sniper420 wrote:kullervo wrote:sniper420 wrote:HAHAHA old man.....these internet days guys mature faster than when u were on ur humping days ...... "some" guys are learning faster abt woman's psychology than most due in their lifetime. Seriously Kull how many women have u approached in your lifetime?
Approached? My word...son, if I answered what I take to be the question behind your question, your various bumpy parts would shrivel up and hide in embarrassment.
I'll leave on a pretty dismissive note, but not before giving you the most helpful and beautiful piece of advice that's ever been given to a man. "There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion" [that's from Francis Bacon]. Every wonderfully beautiful woman, in other words, is wonderfully beautiful because she in some gorgeous way violates our previous understanding of beauty, expands it, enriches it. Because she establishes herself as *uniquely* beautiful, and not the fulfillment of some idiotic set of rules we formulated in our teenage years.
Your posts here--from the hilariously misguided-yet-cocksure theories on male-female psychology to the stroking-to-FHM descriptions of your required measurements--suggest the sort of juvenile confidence that comes from, well, reading FHM, Maxim and similar publications. Sleep with a real woman for once. Or twenty. Or a hundred. And then get back to me, 'kay? Until then, there's far, far more under Heav'n than is dream't of in your philosophy [that's paraphrased from Billy Shakespeare].
I didn't mean to offend you but by your reaction I got to know how many women u have been and what kind of relationships were they.
About the quote from Francis Bacon well it is nice quote but let me tell you something many poets and philosophers had disasterous relationships with women. They just dream and write what could have been. Now let me read about Francis personal life from wikipedia:
"When he was 36, Francis engaged in the courtship of Elizabeth Hatton, a young widow of 20. Reportedly, she broke off their relationship upon accepting marriage to a wealthier man. Years later, Bacon still wrote of his regret that the marriage to Elizabeth had never taken place"
"At the age of forty five, Bacon married Alice Barnham (1592–1650), the fourteen year old daughter of a well-connected London alderman and M.P. Bacon wrote three sonnets proclaiming his love for Alice" which corroborates my previous theory .
"The first sonnet was written during his courtship and the second sonnet on his wedding day"
"Lady Bacon was given precedence over all other Court ladies"
Now "Bacon disinherited her upon discovering her secret romantic relationship with John Underhill. He rewrote his will, which had previously been very generous to her (leaving her lands, goods, and income), revoking it all."
As usual women dump them cos they put women on pedestal
Now u r lumping me with other so called "teenage humping" lovers but let me tell you this women may say they want men who admire them , obey them, give em roses, keep them happy which caters only good side of their emotions. But let me tell u one thing I can bet 100% that if you do the above ALL the time then she WILL lose attraction. I have continuously noticed these "nice bfs" dumped if not dumped their relationship is bland..... why cos the female subconsciously gets turned off. Why?
Let's go back to early hunter days when women needed security and food from hunters. A good hunter will provide abundant resource to woman/women and most of the time will be attracted by many women. He is in short "mating material" cos of good genes. Mating with himm will ensure she will get babies who will have high survival value over a man who cant hunt for his own.
Most women dont know about themselves, they NEED a MAN to help them explore their feminity, discover themselves and take them for a ride. She will be ready to ride if she feels a strong man and she can let her inner feminity out.
I will have to second that, people who mention all these romantic sounding things about women are obviously the ones living in a dream world, a woman wants to feel feminine, the more womanly she is and the manlier the man needed to make her feel this way, plain and simple. The average man wants to believe that women are mysterious and impossible to understand, but this is just so far from the truth. The fact of the matter is the day most men and women accept reality, which is that women want REAL men, everything will become much more simple.
Forget about finding out what women want by asking them, they don't even know it themselves! A more productive exercice is to look at the men any particular woman has been involved with, you will notice certain common traits (which are usually the direct opposite of what she will say she wants if asked) this will give you data that has much more to do with reality.
Oh by the way, I have approached and dated hundreds of women, and I always have way more than I can handle coming at me, for those who might think I've been reading Maxim of FHM a little too much.