world has many issues that need to be resolved and that are continuing problems for the international community: such political tragedies as Palestine, Kashmir, and Iraq; the ideological war on terrorism; and such social issues as underdevelopment, poverty, health, and education. These main topics are not regional or local matters; rather, they have a direct bearing on all Muslims. Given this reality, the Islamic world must achieve solidarity in order to resolve them. No one can suggest that what happens in Palestine concerns only the Palestinians, that the innocent Muslim Kashmiri civilians suffering from oppression should sort themselves out, or that starving children in some Islamic country are only the responsibility of the country in question. Muslims cannot accept this situation as a matter of faith.

God calls to the Abode of Peace and guides whom He wills to
a straight path. (Qur'an, 10:25)

Make allowances for people, command what is right, and turn away from the ignorant. (Qur'an, 7:199)

However, Muslims have failed to form a strong alliance among themselves and so other-and non-Muslim-countries are offering solutions to these and similar problems. The proposed solutions, however, do not have the Muslims' best interest at heart, or else offer only short-term solutions. In many conflict-riven regions, the Muslims' relative weakness prevents them from having any real voice at the negotiating table. In addition, the so-called peace plans often incorporate certain clauses that do more harm than good. The Islamic world has an obligation to produce a joint action plan to safeguard the affected Muslims' rights.

The number of issues awaiting resolution by the Islamic Union indicate that it will have a busy schedule. To function efficiently, it needs to have a permanent operational headquarters, form the legislative and administrative organs that will coordinate their activities (including their subdivisions), and ensure that these institutions will function properly. The infrastructure that will deliver the right decisions at the right time must be built, the union must inspire trust with its activities, and its members must be reassured that their rights are fully protected.

The Islamic Union must have the flexibility to adapt to changing political conditions and the foresight to develop appropriate strategies. The need for an active central authority that can take the initiative, instead of giving reflexive responses to world events or being content with either criticizing or voicing opinions, is obvious. This center must shoulder the responsibility for coordinating, supervising, and serving the interest of all member states equally. It must consider all developments objectively and be guided by the Islamic world's demands. An Islamic Union that can arbitrate between member states, resolve their conflicts of interests, and protect Muslims in their dealings with other nations will increase the Islamic world's cultural, economic, and political influence.

For the Islamic Union to become a united force and a unifying structure, it must protect modern social values, respect the human rights of all people, and be based on democratic principles. Not surprisingly, all of these values are central to Islamic morality.


Dubai chat master
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Feb 08, 2009
How can a union based only on religion work? There are all kinds of ethnic, political and religious sect differences that would be very problematic for forming a successful union. It sounds like a good idea on paper, but could it actually work? The EU is not a union based on Christianity, there is much more involved that helps it work. Well, actually, how well the EU works is questionable because there is so much bureaucracy that it takes forever to achieve anything.

This document says that "fanaticism will be put aside for the principle of Muslim unity", which leaves me wondering why this kind of union is attractive to you muslimbangladeshi. From your posting on this forum you display pure hatred for groups of other human beings on this planet, and you display almost no characteristics of a peace-loving, pious Muslim. I am guessing that you hope such a union would provide a stronger block of countries that could possibly attack other countries or unions that have or continue to act in opposition to the Islamic union interests. Actual peace and prosperity between fellow Islamic nations (and non-Islamic nations outside the union) is likely a secondary or tertiary benefit in your view.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Feb 08, 2009
kanelli wrote:How can a union based only on religion work? There are all kinds of ethnic, political and religious sect differences that would be very problematic for forming a successful union. It sounds like a good idea on paper, but could it actually work? The EU is not a union based on Christianity, there is much more involved that helps it work. Well, actually, how well the EU works is questionable because there is so much bureaucracy that it takes forever to achieve anything.

This document says that "fanaticism will be put aside for the principle of Muslim unity", which leaves me wondering why this kind of union is attractive to you muslimbangladeshi. From your posting on this forum you display pure hatred for groups of other human beings on this planet, and you display almost no characteristics of a peace-loving, pious Muslim. I am guessing that you hope such a union would provide a stronger block of countries that could possibly attack other countries or unions that have or continue to act in opposition to the Islamic union interests. Actual peace and prosperity between fellow Islamic nations (and non-Islamic nations outside the union) is likely a secondary or tertiary benefit in your view.

EU is a christian unity group. why do you think the Turks havent been allowed to join the EU :D. same thing goes for Nato and UN.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Feb 08, 2009
Often times many nonmuslims specially from the West try to sow seeds of doubt and cause division amongst our brothers with such deceptive double-faced talk.

Let's try to remove all misleading western propaganda bit by bit.

kanelli wrote:How can a union based only on religion work? There are all kinds of ethnic, political and religious sect differences that would be very problematic for forming a successful union. It sounds like a good idea on paper, but could it actually work?

You asked a question and answered it yourself although your answer is wrong IMO. Look at the Hajj, pilgrimage where around 3 million Muslims from all over the world with all the variations you mentioned congregate for one common purpose. It happens every year. Why should it be difficult to organize this same union for the whole Ummah?

Jealousy, envy and hatred by nonmuslim Westerners should be cast aside.
In the past, there were for centuries many muslim Khilafah and those were in fact the glorious heydays of our Ummah in many ways. It wasn't impossible then despite all the ethnic and other differences you mentioned.

The EU is not a union based on Christianity, there is much more involved that helps it work. Well, actually, how well the EU works is questionable because there is so much bureaucracy that it takes forever to achieve anything.

Bureaucracy in EU maybe a bit of a problem but so is anglo american double-faced actions. And EU is indeed a Christian club, which is why even former communist countries like Romania or Bulgaria with poorer economies than Turkey are allowed memership.

This document says that "fanaticism will be put aside for the principle of Muslim unity", which leaves me wondering why this kind of union is attractive to you muslimbangladeshi. From your posting on this forum you display pure hatred for groups of other human beings on this planet, and you display almost no characteristics of a peace-loving, pious Muslim.

That is your interpretation of 'fantacism'. I never did say I am a fanatic nor did I say the opposite. Also why do you utter such misleading statements as me expressing hatred for all other human beings. Did you read me posting any negative comments on Japan, Africans, Latin Americans or Pacific Islanders?

Just because the hypocrisy, double-faced double standards, incest, paedophilia, immorality and lewdness of nonmuslim Westerners were exposed doesn't mean it represents the entire world.

I am guessing that you hope such a union would provide a stronger block of countries that could possibly attack other countries or unions that have or continue to act in opposition to the Islamic union interests.

Defence is a right for everyone. Unfortunately in this world, as yet, there is no man made organization to ensure this right is provided to everyone. Everyone has to fend for themselves.

However the Islamic world if united can be, Inshallah, a stark contrast to the lowly behaviour of immoral hypocritical unjust duplicitous lewd homosexual drunkard incestuous Westerners (nonmuslims only)

Actual peace and prosperity between fellow Islamic nations (and non-Islamic nations outside the union) is likely a secondary or tertiary benefit in your view.

Again mere speculation on your part without any logical basis isn't helping a discussion between civilized intelligent honest and peace loving persons. Of course I don't expect westerners to fall under any of those descriptions as has been seen in many cases.
Dubai chat master
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Feb 08, 2009
You are such a banana,go and wallow in your filth,you are beyond combtempt
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Feb 08, 2009
A muslim union is quite possible at this age, knowing that most other systems have been already collapsing, a muslim union shouldn’t really have a focalized approach though, it should be an entire system that is derived from the holy quran and the Islamic culture and should focus solely on reorganizing Islamic systems rather than enforcing changes among Muslim individuals. An Islamic system should essentially be based on human rights from an Islamic perspective rather than a UN bias perspective.

Islamic union shouldn’t be formed by politicians nor religious entities to succeed, if you closely look at the muslim world and communities you would be able to notice that idealism is in control, in another word , the majority are the moderate people. There is no fanatic muslim country, all we hear about iran, Afghanistan , seria , Saudi Arabia and so forth in terms of an Islamic fanatic life stype is a total media crap.
So yes, an Islamic union is possible but it’s a fantasy or a metaphor.

Here is a list of obstacles that should be removed prior to formation of any muslim unions:
1- Non Islamic Banks ( enemies of all humans )
2- Poverty ( which laterally makes majority of people want to survive rather than worship )
3- Puppets of the west “ most muslim leaders “
4- The white man’ if you know what I mean
5- Dadada
6- Dadndada
9- Dandadad
10- Dadaddd
Dubai Forums Talker
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Feb 09, 2009
rudeboy wrote:
kanelli wrote:How can a union based only on religion work? There are all kinds of ethnic, political and religious sect differences that would be very problematic for forming a successful union. It sounds like a good idea on paper, but could it actually work? The EU is not a union based on Christianity, there is much more involved that helps it work. Well, actually, how well the EU works is questionable because there is so much bureaucracy that it takes forever to achieve anything.

This document says that "fanaticism will be put aside for the principle of Muslim unity", which leaves me wondering why this kind of union is attractive to you muslimbangladeshi. From your posting on this forum you display pure hatred for groups of other human beings on this planet, and you display almost no characteristics of a peace-loving, pious Muslim. I am guessing that you hope such a union would provide a stronger block of countries that could possibly attack other countries or unions that have or continue to act in opposition to the Islamic union interests. Actual peace and prosperity between fellow Islamic nations (and non-Islamic nations outside the union) is likely a secondary or tertiary benefit in your view.

EU is a christian unity group. why do you think the Turks havent been allowed to join the EU :D. same thing goes for Nato and UN.

Oh really, do they call themselves the Christian Union and is there reference to God, Jesus and propagation of the Christian faith in any of the EU, Nato and UN documents upon which the unions are based?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Feb 12, 2009
kanelli wrote:
rudeboy wrote:
kanelli wrote:How can a union based only on religion work? There are all kinds of ethnic, political and religious sect differences that would be very problematic for forming a successful union. It sounds like a good idea on paper, but could it actually work? The EU is not a union based on Christianity, there is much more involved that helps it work. Well, actually, how well the EU works is questionable because there is so much bureaucracy that it takes forever to achieve anything.

This document says that "fanaticism will be put aside for the principle of Muslim unity", which leaves me wondering why this kind of union is attractive to you muslimbangladeshi. From your posting on this forum you display pure hatred for groups of other human beings on this planet, and you display almost no characteristics of a peace-loving, pious Muslim. I am guessing that you hope such a union would provide a stronger block of countries that could possibly attack other countries or unions that have or continue to act in opposition to the Islamic union interests. Actual peace and prosperity between fellow Islamic nations (and non-Islamic nations outside the union) is likely a secondary or tertiary benefit in your view.

EU is a christian unity group. why do you think the Turks havent been allowed to join the EU :D. same thing goes for Nato and UN.

Oh really, do they call themselves the Christian Union and is there reference to God, Jesus and propagation of the Christian faith in any of the EU, Nato and UN documents upon which the unions are based?

crusaders started with the christianity faith. after years we have the same thing going on but under a different name like UN, Nato so they can blind ppl like u who really do need to open their eyes and stop sitting on a forum to find out more about some religion :D.

why do you think there is no muslim country in the top 5 that are allowed to veto?

why is it that when a muslim country is attacked like kosovo it takes 4 to 5 years for UN & Nato to bring the criminal to arrrest?

the crusade is still going on. it was countries like UK, France and Spain etc that came up with the idea of crusade. please dont say that was 1000 years ago because we all know that idea still exists in the form of UN and Nato.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Feb 12, 2009
Mate do you realy believe that westerners care about all that bollox,all most westerners see is "suiscde bombings,western heads being slowly cut off,Arab nations HAVE to speak up against this horror,geez mate a video of some poor sod being murderd,is this the way forward ?

Like it or not this is how Islam is being portrayed in the west,it aint being condemd by any Arab coverment.

Wake up its 2009,stop blaming Europe for things tat happend 100's of years ago
Dubai forums Addict
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Feb 13, 2009
UN and Nato are still carrying out the Crusades of thousands of years ago... that is hilarious! rudeboy, you have a great sense of humour!
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Feb 13, 2009
busa wrote:Mate do you realy believe that westerners care about all that bollox,all most westerners see is "suiscde bombings,western heads being slowly cut off,Arab nations HAVE to speak up against this horror,geez mate a video of some poor sod being murderd,is this the way forward ?

Like it or not this is how Islam is being portrayed in the west,it aint being condemd by any Arab coverment.

Wake up its 2009,stop blaming Europe for things tat happend 100's of years ago

mate what you see in the news lately i.e some sods head or balls being chopped off is NEW. it has only come on the news after the september 11. you have to see what was happening before all that. i dont re-call watching any movies like these before the 9/11 but the attacks on palestinan ppl and the issue of Kashmir was THERE WELL BEFORE 9/11.

arabs and muslims will stop this and will speak against this unless the palestinian and the kashmiri issues have found a solution.

I am not blaming anyone, we can play the blame game all day. But unless something is done about palestine issue which has been there for the last 50 years, unless something is done about the kashmir issue, you will continue to watch ppls head being chopped off. enough ppl have died, do you want more ppl to die?

i only blame USA and the west. Y? because they have the money. money means POWER. if those guys can attack any country they want why dont they use their power to promote PEACE?

but they wont. Its a cooperate thing ;) they want money, and power. those guys in the parlianments dont care about me and you dying. they care about power and money.

i wouldnt be suprised that some business man has been supplying weapons to the palestinians and to the jews. they fight kill each other while the business man becomes more powerful and more rich.


plz dont think this is impossible this is happening in reality. this is what you call business ;).
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