the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Oliveblanche wrote:Share your experience about french lovers... and tell the community why we, the french, we are top lovers on earth...
Miss_lolly wrote:are you sure ?!!!
Oliveblanche wrote:Miss_lolly wrote:are you sure ?!!!
...You mean it could not be true? explain.
Miss_lolly wrote:no i just remember someone said Greek pple are the best
Oliveblanche wrote:Miss_lolly wrote:no i just remember someone said Greek pple are the best
Greek men are directly inspired by french men.
since the beginning of history.
that's why you had doubs.
TheChoosen wrote:Greek?
Greekstyle???? LOL
U know the meaning???
Miss_lolly wrote:hahahahahahaha je vois la
tiens, j ai meme pas vu durant tt ma vie des olives blanche
Miss_lolly wrote:youuuu
better don t tell me :p
Miss_lolly wrote:i know to way to go out from here
pls don t show me
PS: your link is not working loooool
Oliveblanche wrote:Miss_lolly wrote:i know to way to go out from here
pls don t show me
PS: your link is not working loooool
Laila.... you tried to visit the link!...
you, crazy.
TheChoosen wrote:Lolly, u missed nothing,
Oliveblanche wrote:Share your experience about french lovers... and tell the community why we, the french, we are top lovers on earth...
Chocoholic wrote:Statistics also prove that the French aren't anywhere near the top either.
Why live in a multi-cultural place, and not do some international dating!
Chocoholic wrote:Oh god no! Wouldn't even go there buddy.
I'd still put the Greeks at the top.
Dubai Knight wrote:Chocoholic wrote:Oh god no! Wouldn't even go there buddy.
I'd still put the Greeks at the top.
I'll tell my Greek buddy! He will be delighted, but then his wife already knows!