Driving down a small road in Satwa with speed bumps, in the headlightsI see a small red Toyota in front of me stopped in the middle of the road, I assume he is slowing right down to cross a speed bump. The drivers door opens and I notice what looks like a supermarket carrier bag in the road right by the door. The driver looks at it, then drives over it.
To my horror, I realise it is a small sandy brown dog!! The dog is left writhing in the street and he drives off. I got his registration number.I stop as do a couple who were walking down the road and offer assistance, but there is little we can do for the poor little pooch, which was obviously a pet, well fed, well groomed and cared for but with no collar on. He expired there on the tarmac.
The couple live locally and say they often see the dog being walked by its owner and was a very friendly, harmless animal. After carrying the remains to the side of the road (amid a crown of gawping onlookers) it turns out that the guy had initially hit the dog and it was obviously injured as it lay under the car, but possibly not too seriously as it had been a glancing blow. His driving over the animal just finished the job for sure.
I took off down the road and managed to catch up with him at a junction, flashing my lights and sounding my horn, I pulled up behind him and jumped out. He was on the phone and seemed totally unconcerned about what had just happened. There was blood and dog faeces all over the rear wheel of his car. I banged on his window and asked him why he hadn't stopped after deliberately killing the dog and the cheeky a*shole started to say that he not seen a dog or run over one! he kept his doors locked and the window only open a tiny crack.
Unfortunately, the junction was too busy for me to stop and do what my instincts were telling me and he was able to slide off into the traffic.
He has been reported to Dubai Police however the chances of them following it up are slim as the dog was not identifiable with an id tag.
To anyone who possibly might know or come across this murdering bastard...his registration number is Dubai plate J988227, a maroon red Toyota Yaris. Be assured, if I see him again on the streets, the blood will flow and it will be his!!
I have specifically omitted to state his ethnic origins, however it is clear that life is cheap and expendable where he comes from.
