Why Are Moderators Allowing Trolls To Dump All Over Forums?

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Why are moderators allowing trolls to dump all over forums? Feb 08, 2009
Just a question guys.

It's starkly obvious that two or three members of this website just post anti-British news articles, anything they can find about the British economy or society. It's done in a purely inflammatory way. All other forum members (of many nationalities, I can see) exist in reasonable harmony.

What does this rubbish all have to do with Dubai? What is the point of moderators? I thought this would be a great place to discuss our shared experiences of Dubai. Instead I just get the stink of these few bitter individuals everywhere, like cat urine.

I don't think 'freedom of speech' covers your over-tolerance of this baiting. To spoil the fun of the majority is 100 pct anti-social. We're in Dubai after all, anything can be censored.

As I said, just a question.

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Feb 08, 2009
Sadly, some mods want to ban, others don't! It's a problem.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 08, 2009
Frankly it's the only answer to the childishness that's going on. Under the cover of anonimity these little cowards spew their anti-western hatred unchecked. A post about cars being left at the airport turns into an anti-UK tirade. I've learned quickly that they post without logic or thought, and so I can see (as of today) there is no reasoning with such idiocy.
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Feb 08, 2009
This feels like fishing, dangle your bait in the water...one will come along in a minute and bite.... 8)
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Feb 08, 2009
Don't feed the trolls and they'll die a natural death.
Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Feb 08, 2009
yeah, some of the trolls like MB, we enjoy toying with, but most of the time if you just ignore them they get bored and move along.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 08, 2009
yep I'll cut back on the replies, but doing the 'we are so great' bit really annoys them. :angel11:
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Feb 08, 2009
Brit bashing shouldn't bother us. At lease we are realistic and take it on the nose.

Like kids post about Britain from the times. No probs, we read about it here in our papers and on the TV. He is only telling us something we already know.

On the other hand and in contrast to Dubai, we have some numpty policeman swearing to God that only 11 cars were left at the Airport and Shiek Mo told him to be honest - yea right we all believe that.

UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Feb 08, 2009
The forum is free for all to post reasonably, everyone has their own point of view and should be free to discuss that. The only point where the Moderators have to step in, is when it becomes openly abusive, which we have and are doing.
Because one or more of us do not accept another's point of view does not mean that the person should be barred from using the forum.
After all said and done freedom of speech is something that many of us are proud to uphold.
sage & onion
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Feb 08, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:yeah, some of the trolls like MB, we enjoy toying with, but most of the time if you just ignore them they get bored and move along.

Admins.....make him a MOD....will be very funny :lol: :lol: :shock: :twisted:
Dubai Expat Helper
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Feb 08, 2009
Not bloody likely!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 08, 2009
free speech

like Sage said it is something we pride ourselves on.

UaeKid and Muppetbanglyboy probably wont understand the concept of free speech in their own countries.

And Kid, before you make comment, show me an article in any Gulf Paper that makes any form of critisism of Shiek Mo and i will take back everything i said.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Feb 08, 2009
sage & onion wrote:The forum is free for all to post reasonably, everyone has their own point of view and should be free to discuss that. The only point where the Moderators have to step in, is when it becomes openly abusive, which we have and are doing.
Because one or more of us do not accept another's point of view does not mean that the person should be barred from using the forum.
After all said and done freedom of speech is something that many of us are proud to uphold.

I already said that I don't believe that freedom of speech is a valid reason to let some people hijack threads, and take them in completely another direction, which is often either specifically racially motivated, or otherwise an East vs West rant, and has NOTHING to do with the topic under discussion. On the other hand if you want to say that in the anti-western threads THEY start they are perfectly entitled to vomit their poison, OK I hear you and of course it's all your call, I imagine.

However, I usually expect mods to move threads to other forums when they have become off-TOPIC. How about a 'Embittered Muslims' forum where these posts could be sent to, that should not offend your wish to give them freedom of speech and it also means that we don't have to wade through garbage when trying to have a discussion......?

Again, just my two cents.
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Feb 08, 2009
arniegang wrote:free speech

like Sage said it is something we pride ourselves on.

UaeKid and Muppetbanglyboy probably wont understand the concept of free speech in their own countries.

And Kid, before you make comment, show me an article in any Gulf Paper that makes any form of critisism of Shiek Mo and i will take back everything i said.

Interesting, you're actually ENCOURAGING one of them by pre-empting their invective hahaha.

I'm not not attacking the style of moderating, it's your joint call, I know. I'm advocating tolerance but only within bounds which take into account the needs of the majority (as I assume them to be, I know I can only speak for myself). It's completely valid reasoning.
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Feb 08, 2009
TheChoosen wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:yeah, some of the trolls like MB, we enjoy toying with, but most of the time if you just ignore them they get bored and move along.

Admins.....make him a MOD....will be very funny :lol: :lol: :shock: :twisted:

Muppet Of Destruction?
Maniac On Diazepam?
Master Of Drivel?

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Feb 08, 2009
uaekid not replying? maybe he crashed his suzuki swift (double tinted) in a street light pole? :lol:
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Feb 08, 2009
Wow, all of this is for me, what a great thread to read with my protein shack , well I just want to get you guys in my shoes, now you know how it feels, and yes I do have the advantage cuz unlike the west, our media sucks and can't get anything from it so I can keep this going for every until someone's stops the Hatred toward my country, that’s what I'm here for after all, no one gain anything from many stupid unusable subjects a couple of ppl here posts neither.
Why is it when I only did it complains are raining on me, I know it makes the forum sucks but if this how you want it to be ,use the forum to spread your sick views of the country in this way then we all can play this dirty came, after all I'm just exercising my freedom of speech but I guess it hurts being against you .

But hey if those posts makes such a crying babies then fine I'll stop it, I don't want to add a negative atmosphere to the forum than it is already.
but be fare when you Criticizes and do not discriminate.
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Feb 08, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:yeah, some of the trolls like MB, we enjoy toying with, but most of the time if you just ignore them they get bored and move along.

ohhh com'aan baby you know you love me :wink: you know you do :oops:
and yes , I will be your toy anytime of the day. come..play me meeeaaaooo :shock:
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Feb 08, 2009
"western" ifluence already??

Dubai Expat Helper
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Feb 09, 2009
There absolutely needs to be banning on this forum. Before I didn't think so, but when you see how much crap the trolls bring to the forum, it really should be done.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Feb 09, 2009
kanelli wrote:There absolutely needs to be banning on this forum. Before I didn't think so, but when you see how much crap the trolls bring to the forum, it really should be done.

Canadian kissing brits as* :shock: that's a first
hi kanelli.. stop feeding the troll 8)

now humpy there called my posts anti-British news articles , purely inflammatory and crap it's just funny cuz you and the other Parrots did not pay attention that the articles are from the UK media if you haven't notes, but again you are brits the smart bright future of the world :roll:
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Feb 09, 2009
kanelli wrote:There absolutely needs to be banning on this forum. Before I didn't think so, but when you see how much crap the trolls bring to the forum, it really should be done.

I am having a discussion with a guy called Humbleman on another forum. We are in disagreement but it is a civilised debate. On the other hand the stupid children that just post 'Britain is getting what it deserves', and 'LOOOOOL', and spam every forum with 'just visiting' (against the rules) don't actually deserve to be allowed to join in as they have nothing to contribute, only bitterness and anger! :D
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Feb 09, 2009
MB has been temporarily banned by Admin!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 09, 2009
uaekid, what you haven't realized is that just because some of the posters criticize things that don't work, are hypocritical etc. in the UAE, doesn't mean we are Arab haters, Muslim religion and Middle East culture haters - unlike some of those who have been posting recently to say very hateful things about Westerners and non-Muslims. I don't expect you to be able to tell the difference, because you get your back up anytime there is criticism of anything UAE. The government even has rules in force in this country to stop/punish people from publishing things that bring a bad light to the UAE - so there you go, institutionalized muzzling.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Feb 09, 2009
kanelli wrote:uaekid, what you haven't realized is that just because some of the posters criticize things that don't work, are hypocritical etc. in the UAE, doesn't mean we are Arab haters, Muslim religion and Middle East culture haters - unlike some of those who have been posting recently to say very hateful things about Westerners and non-Muslims. I don't expect you to be able to tell the difference, because you get your back up anytime there is criticism of anything UAE. The government even has rules in force in this country to stop/punish people from publishing things that bring a bad light to the UAE - so there you go, institutionalized muzzling.

Kanelli, you of course are right. A people living under benevolent despotic rule do not expect to question things, they accept what is given. The notion of criticism to effect change is not known to them. They in fact are often afraid of or and violently reject 'freedom' as we know it, seing it as bad or even evil, and the necessity to complain, argue, debate with leaders is not understood. At least the UAE softens this to some extent, unlike Saudi for example, and Kuwait holds Governmental and Municipal elections for officials; while there were allegations of vote-buying, and hardly any women candicates were elected, it is a good start for democracy, if they really want it.

Let's see if uaekid can take part in an intelligent debate about this. I personally think he's only here for the wind-ups.
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Feb 09, 2009
He's definitely here for wind-ups :D
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Feb 09, 2009
am I suppose to be scared of your last post ? are threatening me ? if this is the case , I will make sure it get blocked, don't push it dear. Even though I'm against such a thing.

I never talked about others religions ,my posts are still there, you can take another look at neither I hate westerns as all, some are family members of mine and they are brit's !! and I will only speak the same language I'm spoken to.

I don't know how to say this but what is it you and the others have to do with UAE GOV ?even if it has nothing good at all, what is it you got to lose ? Either locals are happy or not, what is you involvement in the issue? and so what if our media is hiding real news ? what is it you have to do with us being accepting what we are given or not ? I don't get , is it just Curiosity Or is it a Intrusion to a one GOV interior policy ? let me know why is it you guys are involving your self in our lives?

And if you wana compare our living to yours, you know you will lose this game , we all know what is going on in UK but why would I care?

Finally don't you all see it hypocrite form your side just a bit that you don't mind all of UAE and US as long as you are getting paid and got a job, I mean you should have some principles in life not to be in a such a country !
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Feb 09, 2009
kanelli wrote:He's definitely here for wind-ups :D

hi brits kisser :lol:

get over your self dear, you are Canadian for god sack, you are not even on the western map LOOOL it is enough the millions of jokes the Americans are doing on you, I don't need to add more..get lost , I don't like you :shock:
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Feb 09, 2009
Kid what are you rambling on about? I've got no beef with you. merely passing on the info that MB is currently banned my the site Administrator! Only 2 people have the power to do that, him and one other mod, which is not me! Admin has taken the decision, based on what he has read of MB's posts.

End of.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 09, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:Kid what are you rambling on about? I've got no beef with you. merely passing on the info that MB is currently banned my the site Administrator! Only 2 people have the power to do that, him and one other mod, which is not me! Admin has taken the decision, based on what he has read of MB's posts.

End of.

You can see from above it's pure paranoia, unless I have missed some pretty abusive previous (old) posts from Westerners against the UAE as a whole, which I doubt.
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