Britain Facing Major Currency Collapse, Bankruptcy

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Feb 05, 2009
Red Chief wrote:
Speedhump wrote:Britain totally BANKRUPTED herself standing alone against Hitler after he overran the rest of Europe.

It is not funny. You are bloody cowards hided on your island until summer 1944. What do you think Hitler had been doing before?

What were your victims in the "War in Europe"?
You tell this crap me who have 2 relatives killed in that war...

Get a clue and read some books. We were forced out of Europe by Hitler advancing armies. You have heard of the evacuation of the BEF? It was only the fact that we woudn't surrender that made it impossible for Hitler to succeed in the East.

My father was on BRITISH NAVY DESTROYERS throughout the whole 39-45 war, and was torpedoed and sunk and survived twice escorting convoys relieving places like Malta and the convoys around the north or Norway.

Your knowledge of history is a complete disgrace.

I have to go out to dinner and theatre now but I'll be looking for your response.

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Feb 05, 2009
Red Chief wrote:
Speedhump wrote:Britain totally BANKRUPTED herself standing alone against Hitler after he overran the rest of Europe.

It is not funny. You are bloody cowards hided on your island until summer 1944. What do you think Hitler had been doing before?

What were your victims in the "War in Europe"?
You tell this crap me who have 2 relatives killed in that war...

Steady Chief!

The BEF (British Expeditionary Force) were the only thing standing in front of the German advance through Europe and if not for the thousands who died or were captured and sent to POW camps, the German advance would have been 10 times faster.

A large number were evacuated at Dunkirk, but we lost pretty much all our hardware and weapons as it had to be abandoned. If Operation Sealion (the planned invasion of England from Calais) had gone ahead, it is likely that we would have had a very hard time holding them back.

It was due to the inability of the Luftwaffe to gain absolute air superiority in the summer of 1943 due to the efforts of the RAF, which consisted of pilots from over 25 different nationalities including Poles, Czechs, Russians and even a Sikh, that Hitler abandoned Operation Sealion and concentrated his attention on the Russian front.

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour was dire yet fortuitous as it meant the US had a legitimate reason to enter the European theatre.

Interestingly, in the 1970's a computer simulation wargame was played that used the exact parameters found at the time in the UK and Europe. The Luftwaffe were actually guided by Adolf Galland, who was a commander in the war and it proved that the operation would have had a measure of success but that they would never have progressed with the invasion past the Thames. The supply chain became too stretched and fragile and the advance troops could never be supplied in sufficient quantity.

8) 8) 8)

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Feb 05, 2009
Read books youself after heavy meal...
I don't need them to know that major bloody battles of the "War in Europe" took place on the Eastern Front.
Read something about a 900 days siege of S. Petersburg when more one million civilians had starved to death, Stalingrad battle and tank's battle near Kursk...

Do you remember who was the first in Berlin after Britain totally BANKRUPTED herself standing alone against Hitler.?

I feel really sorry for a few thousand British victims...
Red Chief
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Feb 05, 2009
Red Chief wrote:Read books youself after heavy meal...
I don't need them to know that major bloody battles of the "War in Europe" took place on the Eastern Front.
Read something about a 900 days siege of S. Petersburg when more one million civilians had starved to death, Stalingrad battle and tank's battle near Kursk...

Do you remember who was the first in Berlin after Britain totally BANKRUPTED herself standing alone against Hitler.?

I feel really sorry for a few thousand British victims...

A few thousand brit victims :o :o

i think you had better read your history books again
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Feb 05, 2009
Sorry Arnie, I was under impression of Knight's story...

the thousands who died or were captured and sent to POW camps, the German advance would have been 10 times faster.

The strict amount varies from 25 to 35 million...Oh, sorry again. They were not Brits.
Red Chief
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Feb 05, 2009
Red Chief wrote:Sorry Arnie, I was under impression of Knight's story...

the thousands who died or were captured and sent to POW camps, the German advance would have been 10 times faster.

The strict amount varies from 25 to 35 million...Oh, sorry again. They were not Brits.

Now I get it. RED Chief. Have you heard of theatres of war? There were more than one, chumski. Where were your bloody soldiers when the Japs were putting Pacific Islanders and Burmese to hideous death then? Didn't get involved in that one? The greatest empire in the world did though. Sorry we missed your eastern front, we might have been a bit stretched already....

By the way, you commies were totally uninterested in the War in Europe as it rolled over France, Netherlands, Denmark, Greece, etc. (Communist hatred of Democracy being the main factor). You didn't think Hitler was going to crush you, so you turned a blind eye to the devastation until it was too late. The Western Front collapsed after we were forced out of France (because of your total indolence) and so Hitler had afterwards far more forces to direct against you. Who's to blame then?

Stop to think before you get your soapbox out next time. And be careful of those 'oh so factual' Russian history books, they must read like Tin Tin Goes To War.

...must stop starting sentences with 'And'... this damn internet has a lot to answer for.
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Feb 05, 2009
all of this human lost for nothing gained
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Feb 06, 2009
Your speech shows only how ignorant/or careless you are about the rest of the World if you can forget millions people who died stopping Hitler's army...
Red Chief
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Feb 06, 2009
I hear war all day long, so please stop the talk about Hitler OK.

Its getting on my nerves...virtually I suppose ;)
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Feb 06, 2009
Red Chief
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Feb 06, 2009
OK Robby we should close this thread then. Noone truly human believes that war is good, and we mourn the real people that die, whatever nationality. Nobody forgets them, it's just ridiculous to say that.

But if you don't look at and learn from history it will always repeat itself, don't forget that. These things can't just be put away.

I'm done here.
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Feb 06, 2009
Hey hey UK saved the world today
Everybody's happy now
The bad things gone away
And everybody's happy now
The good thing's here to stay
Please let it stay
Red Chief
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Feb 06, 2009
as I said, I really don't intend to talk to an idiot whose only need is to say 'more of us died than you'. OK, well done, gold star, go away.
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Feb 06, 2009
To end this;

Make love, not war people...
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Feb 07, 2009
smoggie wrote:we built the greatest empire the world has ever seen!
Everybody loves to hate us but secretly they want to be us!!

why did we ever give this place back to these people?

The west didn’t just give back the colonies they occupied..

After 1914 series of world events took place that gradually undermined the west’s global domination.
the great economic depression of 1920’s,
devastating economic and political affects of WWI..
Bolshevik tendency (origins during 1800, growth during 1920-1930’s) that was spreading among the colonies that created the fear of communism for the west with its economic doctrine
-power to the worker
- land to the tiller
By and large, the colonies obtained independence through a combination of nationalist movements and Europe’s weakness following WW II.
Post war Britain and France were the first European powers to get out from their colonial territories –although not peacefully-
It was an inevitable historical process that fallowed which the colonial powers couldn’t suppress.

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Feb 07, 2009
Britain did hand over power to national parties peacefully. the nationalist movements had existed for long beforehand in India and Egypt (the two main countries you are considering concerning the UK I imagine). The main reason for getting out was the financial burden which Empire imposed, and which as you say was no longer affordable after WWII. You should not believe that, say in India, after over three hundred years of overseas rule a nationalist party suddenly became victorious through it's own merits, and it did not even represent the whole nation. Ghandi was a powerful force I agree, his main strength was in in the way he treated with the UK. He was a true statesman, but the fact that the serious talks on India's independance came immediately after WWII should tell you that British financial constraints and not his movement was the driving force. As always in this world 'money talks'.

Egypt was different, during the inter-war free operation of the Suez Canal was seen as immensely important to the ability of the West to keep world order (sounds highhanded, and it was), and Britain was very loath to relinquish control to Egypt where the operation of democratic government looked very unlikely to succeeed a British withdrawal. Even after handover in the twenties Britain maintained an immense amount of political clout until the 1950's.

Any violent nationalist parties were always put down by the introduction of martial law. It was no different in Egypt, except really the will (and money) to maintain Empire was gone. handover was inevitable.
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Feb 07, 2009
postscript: Britain was a disillusioned nation after the second war, the free world had triumphed but the UK was absolutely bankrupt, and this for a nation that never gave up her independence! Some food rationing was still in force 10 years later. The 1950's were very austere years.

I think, as I said above, the will to (or belief in) Empire finished right there, except in the heads of a few. Of course, the physical process of divestment of her territiories had started quite a bit earlier. Interesting stuff!
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Feb 07, 2009
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Feb 07, 2009
More Western 'advancements' and highly sophisticated economic policy at work :lol:
US suffers biggest job losses since 1974

Iceland: downfall of 'a foolish little nation'
The shockwaves from the country's economic implosion are being felt in Britain, but the effects are far worse at home
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Feb 07, 2009
*yawn* Just like the rest of the world. Seems like a lot of your countrymen are going to be out of work then. Maybe UK will have to close the towns of Walsall, Birmingham, Coventry, Wolverhampton, etc.....the list goes on, and your BROTHERS then will go home and take their freeloading aunties, cousins, sisters, grandparents too....?

Let them try to come here, will they be given houses, education, medical care, social care, and MONEY, here?

Tell me truthfully, how many Bangla's do you know that live in the UK. You're biting the hand that feeds them, do you know that BROTHER?
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Feb 07, 2009
Speedhump wrote:*yawn* Just like the rest of the world. Seems like a lot of your countrymen are going to be out of work then. Maybe UK will have to close the towns of Walsall, Birmingham, Coventry, Wolverhampton, etc.....the list goes on, and your BROTHERS then will go home and take their freeloading aunties, cousins, sisters, grandparents too....?

Let them try to come here, will they be given houses, education, medical care, social care, and MONEY, here?

Tell me truthfully, how many Bangla's do you know that live in the UK. You're biting the hand that feeds them, do you know that BROTHER?

Banglas cant be sacked....only sold :lol: :lol: :lol:
Dubai Expat Helper
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Feb 07, 2009
Speedhump wrote:*yawn* Just like the rest of the world. Seems like a lot of your countrymen are going to be out of work then. Maybe UK will have to close the towns of Walsall, Birmingham, Coventry, Wolverhampton, etc.....the list goes on, and your BROTHERS then will go home and take their freeloading aunties, cousins, sisters, grandparents too....?

Let them try to come here, will they be given houses, education, medical care, social care, and MONEY, here?

Tell me truthfully, how many Bangla's do you know that live in the UK. You're biting the hand that feeds them, do you know that BROTHER?

I am not from the UK, nor did I ever receive any money from the UK. OTOH it was the British that STOLE resources from Bengal and got rich along the way.

If there was ever a case of 'biting the hands that feed you', the Brits personify it.

You stole Bangladesh and many other countries' resources and STILL are facing a crunch. It's time for ecstasy and jubilation, my earlier response was rather muted in comparison actually.

what a moron brit
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Feb 07, 2009
TheChoosen wrote:
Speedhump wrote:*yawn* Just like the rest of the world. Seems like a lot of your countrymen are going to be out of work then. Maybe UK will have to close the towns of Walsall, Birmingham, Coventry, Wolverhampton, etc.....the list goes on, and your BROTHERS then will go home and take their freeloading aunties, cousins, sisters, grandparents too....?

Let them try to come here, will they be given houses, education, medical care, social care, and MONEY, here?

Tell me truthfully, how many Bangla's do you know that live in the UK. You're biting the hand that feeds them, do you know that BROTHER?

German women cant be sacked....only sold :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Feb 07, 2009
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Feb 07, 2009
Is that who stole your german women from you?
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Feb 07, 2009
muslimbangladeshi wrote:Is that who stole your german women from you?

IDIOT, i´m married to an african LADY, you to your Goat :lol: :lol:
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Feb 07, 2009
muslimbangladeshi wrote:
Speedhump wrote:*yawn* Just like the rest of the world. Seems like a lot of your countrymen are going to be out of work then. Maybe UK will have to close the towns of Walsall, Birmingham, Coventry, Wolverhampton, etc.....the list goes on, and your BROTHERS then will go home and take their freeloading aunties, cousins, sisters, grandparents too....?

Let them try to come here, will they be given houses, education, medical care, social care, and MONEY, here?

Tell me truthfully, how many Bangla's do you know that live in the UK. You're biting the hand that feeds them, do you know that BROTHER?

I am not from the UK, nor did I ever receive any money from the UK. OTOH it was the British that STOLE resources from Bengal and got rich along the way.

If there was ever a case of 'biting the hands that feed you', the Brits personify it.

You stole Bangladesh and many other countries' resources and STILL are facing a crunch. It's time for ecstasy and jubilation, my earlier response was rather muted in comparison actually.

what a moron brit

Your command of English is not good, I did not say that you were in the UK, I think you know that, and are deliberately evading answering my point. Do try again, we are talking about your loving relatives, not you.

I won't repeat here at length what I have said elsewhere, but if it were not for the UK's and other allied nations' actions, your tiny country would long ago been under the boot of the Chinese. Try to be at least a little grateful.

Moronic? Haha, as I told you before, you have no clue about how the world works.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Feb 07, 2009
TheChoosen wrote:
muslimbangladeshi wrote:Is that who stole your german women from you?

IDIOT, i´m married to an african LADY, you to your Goat :lol: :lol:

So your german women was stolen from you after all. I sense resentment from a *goat* (is that what you called yourself?).
Dubai chat master
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Feb 07, 2009
Why are the German goat lovers posting their drivel here?
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Feb 07, 2009
Speedhump wrote:Your command of English is not good, I did not say that you were in the UK, I think you know that, and are deliberately evading answering my point. Do try again, we are talking about your loving relatives, not you.

NONE of my relatives are in the UK either. What a limey tosser!

I won't repeat here at length what I have said elsewhere, but if it were not for the UK's and other allied nations' actions, your tiny country would long ago been under the boot of the Chinese. Try to be at least a little grateful.

How so? If not for the Brits, the Mughals would have probably continued to rule.

Moronic? Haha, as I told you before, you have no clue about how the world works.

Says a person who claims I am biting the hand that feeds me when I point out realities of UK when I am not from the UK nor received any money EVER from the UK.
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