Your 2009 Horoscop

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Your 2009 Horoscop Jan 23, 2009
So do you guys believe on that

let s have a look and tell me if your year started as they said or not:


2009 will be a mixed year. You will begin the year with anxiety as well as sudden changes in career as well as personal life. The positive trends would increase after May 2009 commences and the year will become positive as it progresses.
As the year opens up you might feel low on energy and less confident than usual. This low phase will continue till the 9th February 2009 after which you would be firing on all cylinders.

Personally you would find the period 28th January 2009 to 10th April 2009 and then 17th August to 5th October 2009 as period of high confidence and action

Aries 2009 Love / Marriage Horoscope:
Love and marriage would be eventful in 2009 during February, March and April. Despite a higher level of activity, you will not find a major trigger in love life which could move forward a commitment till the end April 2009.

2009 would be a more productive and gainful year in comparison to 2008.

You will find your luck and opportunities that would present themselves would be more vibrant and higher this year.

The year would be most noticeable for some major changes in your temperament and the way you think between 7 th March 2009 and 19 th April 2009 . Thinking could turn more emotional, reckless and your affections/ social instincts could predominate.

Taurus 2009 Love / Marriage Horoscope:
Love life would be high on your agenda throughout in the first half of the year. There would be a need to be in the company of the love one and regular socializing till May end 2009.


2009 would be a positive year still although level of hurdles would seem to rise as the year commences.

There could be a dip in personal relations and status overall between January and April 2009. You will find sudden unexpected events will take place during this period which could impact life out of the blue.

Domestic life and career would be impacted most. Relations with siblings could take a down turn as soon as the year starts and there will be issues till the 17 th May 2009 . Overall rapport would improve from 10 th September 2009 .

Gemini 2009 Love / Marriage Horoscope:

2009 would not be an easy month in love and marriage matters. There will be a rush of events which you might not be prepared for as the year opens.

Subconscious could be disturbed and unreliable till October 2009 due to which decision making in love life and marriage could be unreliable.

November 2009 onwards your thinking will be unstable and confusion in area of relationships could come up.

A new person could come up on the horizon which could bring confusion and distance in existing relationships. Period of caution after November 2009 overall.

Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 23, 2009

2009 Would be a positive year. As you find the year progressing there will be gradual improvements over the last two years. You will find new opportunities in career as well as better luck. Some unexpected and sudden events could take place till the end of April 2009 in marital matters as well as career, if you are in business.

If unmarried, there could be sudden marriage opportunity in the first four months. You should weigh your options well as this could be a hasty decision which you could regret in the long term. The opportunities if it does not materialize could pause after May 2009 starts and could come back with a lot of intensity after you have had an opportunity to rethink once August 2009 starts. Thereafter very high chances will exist till 17 th October 2009 and still good chances till 20 th December 2009 .

Cancer 2009 Love / Marriage Horoscope:

2009 would be quite an eventful year. You will find sudden and unexpected events would occur in love life as well as marital matters, if you are married.


2009 would be an eventful year for you although there would be some rise in hurdles in comparison to last two years. You still run a powerful phase, although there would be personal pressures at all times. Family life, marital matters, joint areas of work as well as personal life could be trying till the 17 th of May 2009 .

You will find your focus would be high but dealing with work pressures as well as people around you will rise.
Work environment will change rapidly and you will not be able to do much. It would be useful to go with the flow and not create too many hurdles in the process of change. The overall scenario will turn good after May 2009 commences.

Leo 2009 Love / Marriage Horoscope:

The focus and emphasis would move away from love and marriage towards more of work and career.

Relationships during this year will be on a lower priority except between May 2009 and July 2009, when there will be a sudden move towards commitment.

Unmarried people could move towards marriage and commitment too.


2009 Would be a mixed year for you. There will be a rise in position but there would be challenges overall to sustain yourself this year.

As the year opens up, you would experience a rise in status and position. There would be higher position in public life as well as increase in happiness in marital matters. These events will come suddenly and you should take up the opportunity as soon as it presents itself up to April 2009
Love life too could see some sudden moves and a serious relationship between January and April 2009.

If applicable, you could get happiness from birth of a child or conception during the January - April 2009 period

Virgo 2009 Love / Marriage Horoscope:

2009 will bring changes in your mindset about the way you look at marriage and romance.

Event would unfold unexpectedly and suddenly, not giving you adequate opportunity to think rationally or take a balanced decision.

You could find sudden love in an unconventional situation between January 2009 and April 2009.
Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 23, 2009
I don't really believe in this stuff but I do like the thought of being Sagittarius .... All man on the top half and beast on the bottom half
Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 23, 2009

2009 Would be a positive year again, although there would be more hurdles and pressures in comparison to 2007 and 2008.

You will find the gains from all the efforts of the last few years will mature now.

There would however be a rise in your competition as well as some disruption in your area of work after 27 th January 2009 . This phase could be trying after 7 th March 2009 till 19 th April 2009 . Major changes or risks should be avoided.

As the year progresses you will find your gains and progress would be in an accelerated motion. You will find the quantum of gains will be highest between May and August 2009.

Libra 2009 Love / Marriage Horoscope:

Focus would still not be much on love and marriage matters this year due to exceptional level of activity in career and professional areas.

You will find that the period between May 2009 & July 2009 will suddenly open up this avenue for you due to some activity in career and acquaintances that come up in professional circles

Activity in love will play down further after 10 th September 2009 although serious moves in love life could come up more from 20 th December 2009 .


2009 would open with challenges as well as hurdles. These would be present both in personal life and as well as professional life due to loss of position or status.

Caution in this regard is required till April 2009 end, as the events could move too fast for your liking and control.

You should remain very careful in career and ensure your superiors as well as sub-ordinates are well aligned with you and in harmony too.

The period between 27 th January 2009 and 31 st May 2009 is a period where love life would be highly activated and marriage matters too would be in a high activity phase. You should avoid sudden changes or commitments in love life between 7 th March 2009 and 19 th April 2009 .

Scorpio 2009 Love / Marriage Horoscope:

2009 would be a year of lower emphasis on marriage and romance in comparison to work & other areas of life.

Love life would still be in a higher level of activity and could influence your career too between January 2009 & April 2009.

Career pressures are likely to become a bone of contention in marital matters as well as in steady relationship. It would be more apparent between 1 st January 2009 & 17 th May 2009 .
Thinking about love & marriage would turn unconservative between 7 th March 2009 & 19 th April 2009.It will not be advisable to take a major decision in this regard during this period.


2009 would see a sudden spurn in the level of activity. You will find a high of family and monetary changes between January 2009 and April 2009 this year.

The development would be positive although you could turn careless which could spoil the future prospects after May 2009 till July 2009. The mistakes of January � April 2009 phase could come back after August 2009 and create issues in family life till mid October 2009.

You will find your speech as well as expectations would be higher, although a tendency to be more bias in speech as well as sub-conscious thoughts would be felt till April 2009 end.

A slide down in status, as well as chances of a false allegation would be present after May 2009. The period could cause concern between 16 th June 2009 and 31 st July 2009 .

A temporary regaining of position would then, also be felt after August 2009.

Sagittarius 2009 Love / Marriage Horoscope:

2009 will see a greater emphasis on family life rather than love and marriage pursuits as such.

Personal & domestic matters will take much of your attention till end October.

A shift in thinking towards romantic partner/spouse could take place after 3 rd November 2009 .

If unattached, you will find a positive and social period mostly. The year will open up with hectic socializing. New friendships which seem like love would be possible between 7 th March 2009 & 19 th April 2009 and during June 2009.
Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 23, 2009
so, how do you find the horoscopes?

Dubai chat master
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Jan 23, 2009

2009 Would experience its share of challenges, although this year will see good progress and a positive outlook mostly.

You will find a higher focus on events around you, although there would be a definite compromise in values as well as spiritual progress this year.

Mind would be material and unorthodox. There could be actions which are not fully approved by the society. This could lead to loss of status/ position after August 2009.

Monetary position and speech/ level of activity in financial pursuits would rise after May 2009. There will be good speech and expression between May and July 2009.

Work would be positive mostly. Period between 25 th January and 31 st May 2009 will see new avenues developing. 7 th march 2009 to 19 th April 2009 could be turbulent and any major moves or decisions in career should be avoided.

Hurdles and waste in financial matters will remain till 9 th September 2009

Capricorn 2009 Love / Marriage Horoscope:

2009 will continue with high activity in love and marriage matters.

There could be resentment towards existing relationship while you will find new relations interesting.

Sudden changes in thinking will operate between January 2009 and May 2009. You should remain calm and patient avoid taking a decision as such in relationships till you cross 30 th April 2009 at least and preferably after 17 th May 2009.

Changes in mindset and a slowdown in relationships possible after November 2009.


2009 would pose challenges overall as a gradual slide in resources could be felt as the year progresses. You will find monetary challenges would be high as the year commences.

A sudden increase in financial pressures is possible due to a sudden loss or a financial liability beyond your control. This is a time when overheads would be high and expenses will continue to outstrip income, especially up to April 2009.

Investments and financial exposure should be totally controlled.

Improvements would come after May 2009 till July 2009 as financial condition as well as your outlook would turn positive and be a reason for cheer. New events beyond 16 th June 2009 should be handled carefully since a slide down in work as well as financial matters could come during the August 2009 - 17 th October 2009 phase.

Mistakes and issues of the January 2009 and April 2009 period could come back after August 2009 therefore you should be cautious and conservative in the period between January to April 2009.

Aquarius 2009 Love / Marriage Horoscope:

2009 will be lower on activity in love life and relationships while marriage will continue to be a challenge during this time.

You will find a rise in activity levels between May 2009 and July 2009. Rest of the year will be low key mostly.

If unattached, you will find pressures and distances in career which could keep the socializing opportunities to a minimum this year.

There will be positive phases in social / love opportunities during January, between 7 th March 2009 and 19 th April 2009 , June, August & November.

A move towards a serious phase could come briefly between 1 st May 2009 & 15 th June 2009 .

& finally meeeeee the :

2009 is a very promising year, since efforts and work done in the last two years will all bear fruits this year.

You will be in a changed mental position between January and April 2009. There would be a sudden rise in gains, social activity, association with friends and celebration.

In between all these activities you will find your thinking would turn unorthodox and could create problems in focusing on matters at hand. Most of these changes would be felt only by you and it would not be apparent to people around you.

It would therefore be better to avoid making your thoughts open and further not take a stand on issues as such. You should continue working on increasing your gains and avoid diluting your thoughts as such.

Beyond May 2009 a dip in your mental and physical health could be felt. There could be times that you feel isolated and low on confidence during this time. Worry and anxiousness on this account could be felt more after 16th June 2009 . You will find a closure and stop of this trend after August 2009 commences. You will see better prospective gains and progress beyond August 2009 till 20th December 2009 .

Chances of a new relationship possible this year, while a celebration in the family would come about too.

It is a year when hard work would be rewarded in direct proportion to the efforts put in, there will be gains till end August 2009 in good proportion.

Pisces 2009 Love / Marriage Horoscope:
Love as well as marriage matters would not be in much of a focus this year till October 2009 commences.

You will be in a very social and outgoing mood; which will bring some friendships bordering on romance between January and April 2009.

Negative thinking in relationships would prevail till October 2009 and could create issues in a stable outlook mostly.

If unattached, you will be in a confused stick of mind due to too many options and at the same time not enough conviction in the person who you come across.

This unsettled phase will operate till October 2009 and with lower intensity between May and July 2009.

Better and stable opportunity between 7 th March 2009 and 19 th April 2009, will be exciting in love/ social matters.

Besides July, September and December 2009 will be good.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 24, 2009
What about Pisces?
Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Jan 24, 2009
have done it dear

u r in the same club like me :D
Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 24, 2009
fish club?

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Jan 24, 2009
sharfraz wrote:fish club?



u like to go & swim !! :roll:
Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 24, 2009
is the fish edible?
I want sammy!!!!!! :lol:

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Jan 24, 2009
I think my horoscope (SAGITTARIUS) looks probable.
Am I not going to get rich!??

When will the hurting stop...
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Jan 24, 2009
sharfraz wrote:is the fish edible?
I want sammy!!!!!! :lol:


first i have to say gd morning

2d no Sammy in our club he is still in Atlantic
Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 24, 2009
Miss_lolly wrote:have done it dear

u r in the same club like me :D

Just wanted to say that I don't believe in future predictions when it comes to zodiac signs. Its just good for fun, thats all there is.
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Jan 24, 2009
Miss_lolly wrote:
sharfraz wrote:is the fish edible?
I want sammy!!!!!! :lol:


first i have to say gd morning

2d no Sammy in our club he is still in Atlantic

oh..good day!!!

what's special in your club?

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Jan 24, 2009
i'm not too pleased with my horoscope (gemini) ....

actually, im not pleased with it at all :cry:
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Jan 24, 2009
bushra21 wrote:i'm not too pleased with my horoscope (gemini) ....

actually, im not pleased with it at all :cry:

ya...not good time for scorpion as well...... :cry:
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Jan 24, 2009
For CANCER, it says this year will be better than the last two years... hopefully... :angel10:

because the last two years were the worst for me.
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Jan 24, 2009
well guys

i hope 2009 will be better for all of you

Gemini & scorpion & others too
Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 25, 2009
bushra21 wrote:i'm not too pleased with my horoscope (gemini) ....

actually, im not pleased with it at all :cry:

Do you actually believe in it?
sage & onion
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