I can relate to the West’s concerns about terrorism and security, and at the same time I can relate to Muslims’ concerns of what’s happening.
From my experiences, I found that most of people in the West love peace and safety, just like Muslims and Arabs. I also found the two are similar from a human’s perspective; they both share similar desires in life, well-being, prosperous, kids, peace etc. However, both side’ cultures are the prime guidance of how to go about achieving the mentioned desires, just like any others people on this earth.
But what I found interesting is this:
Ordinary civilians in the West see attacks by terrorisms are an attack on their culture, committed by those who hate their way of life and hate them as people, period. On the other hand, most Muslims people throughout the world see the unconditional supports by the US government and the unexplainable silent by some Western governments at the injustice and death of the innocent Palestinians are unjust and unacceptable, and frankly they see the US government as liable as the Israeli of what has been happening to the Palestinians.
Media have always give us full analysis when some American lunatics /terrorists go on rampage shooting students at Universities, we always got told of what drove them to commit such crime etc and even analysis of their personal behaviours. But when it comes to a terrorist attack, ordinary people never get told why would people commit such a crime. For some reason we don’t get told of what drove them to do such thing in the first place. To cure something, one has to understand its root causes.
Instead the media deliberately used such an attack and twist it around to make us to believe that what has been happening between the West and East is a fight against religions and civilizations. Why because the media clearly know that these are the things that are important to people and would easily react to them. The media have failed to tell us the truth; the simple truth that what has been happening is all to do with dirty politics and injustice, which have turned our world into fear and insecurity.
It’s no brainer to see how Muslims, Christian, Jewish and other religions and cultures have lived side by side whether in the West or East peacefully and respectfully –because humans are compassionate toward one another by nature. But when unscrupulous politicians play up the interest of certain groups of people against another, then the doors of discord and hate are widely open. Politicians know that, they resort to this detrimental technique when they want to achieve certain agendas.
The conflict between Palestine and Israel has to be put to an end, because it’s been the prime causes of all the major problems, especially terrorism. Otherwise it will forces the West to give up the values that they’ve worked hard to achieve (human right, individual’s right, freedom etc, which will set them back economically, no doubt), because clearly the conflict has spilled over to their turfs, we’ve witnessed that. Not to mention, it has the right ingredients to instigate another international war, because Arabs and Muslims cannot set inactive forever.
Your thoughts
