Boycott Israeli Goods

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Jan 26, 2009
muslimbangladeshi wrote:I take it you are a moron who has an eerie love for animals we humans can't comprehend

On topic: boycott zionist products.

For ever!

Boycott Mumblingbangabumboy posts!

For ever!

:roll: :roll: :roll:


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Jan 26, 2009
You mean new topics posts, or all contributions??

I liked to slap him with vid's...make him jiggle a bit on his crapheap.

Well, ok I ignore the fooker from now on. Ya got my word for it...
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Jan 27, 2009
rudeboy wrote:
naruto wrote:i was looking for some1 who said ..nevermind ..anyway i agree with my brothers ...we should do something to help our brothers and sisters

lol if you really want to do something pull the plug on the oil supply see how they come begging to u ;) but i guess that wont happen and we all know why ;).

lol.. yea im doing for the oil im not the ruler here
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Jan 28, 2009
You need to boycott USA and ensure its economy crashes, that's right crashes not merely declines but crashes!

This will ensure the Zionists' only benefactor, only source of aid, is no more existent.

Zionists themselves have no economy to talk of. It's mostly based on asking for aid from Westerners mainly the leader of the West, USA.
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Feb 01, 2009
I've seen a lot of these boycott this and boycott that mails.

Honestly do not see any sense in this.

If you boycott any product I can only say that you will be the loser. If you buy something right now - its probably because you like it and value it more than other similar brands. If you boycott, means you are ready to replace it with a lower quality product - applies to you, your kids. IS that really what you want?

And why would you boycott only supermarket products? why not boycott life saving medicines too? Or is this an exception?
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Feb 01, 2009
Because they're only willing to give up what they can do without.What they can't do without is cars, computers, electrical appliances etc etc
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 01, 2009
welcome to japan :lol:
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Feb 02, 2009
Not all medicines or cars come from the State, you know. Western countries are diverse in term of cultures, languages and how they think. The Canadian don’t think as the Americans do for certain, or the English and the French - they often don’t get along, I know that from first-hand experience. So lets not forget that the West isn't one country, it’s rather a large continent divided to different countries.

Every human with humane conscience would boycott those murders’ goods in any way he/she can. So if you don’t have that conscience, then please stop telling us what we need to do.

I’d forgive someone who lives in the West if they’d be indifferent or ignorant to what’s happening to the Palestinian people, but for someone who lives in the UAE which would gets good exposure to the truth of the conflict, but yet still indifferent to the Palestinians’ suffering, I’d think he/she is either pro-Zionist or hate the Arabs and Muslims and therefore okay with Israel’s crime against helpless, powerless and starving Palestinians people.

In this forum so far, I hardly have come across a Westerner who rationally criticize Israel’s occupation of Palestine’s territory, Syrian’s territory etc. Or the massacre of over 1300 people half of them children and women just over 21 days, or the refugees whom kicked out by those murders from their own country and replaced by settlers, and thereafter denied their right of return. The only mistake that the Palestinians have done has been fighting and asking for their rights and lands back.

My questions to you are this:
What is it that stopping you from speaking against the oppressors?
What is it that has been keeping you silent? Please tell me I am very confused.

Aren’t those murders are the one who occupying the Palestinians lands? Put yourself into those Palestinians shoes for a second., wouldn't you fight to get your freedom, dignity, lands, and rights back?

I remember an English MP from England’s parliament wanted to understand why Palestinians commit a suicide , so she went for a visit to Palestine, and when she came back to England she asked about her reaction, she unwittingly said “I’d do the same thing if I were living in the way the Palestinians lives”. Her innocent outburst put her into trouble and got dismissed from the Parliament.

So for those Arabs, Muslims and those people with fair and awaken conscience, my questions to you are:
What is your answer to the Palestinians’ suffering?
What’s your answer to those children and women whom huddled together in the hope to avoid those murders’ hi-tech weapons, just to be killed later by them?

My friends, the least we can do to those voiceless people is to boycott those Israel’s products and their companies in the US that export their goods.

Lets’ start with those poisonous fast/junk foods, Pizza Hutt, KFC, MacDonald, Burger King, Wendy’s, Coke Cola and its sub-drinks. Don’t think for a moment that these establishments owned by local, no my friend, they are franchised. This means the margin profit goes to fund those murders’ activities.

For more conclusive list please visit,
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Feb 02, 2009
Humbleman wrote:I’d forgive someone who lives in the West if they’d be indifferent or ignorant to what’s happening to the Palestinian people, but for someone who lives in the UAE which would gets good exposure to the truth of the conflict, but yet still indifferent to the Palestinians’ suffering, I’d think he/she is either pro-Zionist or hate the Arabs and Muslims and therefore okay with Israel’s crime against helpless, powerless and starving Palestinians people.

My questions to you are this:
What is it that stopping you from speaking against the oppressors? What is it that has been keeping you silent? Please tell me I am very confused.

For more conclusive list please visit,

Yeah buddy, UAE is ~ 2000km away, so I dont know you are able to get "good exposure to the truth of the conflict". Most News agencies (intl & local) are all biased so I wouldnt go by them either.

Whatever it is, I would be sympathetic to victims on both sides of the conflict. A human being is after all a human being, a child - a child.

If you make a statement about boycotting be consistent. There are some which patented in the US and would not be able to get anywhere else.
I would like to see you boycott things like important life saving drugs from the US - trust me you wouldnt.

If you are really confused over nothing, you seem to have some serious issues you need to get resolved first. :-)
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Feb 02, 2009
michaeldubai wrote:
Humbleman wrote:I’d forgive someone who lives in the West if they’d be indifferent or ignorant to what’s happening to the Palestinian people, but for someone who lives in the UAE which would gets good exposure to the truth of the conflict, but yet still indifferent to the Palestinians’ suffering, I’d think he/she is either pro-Zionist or hate the Arabs and Muslims and therefore okay with Israel’s crime against helpless, powerless and starving Palestinians people.

My questions to you are this:
What is it that stopping you from speaking against the oppressors? What is it that has been keeping you silent? Please tell me I am very confused.

For more conclusive list please visit,

Yeah buddy, UAE is ~ 2000km away, so I dont know you are able to get "good exposure to the truth of the conflict". Most News agencies (intl & local) are all biased so I wouldnt go by them either.

Whatever it is, I would be sympathetic to victims on both sides of the conflict. A human being is after all a human being, a child - a child.

If you make a statement about boycotting be consistent. There are some which patented in the US and would not be able to get anywhere else.
I would like to see you boycott things like important life saving drugs from the US - trust me you wouldnt.

If you are really confused over nothing, you seem to have some serious issues you need to get resolved first. :-)

Nope, I have no issues at all, am a guy who loves peace and appreciate all human kinds regardless. However, I’m extremely intolerant to discrimination and injustice, and yes, I will never hesitate for a second to help the helpless or defend the powerless.

My friend, if I was in Dubai and saw someone beats the heck out of you for no reason, you bet I’ll be there in your side – that’s who I am.

Because I fully knew the history and the underline issues of the conflict I therefore support what’s right and fair. Israel must get out of Palestine lands and stays within its borders that sat by the UN if it wants the Palestine to stop resisting. Or embrace the Arab Peace Initiative, or the UN Peace Initiative, or the French Peace Initiative – to your knowledge Israel has brushed all of them aside.

I don’t hate the real Jewish people who want peace. I only hate injustice and the violation of human right which Israel has been doing for so many years against the Palestine on daily basis.

If you really want to know the truth to the conflict, then there are nobles writers from the West and from all over the world who wrote impartial books about the conflict, it won’t cost you much if pay a visit when you are free to a bookshop and have a read.

Aljazeera English TV and website are probably the best of the herd.
Their website

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Feb 03, 2009
By the way Humble, what kind of computer are you using? What kind of processor? Do you like movies? Ever used Google lately? What about your clothing? What about this language you're speaking? It is English indeed, but the Americans made it the language of reference in business... Good luck boycotting the US...

Also you're not even allowed to enter the UAE with a Israeli stamp on your passport.... How are Israeli products supposed to get here?

PS Robbi, you are saying that the Israeli always mention the Holocaust every time there is a threat... The reverse is true, see how you end your post by threatening them to end up in the same situation they were... Also people routinely call them nazis...

Israel response was cruel, disproportionate and discussing; Many people demonstrated in "Western" countries to show their support of the Palestinians... Traditionally, the "west wing" european countries are more inclined to support Palestine.

Humble, things are not as simple as the Israeli saying "holocaust" and all the Western nations just turning away... Alliances do matter, and it is not about Palestine only, but the countries supporting Palestine at large... Here comes Iran and Syria...

The ME affairs are complicated and tragic... It is like watching a bunch of angry children who would have been given weapons... I don't see how peace will ever come in this region... Hate calls for more hate, blood is met with blood, the children are dying miserable...

I would also like to point out the dire conditions in which most populations live, and the total despair that is their reality. In these countries, few men live like Kings next to men reduced to the fate of dogs. I think this should be mentioned as well... What opportunities do these people have? Can you truly hope to shape a different future for yourself? I think education/wellfare would be a good start to end this tragedy. War is a bearable alternative when the other options are bleak.

Muslimbangladeshi, if you can do without westerners, good luck to you...
I am actually surprised you can stand living in Dubai with so many of these westerners - and being on an english-speaking forum as well... Might want to nuke them too? Seems hard to have a combined Islamic army when different branches of Islam are fighting each other. What about Bangladesh and the series of coups between 1971 and 1996 > still talking unity here?

As long as we don't get out of this simplistic "let's kill them all" approach, there won't be any resolution to this problem...
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Feb 03, 2009
wow! that's a real good one Nessie
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Feb 03, 2009
Good post Nessie!

The analogy of 'angry kids with weapons' is so true. The problem is also one of 'vendetta'. Memories run deep in the region and a feud of this scale creates a viscious sycle of hatred.

The Irish problem in the UK was only recently resolved, however there were issues and bad blood brought to the surface that dated back to the times of Elizabeth I. I mean this was 800 years ago!

There is no easy solution to this problem and it is not something that the UN can step in and sort out. They would just put those innocent personnel in a pointless position of being targets for both sides.

It has to be resolved through diplomatic negotiations. But who will be the one to take the baton is yet to be decided.

:( :( :(

Dubai Knight
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Feb 03, 2009
Good post Nessie971

First of all let me answer the first part of your post.
My computer is an Acer brand which is made in Taiwan.
Acer is the third largest computer manufacturer in the world by sales, and its product line-up includes desktops and laptops, as well as personal digital assistants, servers and storage, displays, peripherals, and e-business services for business, government, education, and home users. Not to mention, IBM is Chinese owned now so there you have it.

Word Process
I bought the latest replica of Microsoft Office from Hong Kong for only HK$50 – it’s absolutely the same as the original one. Do I feel guilty, no - the original one is unreasonably expensive.

My clothes:
They are good quality and they all made in China, in fact the majority of the population in Australia and New Zealand are wearing clothes that made in China, they are affordable and good to wear.

The English language:
Well we all know that the English language is the language of English people – so respect to the Britz. I’d appreciate it if someone could educate me on how the English language has became the spoken language of the American people.

Look, am not saying we should boycott all American companies, not at all. There are so many descent Americans whom no doubt would stand up against the oppressor and support what’s right and fair. I’m only saying we need to boycott the Israeli’s goods to make a stand against those murderers. Yes, some of them are manufactured in the State. However, the ordinary people world wide are more sophisticated than ever to pin down who owned a certain company, thus, people more than ever can be more specific in their boycott.

I think you are absolutely right when you said it comes down to alliance. The US has been using Israel as a radar to keep watching over its interests in the Middle East, and Israel on the other hand has been using the US’s weapon and money to establish itself at the expense of the Palestinians people.

Here is some fact about how Hamas came about.

According to the United Nations, the poverty rate, defined as those living off less than $1.60 a day, climbed to 64 percent in the Occupied Territories in 2005. Impoverishment of the Palestinians has produced new populations that need assistance just to sustain life. These new groups currently include landowners, shopkeepers, and those whose homes have been demolished by Israeli bulldozers.

As Israel destroyed the infrastructure of existence in the territories, it also engendered an institutional vacuum by targeting the Palestinian Authority. Hamas took advantage of these dire developments and used them as an opportunity to promote its own agenda.

People who voted for Hamas emphasize not only the heroic acts of its combatants, but also its reputation for clean conduct, modesty, and honesty, which have been pointedly contrasted with the corruption of the Palestinian Authority. Many of its followers do not subscribe to religious fundamentalism, but rather support the organization due to its pragmatic approach characterized by support for the short-term objective of a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, while still maintaining the long-term goal of establishing a Palestinian state and a solution to the Palestinian refugee problem

Most importantly, perhaps, Hamas acquired much of its political credit from its charity and social service networks. It built kindergartens and schools (that offer free meals for children), education centers for women, and youth and sports clubs. Its medical clinics provide subsidized treatment to the sick and the organization extends financial and technical assistance to those whose homes had been demolished as well as to refugees living in sub-standard conditions.

In other words, Hamas was elected not only because it is considered an alternative to the corrupt Palestinian Authority, but also because Israel created the conditions that made it an indispensable social movement.

I sometime wondered why Hitler targeted the Jewish people in particular, what ignited him against the Jewish people at first. I’m just curious, wish I could know.
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Feb 03, 2009
thanks humbleman for the info on hamas
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Feb 03, 2009
The Jews were hated by the germans because of their success in society, job, soical life, etc. Just like how now there is a resistance in most countries against expats who come and do well in their countries - while the natives suffer. Hitler, from a poor background, hated that.

Basically the Nazis hated anyone who they felt were against their regime. So although jews were a majority there were other minorities as well. Hitler also felt the true blooded Germans were a superior race compared to other humans. That said, any community's success in society does not warrant the kind the treatment that was handed out to the Jews. Lets just say that the incidents, pictures of which you see forwarded through emails and wenbsites and newspapers nowadays is nothing compared to the atrocities committed against the Jews in history.
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Feb 03, 2009
The English language arrived in America, because the Pilgrim Fathers/Mothers or Puritans, who were made to feel unwelcome in England set sail on the Mayflower from Plymouth, Devon in 1620 for the New World.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 04, 2009
Just a detail.. Humble, when you see Made in China on clothing, it doesn't mean that the company is Chinese... Banana Republic has Made in China labels for example...

You also wrote that IBM is Chinese owned... What are you referring to?
IBM ownership is 60% institutional, the top 10 owners owning 22%. Among them, State Street Global, Barclays, Vanguard, Northern Trust... I'd like to know more about that.

The English is the language of the English people... I was pointing out the fact that Americans made English the universal language of business. It is because Americans were speaking English that the language became so important... My mention of language was orientated toward people on this post - especially one lol - who considers everything Western as evil... Stopping posting in English would seem like a good start ;)...

I totally understand what you're saying about boycotting, a way to do something I guess...

Regarding Hamas, it is interesting to note that the Hizbullah used the same methods, and got its popular support through building and financing schools, reconstruction help, and other social efforts.

The apparent wealth and success of Jews is one explanation. One can also say that Europeans didn't mix with the Jews. They historically were isolated... People had no or little interaction with them and they became scapegoats... Some of Hitler's top followers - Goebbels, for example - had also a hatred of German aristocracy. For political reason, this was dropped, and the Jews became the point of focus.

As of today, there is still no better way to have a nation come together than a shared - irrational - hatred.
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Feb 04, 2009
True Nessie.

Nothing unites a nation like a good war. Read '1984' by George Orwell or 'Starship Troopers' by Robert A Heinlein for examples.

:( :( :(

Dubai Knight
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Feb 04, 2009
Nessie971 wrote, “Everything Western as evil”

Who said that? I’ve been very specific with most of my posts. Again, I find it stupid when people think of the West as one country or one culture.

I have all respect for all cultures, whether it is a Western one or Asian or alien.

Mate, I think Muslim Bangladeshi got into your head, lol.

I used the English language and two other languages to interact with more people and enjoy life, these languages have helped to make decent friends from all over the world, and achieve most of my goals quicker than I would’ve otherwise. People who speak more than one language are certainly more marketable in this global world. I feel sorry for those people who keep to their groups or feel isolated just because of their incompetent ability to learn a local language. Hope you are not one of them hehehehe.

In regard to IBM
China's Lenovo Group has completed its $1.75 billion purchase of IBM's PC division in 2005, creating the world's third-largest PC maker
Link: ... 173679.htm

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Feb 04, 2009
Nessie971 wrote:By the way Humble, what kind of computer are you using? What kind of processor? Do you like movies? Ever used Google lately? What about your clothing? What about this language you're speaking? It is English indeed, but the Americans made it the language of reference in business... Good luck boycotting the US...

Also you're not even allowed to enter the UAE with a Israeli stamp on your passport.... How are Israeli products supposed to get here?

:lol: :lol:
English language made by Americans?
Sorry it's just way too funny to ignore although it wasn't directed at me.

Muslimbangladeshi, if you can do without westerners, good luck to you...I am actually surprised you can stand living in Dubai with so many of these westerners - and being on an english-speaking forum as well... Might want to nuke them too? Seems hard to have a combined Islamic army when different branches of Islam are fighting each other. What about Bangladesh and the series of coups between 1971 and 1996 > still talking unity here?

You'd be more surprised to know I am NOT in Dubai as many a moderator has ascertained earlier (most of them Western).

Different 'branches' of Islam aren't fighting each other except due to western (nonmuslim) devious schemes and deceptive propaganda.

1971-1976 is far beyond us, as it's 2009 in the CE now. So no thanks for your trying-to-be-a-smart-aleck like comment, since you don't know any thing on the reality of Bangladesh. The vast majority of Bangladeshi Muslims will gladly accept greater cooperation and union with our brotherly countries in general.

As long as we don't get out of this simplistic "let's kill them all" approach, there won't be any resolution to this problem...

As long as Palestinians, Arabs and other Muslims are split into separate units, fractured, disunited, there will be no peace. Only way to ensure peace is to have enough 'firepower' at your disposal to deter the enemy.

The enemy that has killed, maimed, wounded and hurt millions upon millions of innocents- not to mention the huge list of crimes that they have committed - has to be confronted and defeated.

This is a priority for the Ummah to unite so the enemy is put in its place.
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Feb 04, 2009
ha ha! So muslimbangladeshi continues to speak for fellow Muslim Bangladeshis. I bet they would be thrilled to be associated with an escaped mental patient. :lol:

Would you stop posting and leave the forum already. You are wasting everyone's time with your rubbish anti-West hatred. Take a hike!
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Feb 04, 2009
Don't spoil this thread immoral lewd Westerner. Leave all your rubbish remarks in 'fight club' thread.
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Feb 04, 2009
You've spoiled the thread already. LEAVE the forum.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Feb 04, 2009
Humbleman wrote:
In regard to IBM
China's Lenovo Group has completed its $1.75 billion purchase of IBM's PC division in 2005, creating the world's third-largest PC maker
Link: ... 173679.htm


This is another example of how far China, Japan and Korea has progressed especially in economy, industry, science and technology. Japan has been a major powerhouse for decades but Korea and now China is rapidly climbing up the ranks into world's premier powerhouses.

I feel slightly sad that Muslim countries and citizens dont see that the only way to retain a strong voice in global affairs, to have a strong say in global affairs is by having a large 'size'.

All the future prospective 'powerhouses' of the world are enormous in size. No Muslim country has a huge population like China nor area like Russia.
If we unite, we would be larger than Russia in area and greater than China in population.

With growing investments into economy, infrastructure, science and technology along the lines of Islamic finance and Shariah compliant banking, we will Inshallah emerge the strongest of the world's powers. Alas while Islamic banking's popularity is growing in Bangladesh, other Muslim countries and some nonmuslim countries I believe, many a Muslim leader are vehemently working against this cause as they act in the interest of the anglo/ zionist /western groups who only seek further angst amongst our brothers and sisters of the Ummah.

Look at how those Orientals are racing ahead in building automobiles, semi conductor industrial outputs, PCs/notebooks/etc, mobile phones and other electronic items. Malaysia and Indonesia (due to geographical location) amongst Muslim countries also caught that 'fever' and joined the race. That's good.

I hope Muslim countries, the richer ones mostly but also the poorer ones, join hands in building more electronic items, more advanced products and excel and beat the Orientals. We need to learn much from them too. BTW Orientals also have Muslims like the Malaysians, Indonesians, some Chinese, even a few rare Koreans and so on. So it's not entirely mutually exclusive.
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