The Great Misunderstanding Between The West And East

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The great misunderstanding between the West and East Jan 22, 2009
I am lucky enough to have lived within a Muslim culture especially a Gulf culture and within a Western culture, and frankly the two are very dear to me. Over the years, I’ve learnt to combine the good things of the two great cultures to form who I’m, and discarded the unpleasant ones.

I can relate to the West’s concerns about terrorism and security, and at the same time I can relate to Muslims’ concerns of what’s happening.

From my experiences, I found that most of people in the West love peace and safety, just like Muslims and Arabs. I also found the two are similar from a human’s perspective; they both share similar desires in life, well-being, prosperous, kids, peace etc. However, both side’ cultures are the prime guidance of how to go about achieving the mentioned desires, just like any others people on this earth.

But what I found interesting is this:

Ordinary civilians in the West see attacks by terrorisms are an attack on their culture, committed by those who hate their way of life and hate them as people, period. On the other hand, most Muslims people throughout the world see the unconditional supports by the US government and the unexplainable silent by some Western governments at the injustice and death of the innocent Palestinians are unjust and unacceptable, and frankly they see the US government as liable as the Israeli of what has been happening to the Palestinians.

Media have always give us full analysis when some American lunatics /terrorists go on rampage shooting students at Universities, we always got told of what drove them to commit such crime etc and even analysis of their personal behaviours. But when it comes to a terrorist attack, ordinary people never get told why would people commit such a crime. For some reason we don’t get told of what drove them to do such thing in the first place. To cure something, one has to understand its root causes.

Instead the media deliberately used such an attack and twist it around to make us to believe that what has been happening between the West and East is a fight against religions and civilizations. Why because the media clearly know that these are the things that are important to people and would easily react to them. The media have failed to tell us the truth; the simple truth that what has been happening is all to do with dirty politics and injustice, which have turned our world into fear and insecurity.

It’s no brainer to see how Muslims, Christian, Jewish and other religions and cultures have lived side by side whether in the West or East peacefully and respectfully –because humans are compassionate toward one another by nature. But when unscrupulous politicians play up the interest of certain groups of people against another, then the doors of discord and hate are widely open. Politicians know that, they resort to this detrimental technique when they want to achieve certain agendas.

The conflict between Palestine and Israel has to be put to an end, because it’s been the prime causes of all the major problems, especially terrorism. Otherwise it will forces the West to give up the values that they’ve worked hard to achieve (human right, individual’s right, freedom etc, which will set them back economically, no doubt), because clearly the conflict has spilled over to their turfs, we’ve witnessed that. Not to mention, it has the right ingredients to instigate another international war, because Arabs and Muslims cannot set inactive forever.

Your thoughts :)


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Re: The great misunderstanding between the West and East Jan 22, 2009
Humbleman wrote:I am lucky enough to have lived within a Muslim culture especially a Gulf culture and within a Western culture, and frankly the two are very dear to me. Over the years, I’ve learnt to combine the good things of the two great cultures to form who I’m, and discarded the unpleasant ones.

I can relate to the West’s concerns about terrorism and security, and at the same time I can relate to Muslims’ concerns of what’s happening.

From my experiences, I found that most of people in the West love peace and safety, just like Muslims and Arabs. I also found the two are similar from a human’s perspective; they both share similar desires in life, well-being, prosperous, kids, peace etc. However, both side’ cultures are the prime guidance of how to go about achieving the mentioned desires, just like any others people on this earth.

But what I found interesting is this:

Ordinary civilians in the West see attacks by terrorisms are an attack on their culture, committed by those who hate their way of life and hate them as people, period. On the other hand, most Muslims people throughout the world see the unconditional supports by the US government and the unexplainable silent by some Western governments at the injustice and death of the innocent Palestinians are unjust and unacceptable, and frankly they see the US government as liable as the Israeli of what has been happening to the Palestinians.

Media have always give us full analysis when some American lunatics /terrorists go on rampage shooting students at Universities, we always got told of what drove them to commit such crime etc and even analysis of their personal behaviours. But when it comes to a terrorist attack, ordinary people never get told why would people commit such a crime. For some reason we don’t get told of what drove them to do such thing in the first place. To cure something, one has to understand its root causes.

Instead the media deliberately used such an attack and twist it around to make us to believe that what has been happening between the West and East is a fight against religions and civilizations. Why because the media clearly know that these are the things that are important to people and would easily react to them. The media have failed to tell us the truth; the simple truth that what has been happening is all to do with dirty politics and injustice, which have turned our world into fear and insecurity.

It’s no brainer to see how Muslims, Christian, Jewish and other religions and cultures have lived side by side whether in the West or East peacefully and respectfully –because humans are compassionate toward one another by nature. But when unscrupulous politicians play up the interest of certain groups of people against another, then the doors of discord and hate are widely open. Politicians know that, they resort to this detrimental technique when they want to achieve certain agendas.

The conflict between Palestine and Israel has to be put to an end, because it’s been the prime causes of all the major problems, especially terrorism. Otherwise it will forces the West to give up the values that they’ve worked hard to achieve (human right, individual’s right, freedom etc, which will set them back economically, no doubt), because clearly the conflict has spilled over to their turfs, we’ve witnessed that. Not to mention, it has the right ingredients to instigate another international war, because Arabs and Muslims cannot set inactive forever.

Your thoughts :)


I concur with your statement "To cure something, one has to understand its root causes. ". Very true and trust me every one knows about them and also knows that solving the root causes will eventually solve most of the world problems, but to be honest thats what they would never want to resolve? why? Because these root causes are blessings for these forces to execute their agenda from all perspectives (economic, military, social, etc).
Look at the Muslim world, do you think that the rulers actually represent people thoughts? I am not even talking about western democracy to be implemented in the Muslim countries.
Let me ask you a question, You have talked about the issue of Israel and Palestine, can you please tell me a workable solution of the conflict?

Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Jan 22, 2009
Very good thought dubai1970

We know that Europe will not take the Jewish whom imported from there back no matter what. So Israel is here to stay.
The problem with Israel is that, it wants it all - greed and overconfidence are bad combination, they often lead to disaster. I see the French President Nicolas Sarkozy peace solution is somehow practical to end this conflict – but unfortunately Israel has brushed it aside.

Here is some of his peace solution speech

"The time to make peace is now," he told the Israelis. "Tomorrow, it will be too late." Rarely has a foreign leader spelled out so clearly what Israel has to do for peace - and what it has sought at all costs to avoid.
Sarkozy laid particular emphasis on three points, which he hammered in at every opportunity. The first, and most important, was this: "Israel's security will not be truly assured until we see, at last, at its side an independent, modern, democratic and viable Palestinian state."
Two other themes were given equal prominence - and were equally unwelcome to many Israelis. "There can be no peace without an immediate and complete halt to settlements," he declared. The settlers, he said, should be compensated and brought back to Israel. And then - in a statement which was nothing less than sacrilege for Israeli hard-liners - he added: "There can be no peace without recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of two states and the guarantee of free access to the holy places for all religions."
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Jan 22, 2009
Biased analysis akhi, sorry to say this.

You say Westerners see terrorism as attacks on their way of life, well why is it nobody is attacking Zionists.

You say USA's unconditional support for Zionist is the only cause for friction; I don't agree.

Zionists killed 1300 innocent Palestinians and Arabs and disunited Muslims did nothing significant.

Tell me what have disunited muslims done for Iraq where 600+ were killed in Fallujah by USA in one day and over a million so far and counting.

Tell me how you so conveniently forget or ignore this case.

There is no alternative to looking after yourselves, you should know this from your experience in a country which was invaded by Anglos and stolen from the natives.

We have to unite in every way possible - military, economic, scientific, religious and so on.
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Jan 22, 2009
Just an afterthought akhi, there is no coherent combined 'East' as opposed to 'West' whether in terms of religion, culture, race, ethnicity, customs, food, geography, economy, society, history etc.
Dubai chat master
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Jan 22, 2009
Muslimbangladeshi, with due respect

But why are you going like a maniac attacking people who chosen not share or agree with your views?
I must say I found your manner of responding to some posts a little bit childish and uncivilised. Why can’t you put your view without generalizing or personal attack? Try to write your argument in a civilized formula.

I am sorry akhi, but am intolerant to rudeness or disrespect of another human being.

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Jan 22, 2009
And ever being Mr Predictable - watch him quote me and DK in his reply!

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: The great misunderstanding between the West and East Jan 22, 2009
Humbleman wrote:I am lucky enough to have lived within a Muslim culture especially a Gulf culture and within a Western culture, and frankly the two are very dear to me. Over the years, I’ve learnt to combine the good things of the two great cultures to form who I’m, and discarded the unpleasant ones.

I can relate to the West’s concerns about terrorism and security, and at the same time I can relate to Muslims’ concerns of what’s happening.

From my experiences, I found that most of people in the West love peace and safety, just like Muslims and Arabs. I also found the two are similar from a human’s perspective; they both share similar desires in life, well-being, prosperous, kids, peace etc. However, both side’ cultures are the prime guidance of how to go about achieving the mentioned desires, just like any others people on this earth.

But what I found interesting is this:

Ordinary civilians in the West see attacks by terrorisms are an attack on their culture, committed by those who hate their way of life and hate them as people, period. On the other hand, most Muslims people throughout the world see the unconditional supports by the US government and the unexplainable silent by some Western governments at the injustice and death of the innocent Palestinians are unjust and unacceptable, and frankly they see the US government as liable as the Israeli of what has been happening to the Palestinians.

Media have always give us full analysis when some American lunatics /terrorists go on rampage shooting students at Universities, we always got told of what drove them to commit such crime etc and even analysis of their personal behaviours. But when it comes to a terrorist attack, ordinary people never get told why would people commit such a crime. For some reason we don’t get told of what drove them to do such thing in the first place. To cure something, one has to understand its root causes.

Instead the media deliberately used such an attack and twist it around to make us to believe that what has been happening between the West and East is a fight against religions and civilizations. Why because the media clearly know that these are the things that are important to people and would easily react to them. The media have failed to tell us the truth; the simple truth that what has been happening is all to do with dirty politics and injustice, which have turned our world into fear and insecurity.

It’s no brainer to see how Muslims, Christian, Jewish and other religions and cultures have lived side by side whether in the West or East peacefully and respectfully –because humans are compassionate toward one another by nature. But when unscrupulous politicians play up the interest of certain groups of people against another, then the doors of discord and hate are widely open. Politicians know that, they resort to this detrimental technique when they want to achieve certain agendas.

The conflict between Palestine and Israel has to be put to an end, because it’s been the prime causes of all the major problems, especially terrorism. Otherwise it will forces the West to give up the values that they’ve worked hard to achieve (human right, individual’s right, freedom etc, which will set them back economically, no doubt), because clearly the conflict has spilled over to their turfs, we’ve witnessed that. Not to mention, it has the right ingredients to instigate another international war, because Arabs and Muslims cannot set inactive forever.

Your thoughts :)


I am lucky enough to have lived within a Muslim culture especially a Gulf culture and within a Western culture, and frankly the two are very dear to me. Over the years, I’ve learnt to combine the good things of the two great cultures to form who I’m, and discarded the unpleasant ones.

in your subjective reality looks like..

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Jan 22, 2009
Muysesser, why would you say that :?
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Jan 22, 2009
some cultural patterns like communication, individualism, collectivism, equality, hierarchy, assertiveness vs interpersonal harmony make it obvious the difference between the East and the West, and understanding those cultural orientations help us to see why people from E&W act the way they do..
And if we do have that understanding, we know that there’s no need to appear too religious, and no need to scream out loud ‘Allah is great’..
And if we really understand the difference between the two culture and call ourselves 'humble', we shouldn’t be embarrassed to be from ‘Arab descent’..
(I walked half a life time in similar shoes to yours.)
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Jan 22, 2009
muyesser wrote:some cultural patterns like communication, individualism, collectivism, equality, hierarchy, assertiveness vs interpersonal harmony make it obvious the difference between the East and the West, and understanding those cultural orientations help us to see why people from E&W act the way they do..
And if we do have that understanding, we know that there’s no need to appear too religious, and no need to scream out loud ‘Allah is great’..
And if we really understand the difference between the two culture and call ourselves 'humble', we shouldn’t be embarrassed to be from ‘Arab descent’..
(I walked half a life time in similar shoes to yours.)

I must agree with you because why everything has to be religious? issues between west and east is not Israel and palestine issue as a whole. As if the issue is resolved, all things will be ok. Trust me even then there will be other fronts opened and the same debate will continue.

In the forums, I have observed that what ever the topic is for the new posts, the answers are divided somewhere in religious terms at the end.
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Jan 22, 2009
dubai1970 wrote:
muyesser wrote:some cultural patterns like communication, individualism, collectivism, equality, hierarchy, assertiveness vs interpersonal harmony make it obvious the difference between the East and the West, and understanding those cultural orientations help us to see why people from E&W act the way they do..
And if we do have that understanding, we know that there’s no need to appear too religious, and no need to scream out loud ‘Allah is great’..
And if we really understand the difference between the two culture and call ourselves 'humble', we shouldn’t be embarrassed to be from ‘Arab descent’..
(I walked half a life time in similar shoes to yours.)

I must agree with you because why everything has to be religious? issues between west and east is not Israel and palestine issue as a whole. As if the issue is resolved, all things will be ok. Trust me even then there will be other fronts opened and the same debate will continue.

In the forums, I have observed that what ever the topic is for the new posts, the answers are divided somewhere in religious terms at the end.

i wouldn't have such an argument like why everything has to be religious.. and in fact for some religious people 'everything may be religious'..
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Jan 22, 2009
muyesser wrote:
dubai1970 wrote:
muyesser wrote:some cultural patterns like communication, individualism, collectivism, equality, hierarchy, assertiveness vs interpersonal harmony make it obvious the difference between the East and the West, and understanding those cultural orientations help us to see why people from E&W act the way they do..
And if we do have that understanding, we know that there’s no need to appear too religious, and no need to scream out loud ‘Allah is great’..
And if we really understand the difference between the two culture and call ourselves 'humble', we shouldn’t be embarrassed to be from ‘Arab descent’..
(I walked half a life time in similar shoes to yours.)

I must agree with you because why everything has to be religious? issues between west and east is not Israel and palestine issue as a whole. As if the issue is resolved, all things will be ok. Trust me even then there will be other fronts opened and the same debate will continue.

In the forums, I have observed that what ever the topic is for the new posts, the answers are divided somewhere in religious terms at the end.

i wouldn't have such an argument like why everything has to be religious.. and in fact for some religious people 'everything may be religious'..

Thats right but in this political forum, why every topic turns into a religious one??? I see the word Islam, Muslims, Christians, Jews all over. I think MODs should prevent the forums from being hijacked on religious boundaries.
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Jan 22, 2009
religious is the politics of the century..

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Jan 22, 2009
muyesser wrote:religious is the politics of the century..


you shud know the difference btw religion and politics....

Its not fair to pass a jugement without goin into depth of it... :roll:

Politics is all about makin a bridge btw diff cultures and help humans to live peacefully with each other.....
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Jan 22, 2009
daisy wrote:
muyesser wrote:religious is the politics of the century..


you shud know the difference btw religion and politics....

Its not fair to pass a jugement without goin into depth of it... :roll:

Politics is all about makin a bridge btw diff cultures and help humans to live peacefully with each other.....

Well said. I just said the same to some people on irc.....
Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Jan 23, 2009
muyesser wrote:some cultural patterns like communication, individualism, collectivism, equality, hierarchy, assertiveness vs interpersonal harmony make it obvious the difference between the East and the West, and understanding those cultural orientations help us to see why people from E&W act the way they do..
And if we do have that understanding, we know that there’s no need to appear too religious, and no need to scream out loud ‘Allah is great’..
And if we really understand the difference between the two culture and call ourselves 'humble', we shouldn’t be embarrassed to be from ‘Arab descent’..
(I walked half a life time in similar shoes to yours.)

I am quite familiar with cross-cultural communication, and how cultures and beliefs form and define the way that people behave in general. I did address that in my earlier post when I said cultures are the main guidance to how people lives - I guess you forgot to put your glasses on. You don’t need to be savvy at cross-cultural communication to understand how one culture works, you only need to be an open-minded and have a willingness to learn.

My post has nothing to do with cross-cultural communication, rather with how the media twist news stories without thinking of the consequence. This have resulted on people in the West whom rely on news as their primary source to understand what is going on in the world, to develop a firm belief that Muslims hate their way of lives and hate them as people. Subsequently, this untrue believe has resulted to Muslim-phobia and unwarranted fear of Islam. Muslims on the other hand, see American’s relentless support to the Israeli government and the silent of some Western governments on what Israel has been doing to Palestine is an attack on Islam and Muslims in general.

So clearly there is great misunderstanding, people in the West have no idea why Muslims people are so angry at the American and some Western countries. And Muslims people don’t know that the majority of Western people have nothing to do with their governments’ decision, yes they do elect them but that’s where it’s end as far as decisions are concern.

You are clearly insufficient on how Islam works, this shows when you think that only religious people are the ones who use the phrase “Allah is great”. If you know something about Islam then you would know that this phrase is used by every Muslim almost daily, in prayer, in fear, in surprise etc. Just like when people use the Name ‘Jesus’ when they surprise or want to express a point.

I know you are picking on some of my posts that I posted earlier. When I said I sometimes poke fun of the airport customs’ paranoia due to the fact I always got singled out and searched almost every time I travel, just because of my name or handsome Middle Eastern look hehehe. Last year I travelled overseas about 9 times for work related assignments, and 7 out of the 9 I stopped and searched only at Western airports, even thought am professional in everything I do. So what does that tells. Yes I got tired of this annoyance, and decided to enjoy the ride by having fun on those people who are paranoia and lack the intelligence to understand there are over one billion Muslims worldwide whom 99 % of them are peace-loving and law abiding citizens. I said “Allah is great” out loud to express my surprise and to honestly make fun out of their fear. Now, there is different between out loud and screaming out loud, and I would like to believe that you know the difference.

To address your last point, as Arab and Arab’s culture is something that I cherish and hold dear, I am afraid to say yes I’m embarrassed to be an Arab, why because the Arab leaders are embarrassingly incompetent to protect Palestinian kids and women from the thugs whom called themselves Israeli’s government.

I find your posts very ambiguous; it would be nice if you try to write more than one sentence so people can understand your point. :)
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Jan 23, 2009
I'm sorry, but I don't think that some Westerners are the only ones who don't know what is going in other parts of the world. Is the average person in the Middle East better educated about other countries, cultures and foreign policies? I think there is a heck of a lot of misunderstanding going on on both sides, don't you?

Religion is brought up, because Islam/politics are intertwined in the Middle East, whereas most of the West is secular.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 23, 2009
I didn’t claim that people in the Middle East are more educated than their fellows in the West. Personally think that Middle Eastern countries are lagging behind in term of education.
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Jan 23, 2009
daisy wrote:
muyesser wrote:religious is the politics of the century..


you shud know the difference btw religion and politics....

Its not fair to pass a jugement without goin into depth of it... :roll:

Politics is all about makin a bridge btw diff cultures and help humans to live peacefully with each other.....

thats how/what politics should be, not what it's nowadays.. and since those 19 young muslim attacked new york and washington islam has been playing the central role in the world..

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Jan 23, 2009
“19 young Muslim attacked New York”

That’s right 19 people, not over one billion Muslims. Thought the systems in the West prosecute people individually not collectively, but since that attack it seems that all Muslims are guilty. Why do they have to take the blame of someone else?

Besides, the biggest attack on US soil before 9/11 was on Oklahoma committed by a Christian Irish guy. But was there any propaganda against Christian people or Irish people? Of course not.
9/11 came as a blessing to those people who hate Islam and have been waiting for an opportunity like 9/11 to lunch their false demeaning ideology and agenda at Islam and Muslims people.

Talking about individualist culture. :?
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Jan 23, 2009
Is Al Qaeda a multi-faith organization? Did their Catholic branch bomb the embassies in Africa? What about the attacks in the UK underground and the the foiled attacks. Were those accused not Muslim? What about the attacks in Mumbai?

There are many people who have Muslim friends and relatives, and they don't assume that all Muslims are terrorists. However, the authorities whose job it is to protect the population, including Muslims, are going to profile people who are Muslim when doing security checks. It completely sucks that all Muslims are being made to feel uncomfortable, but it is those few extremists who have committed terrorist acts that should take quite a bit of the blame, don't you think?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 23, 2009
Okay I hear you

But let me ask this.

First of all my heart goes out to those how lost loved one in the 09/11 attack.

But why did those 19 terrorists attack the US in particular from your understanding?
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Jan 23, 2009
Humbleman wrote:Okay I hear you

But let me ask this.

First of all my heart goes out to those how lost loved one in the 09/11 attack.

But why did those 19 terrorists attack the US in particular from your understanding?

Thats an easy one to answer.

The US was a 'soft target'. Security in the US was considerably less prior to 9/11 particularly on internal flights, as they had never really faced an internal terrorist threat until then. Compared to countries like the UK, Spain, France and Germany, who had all faced various terrorist bombing campaigns over the years from the PIRA, ETA, Algerian sepratists, Baader Meinhof, Red September and any number of extremist left wing, right wing, religious and minority groups.

New York was the natural primary target for several reasons. Its high profile and possibly the most visible symbol of the western world, even though it is not the US capital. Its the heart of the US financial system and therefore possibly the global financial market.

The secondary targets were the Pentagon (for obvious reasons) and the fourth plane, that was brought down by the actions of the passengers and crew before it could reach the target, was allegedly aiming for the White House. There are theories that it was not a plane that hit the Pentagon and I do have to admit that the damage to the building was not consistent with a plane strike, but could have been a cruise missile. Thats yet another thread that I think has already been covered in one of the forums.

From Al Qaeda's perspective, the things that make the west strong are money and military strength. The intention to disrupt (rather than destroy) was clear, however a strike on the centre of Zurich or Geneva would not have had as much international impact and would have been considerably harder to undertake, even though it would probably have had a larger impact on the global financial situation. Osama Bin Laden is probably laughing into his beard right now at the state of western financial impropriety and he didn't have to lift a finger!

There have been many attempts to disrupt the other major power available to the west: Communication.

The internet and banking communications networks are apparently under constant barrage from cyber terrorists, based often from Chechnya, China or Bangalore, and there is now a considerable amount of western resource poured into protecting the lines of communication as this is how the majority of global wealth travels these days.

I know one particular instance that amazes me.

When the US invaded Iraq, the first thing they did was knock out the communications network with tactical strikes to the telecommunications hubs. After occupation, these were the first services they needed to bring back online so began to replace the older PABX system with a new digital landline network and modern G3 mobile net which would have been to the great benefit of every Iraqui citizen. What did the Iraqi extremists do? Blew up the new installations!

So, they now have one of the first fully operational 'Wimax' systems set up in Baghdad. This is like a mobile phone network all over the city using a number of masts to create an overlapping coverage net. You can take out 1 or 2 or even 50% of the towers, but the net just carries on working. And its 5 times faster than normal G3 mobile. All landlines are obsolete as everything, phone, fax, data and internet are fully wireless and mobile. The extremists have now given up trying to break it and have moved onto other targets.

The moral to this story; if you make a target so diffuse it is impossible to take out the heart in one hit, then it no longer becomes a viable terrorist target. Create a single visible symbol or hub and that is like painting a giant target on it!

8) 8) 8)

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Jan 23, 2009
Dubai Knight wrote:The internet and banking communications networks are apparently under constant barrage from cyber terrorists, based often from Chechnya

This sentence is very funny. Those people were capable only to fabricate a letter of advice paying some bribe to an operation clerk... but it had been a few years before 9/11.

A year before 9/11 Chechnya had been totally reconquired by Russians troops and central power speaded everywhere.

Where do you take such kind of information?
Red Chief
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Jan 24, 2009
We know what had created IRA. But where is IRA now, non-existence because of smart people who looked at the root causes their problem and then addressed it sufficiently.

So what am trying to get at with 9/11 attack is, what are the fundamental causes that drove those group of people to attack American. We know from their action in the past that they mainly direct their attacks at countries that have involvement in the Middle East. So perhaps this says something about their message.

It is well-known that Ben Laden himself and his family used to have good relationship and business ties with the Push’s family. It’s also known that Ben Laden turned against American because of its foreign policy especially toward the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

And interestingly enough, people who have been studying the reason behind those groups of people whom had committed such an attack, found these terrorist groups
had always based the reason of their attack on what’s happening on Palestine and recently in Iraq.

So this beg the question, maybe these groups of people are somehow getting back at American because of its involvement in the Middle East and its unconditional support of what Israel has been doing? :roll:
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Jan 24, 2009
Humbleman wrote:Muslimbangladeshi, with due respect

But why are you going like a maniac attacking people who chosen not share or agree with your views?
I must say I found your manner of responding to some posts a little bit childish and uncivilised. Why can’t you put your view without generalizing or personal attack? Try to write your argument in a civilized formula.

I am sorry akhi, but am intolerant to rudeness or disrespect of another human being.



I'll be glad if you can show me where I insulted you. It may be a misunderstanding.

I am sorry if you thought I insulted you. What makes you think that?
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Jan 24, 2009
kanelli wrote:Is Al Qaeda a multi-faith organization? Did their Catholic branch bomb the embassies in Africa? What about the attacks in the UK underground and the the foiled attacks. Were those accused not Muslim? What about the attacks in Mumbai?

There are many people who have Muslim friends and relatives, and they don't assume that all Muslims are terrorists. However, the authorities whose job it is to protect the population, including Muslims, are going to profile people who are Muslim when doing security checks. It completely sucks that all Muslims are being made to feel uncomfortable, but it is those few extremists who have committed terrorist acts that should take quite a bit of the blame, don't you think?

Westerners themselves admit CIA financed, trained and equipped a 'phantom' organization called 'Al Qaeda' (perhaps a figment of Western imagination).

Who are the government leaders, bureaucrats, military personnel and other government officials in the west? Are they all western?

Somehow nobody answered why when these members are CHOSEN by the westerners, we are asked to absolve the westerners of guilt but when these Westernes have killed more than millions, the actions of a few who form a 'phantom' organization supported by the West are blamed on the nonwesterns and Muslims.
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Jan 24, 2009
muslimbangladeshi wrote:
Humbleman wrote:Muslimbangladeshi, with due respect

But why are you going like a maniac attacking people who chosen not share or agree with your views?
I must say I found your manner of responding to some posts a little bit childish and uncivilised. Why can’t you put your view without generalizing or personal attack? Try to write your argument in a civilized formula.

I am sorry akhi, but am intolerant to rudeness or disrespect of another human being.



I'll be glad if you can show me where I insulted you. It may be a misunderstanding.

I am sorry if you thought I insulted you. What makes you think that?

He's talking about the way you speak to the rest of us, with insults and childish behaviour!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 25, 2009
Humbleman wrote:“19 young Muslim attacked New York”

That’s right 19 people, not over one billion Muslims. Thought the systems in the West prosecute people individually not collectively, but since that attack it seems that all Muslims are guilty. Why do they have to take the blame of someone else?

Besides, the biggest attack on US soil before 9/11 was on Oklahoma committed by a Christian Irish guy. But was there any propaganda against Christian people or Irish people? Of course not.
9/11 came as a blessing to those people who hate Islam and have been waiting for an opportunity like 9/11 to lunch their false demeaning ideology and agenda at Islam and Muslims people.

Talking about individualist culture. :?

Facts are facts ...if they dont accept doesn't mean tht its not true...
bravo humble.....i agree 100%
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