Why No Hatred For USA/UK And Its Kindreds?

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Why no hatred for USA/UK and its kindreds? Jan 22, 2009
Why are the Arab and Emirati forum members like Humbleman, uaekid, mesheditor, and other muslims in this forum (and elsewhere too) not in favour of directing their hatred towards USA and its kindred?

Why do you only hate the Zionists who are but a tiny dot - insignificant in every way imaginable - that can't survive without USA?

Moreover zionist atrocities over its last 60 year history pales in comparison to USA and Western atrocities in their history. Even in last decades and continuing, USA and UK etc has invaded and killed millions of Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc

Why are you so pro USA/UK/West only hate the Zionists?

Dubai chat master
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Jan 22, 2009
I hate all of them, not the ppl but the GOVs foreign policies , they have created tourists all over the world and made it an unlivable place and categorized human been they way they like it and smashed their believe of democracy with Guantanamo prison and its military court. and I hate them for creating such a bad picture of the Islamic world and used their media to brain wash their naive nations with stereotypes and lies and made them such a believer they are now, at least most of them. they slowed down the nations connectivity's, love and harmony process . and us the nations are making it worse by fighting and them cashing in their goals.

Never the less Hate wont solve problems MB , it will actually numbs your brain from thinking and making good decisions in how to beat the enemies.
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Jan 22, 2009
Hating alone won't solve the problem, we need to think of united front.

we need to act urgently, we must unite in all forms - military, economy, technology, education and so on.
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Jan 22, 2009
Oh, yes, pls....join the Al Quaida and become a suicide bomber
Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 22, 2009
'Hate' is a very strong word people! There should be no hate between human beings, we are all made of the same stuff after all.

Do you seriously think we approved of what our Governments have done? No, the majority of us did not and do not agree with many of our foreign policies and what they have done to places like Iraq, it was wrong and everyone knows it.

Do you think as a UK citizen, that I agree with my Government blindly following Bush and his idiotic decisions? No I certainly do not.

But there should be no 'them' and 'us'.

We all share this planet, we all live here, everyone has a right to live the life they want, so long as it doesn't harm others.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 22, 2009
MB, people like you and your extremist views, go completely against the goals of the human race as a whole. People like you will keep the wars going. People like you will never learn to live in peace. It's people like you that need to be dealt with as you stop the progression of a united 'race'.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 22, 2009
Maybe the other Muslim members of this forum would care to react to MB's open declaration of single handed jihad against all things western?

He wants a united Muslim army with full nuclear capability to invade the evil west and scour it of immoral influences. And who decides what is immoral? MB? He will have anyone who is not muslim rounded up and put in cages and maybe introduce a showering system to solve the problem of so many infidels.

Muslimbagladeshi=Adolf Hitler

He was mad as a box of frogs too...

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Dubai Knight
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Jan 22, 2009
maybe worster than Adolf
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Jan 22, 2009
'Hate' is a very strong word people! There should be no hate between human beings, we are all made of the same stuff after all.

absolutely right. but what did we see in Gaaza ?! what do we understand from the silence almost every government keeping on this issue ?!!

Maybe the other Muslim members of this forum would care to react to MB's open declaration of single handed jihad against all things western?

apart from the extremism shown by mb, i completely agree with him when he asked for unity in all forms among arabs. it doesn't mean that this united front is to attack anyone, but it is to defend themselves. one doesn't have to go join al quaida for that.
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Re: Why no hatred for USA/UK and its kindreds? Jan 22, 2009
Why do you always hide behind your religion? Muslim countries differ each other as much as Christian ones... IMHO religion isn't enough to unite very different countries...

There were Muslims who killed each other in millions as mad dogs in Iran-Iraqi war and all Arab world supported "secular" Iraq, not Muslim Iran...

The same Muslim brothers invaded Kuweit and destroyd all country and US were the only force who stopped Sadam from father conquest...
Red Chief
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Jan 22, 2009
Maybe he´s the brother of Sadam


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Jan 22, 2009
Oh wait now he's gonna jump all over you, because you replaced 'Muslim' with 'Saddam'. He'll call you racist and disrespectful and a hateful person now :roll:
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 22, 2009
GREAT, thats what i need in the morning, like a big cup of coffee, lets wait till 2morrow.

Or does this sounds better:


LOL, maybe he will quit after he saw the links you and i posted
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Jan 22, 2009
I wanted to say the following because no matter what political topic is started, everything just becomes so religions, at the end.

Religion has always played the central role in every nation of all times-whether we admit or not is another issue, most of the times hate against other religions (crusade wars) and some times different fractions within (shia sunni, catholic-protestant etc).

You know the irony is, every follower claims that their religion (or no religion in general) never advocates hate, wars but rather love and peace.

I mean come on think about it, If every religion binds its followers to love peace and then this is at the very heart of its ideology, then why its followers implement the complete opposite in their actions and claim that they are doing all this on the name of religion??? See ? its not about we or them, its about us as one living on this planet. If religion blinds you or anyone else from seeing the world as one but with divisions then perhaps thats because you were born in that community?
I am a muslim by birth but I studied Islam and also other religions to the best possible means and I chose Islam by choice later. I have no issue if another person chose a different one or none for that matter.

Chocoholic and others are giving the same treatment to MB what he deserves but can we just think about why all this hate among us in this forum? Cant we as humans tend to agree on the injustices being done across the world irrespective of east, west or otherwise religion?

MB, chocoholic is saying that she does not endorse what her govt is doing for that matter, so isn't that something you should respect her for? Don't you see so many issues in the muslim world? Just saying lets unite (economic, military bla bla) will make you what? Are they not the children of God as you are? Why does God has to be on your side and not on theirs? Think about it seriously.....and lets all of us talk about the ills of the world in a mature manner.

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Re: Why no hatred for USA/UK and its kindreds? Jan 22, 2009
Red Chief wrote:MB,
Why do you always hide behind your religion? Muslim countries differ each other as much as Christian ones... IMHO religion isn't enough to unite very different countries...

There were Muslims who killed each other in millions as mad dogs in Iran-Iraqi war and all Arab world supported "secular" Iraq, not Muslim Iran...

The same Muslim brothers invaded Kuweit and destroyd all country and US were the only force who stopped Sadam from father conquest...

U r rite abt all tht but do u really gone through sm brief study before commentin like this???

I am sorry to say tht it was not abt muslims against muslims....it was about race for oil and energy sector through out the world...
even 2 brothers will be carryin diff opinions....

Wht happened in iraq and iran ...was not abt shia and sunni....it was well planned scenario by sm undercover political regimes who call them the MOST DEMOCRATIVE one....
they want oil reserves and new markets for their weapons ...

so dont try to act as MB
If he is talkin non sense...y r all others respondin and doin wht he wants.
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Re: Why no hatred for USA/UK and its kindreds? Jan 22, 2009
daisy wrote:
Red Chief wrote:MB,
Why do you always hide behind your religion? Muslim countries differ each other as much as Christian ones... IMHO religion isn't enough to unite very different countries...

There were Muslims who killed each other in millions as mad dogs in Iran-Iraqi war and all Arab world supported "secular" Iraq, not Muslim Iran...

The same Muslim brothers invaded Kuweit and destroyd all country and US were the only force who stopped Sadam from father conquest...

U r rite abt all tht but do u really gone through sm brief study before commentin like this???

I am sorry to say tht it was not abt muslims against muslims....it was about race for oil and energy sector through out the world...
even 2 brothers will be carryin diff opinions....

Wht happened in iraq and iran ...was not abt shia and sunni....it was well planned scenario by sm undercover political regimes who call them the MOST DEMOCRATIVE one....
they want oil reserves and new markets for their weapons ...

so dont try to act as MB
If he is talkin non sense...y r all others respondin and doin wht he wants.

I agree with most of what you said except :-)

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Re: Why no hatred for USA/UK and its kindreds? Jan 22, 2009
daisy wrote:If he is talkin non sense...y r all others respondin and doin wht he wants.

i have been wondering that. in fact, mb is better in his language if u compare his posts with some of responses given to him by some veteran members.
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Re: Why no hatred for USA/UK and its kindreds? Jan 22, 2009
daisy wrote:I am sorry to say tht it was not abt muslims against muslims....it was about race for oil and energy sector through out the world...
even 2 brothers will be carryin diff opinions....

Wht happened in iraq and iran ...was not abt shia and sunni...

I wrote exactly the same. Probably you don't understand due to my bad English or your prejudice....

The wars were for resourses, intetrests and many other things among religion...
Red Chief
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Re: Why no hatred for USA/UK and its kindreds? Jan 22, 2009
Red Chief wrote:
daisy wrote:I am sorry to say tht it was not abt muslims against muslims....it was about race for oil and energy sector through out the world...
even 2 brothers will be carryin diff opinions....

Wht happened in iraq and iran ...was not abt shia and sunni...

I wrote exactly the same. Probably you don't understand due to my bad English or your prejudice....

The wars were for resourses, intetrests and many other things among religion...

I actually agree with daisy that the wars were actually started (not on religions fractions) but for vested interested of certain groups, but later the same forces made it look like it started on the bases of religion. Thats what I wanted to say in the beginning, that these evil forces are present in every society, and are exploiting the resources. What happened in the recent global financial crises, every one is being affected and I think this could be a blessing in disguise...

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Re: Why no hatred for USA/UK and its kindreds? Jan 22, 2009
dubai1970 wrote:for vested interested of certain groups,
evil forces

It was really great speech...
Red Chief
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Re: Why no hatred for USA/UK and its kindreds? Jan 22, 2009
Red Chief wrote:
dubai1970 wrote:for vested interested of certain groups,
evil forces

It was really great speech...

Thanks dude. ;-)
Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Jan 22, 2009
dubai1970, you make good points. I'd like to point out though, that the only hatred currently coming from this forum is contained in the posts by adolfbangladeshi.

I don't know why it needs to be explained again, but as Chocs mentioned, citizens of Western countries are not happy with what their governments do all the time.

Big business and political ties with other countries are influences beyond the control of the average person. There is a lot of critique by citizens about how their governments conduct their foreign policy in the Middle East. We have people marching, writing petitions, and forming and running NGO's to do aid work in countries affected by bad foreign policy. However, governments are lobbied by economic and political forces to act as they do, for an agenda that not all citizens approve of or even know the end-game for.

Do you expect us to violently overthrow our governments because they are actively or passively letting things happen in the Middle East? Do you expect us to create instability and unrest in our home countries which can cause political crisis and damage the economy? We are all just trying to survive and have a good quality of life every day - going to work, feeding our families, living peacefully in our towns and cities.

If you think yes - all Western citizens should overthrow their governments because of bad foreign policy, then return to the question of why governments of the Middle East haven't been overthrown by their citizens in order to change the domestic and foreign policy to what they want? Aren't we all in the same pickle? Economic and political barriers make instant change difficult.

I would have to say that Americans have taken a step forward by booting out the Republicans and bringing in Obama, who has already promised to right some wrongs. Tony Blair was already booted. Unfortunately, in Canada we elected a conservative moron who butt kissed Bush, but that was because of a political crisis affecting the former Liberal government (see - domestic issues can over-rule foreign policy in voter's criteria).

Why do we Westerners/non-Muslims collectively deserve to be wiped out and our culture written off by people of the mindset of adolfbangladeshi who think that an Islamic way of life is the only way to live, and our government's actions should condemn us all as individuals?

Are Western/non-Muslim people on this forum calling for Islamic people and culture to be wiped off the planet, because Christianity is superior and the only path?

I think it is obvious that adolfbangladeshi's hatred of Westerners is abnormal, unjust and distasteful. He needs serious help to get rid of the hate, because it looks to me like it is consuming his life and that won't lead to good things - for him, or for any Westerners who might cross his path.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 22, 2009
kanelli wrote:dubai1970, you make good points. I'd like to point out though, that the only hatred currently coming from this forum is contained in the posts by adolfbangladeshi.

I don't know why it needs to be explained again, but as Chocs mentioned, citizens of Western countries are not happy with what their governments do all the time.

Big business and political ties with other countries are influences beyond the control of the average person. There is a lot of critique by citizens about how their governments conduct their foreign policy in the Middle East. We have people marching, writing petitions, and forming and running NGO's to do aid work in countries affected by bad foreign policy. However, governments are lobbied by economic and political forces to act as they do, for an agenda that not all citizens approve of or even know the end-game for.

Do you expect us to violently overthrow our governments because they are actively or passively letting things happen in the Middle East? Do you expect us to create instability and unrest in our home countries which can cause political crisis and damage the economy? We are all just trying to survive and have a good quality of life every day - going to work, feeding our families, living peacefully in our towns and cities.

If you think yes - all Western citizens should overthrow their governments because of bad foreign policy, then return to the question of why governments of the Middle East haven't been overthrown by their citizens in order to change the domestic and foreign policy to what they want? Aren't we all in the same pickle? Economic and political barriers make instant change difficult.

I would have to say that Americans have taken a step forward by booting out the Republicans and bringing in Obama, who has already promised to right some wrongs. Tony Blair was already booted. Unfortunately, in Canada we elected a conservative moron who butt kissed Bush, but that was because of a political crisis affecting the former Liberal government (see - domestic issues can over-rule foreign policy in voter's criteria).

Why do we Westerners/non-Muslims collectively deserve to be wiped out and our culture written off by people of the mindset of adolfbangladeshi who think that an Islamic way of life is the only way to live, and our government's actions should condemn us all as individuals?

Are Western/non-Muslim people on this forum calling for Islamic people and culture to be wiped off the planet, because Christianity is superior and the only path?

I think it is obvious that adolfbangladeshi's hatred of Westerners is abnormal, unjust and distasteful. He needs serious help to get rid of the hate, because it looks to me like it is consuming his life and that won't lead to good things - for him, or for any Westerners who might cross his path.

Good point K

Adolfbanglabumboy also seems oblivious to the fact that his extremist rantings are also against the mainstream of decent Muslim belief and, if he were to stand up in public in some Arabic countries and state things in this way, he would be quietly led away by the police and locked in a dank cell as the plaything of some drug crazed 200kg axe murderer for the rest of his days.

We have the option to simply ignore his diatribes or attempt to debate logically.

But then I am just a running dog of the imperialist capitalist evil degenerate fornicating alcoholic murdering western system...what would I know?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dubai Knight
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Jan 22, 2009
I think that this prat is not what he says he is,no one could be stupid enuff to spout such hatred,everything the prat posts is just to get a rise out of everyone,i think that he/it is a computer program as all his reply's to everything are basicly the same and no rational Humanbeing would do that,there is never any variation in his posts it just mixes the words around.

If it is human i would liken him to some mentaly abnormal outcast who is neither well travelled or well educated his attacks on the Dutch i find very amusing,he see's Mr & Mrs cloggy and there 2 blond kids as a familly who goes out on a Friday night to watch a live p<3n show,why ? well thats all they have in Holland aint it ?i can only assume that he has been there,as for the Brits and yanks killing a million Iraq's i can again only assume that he has visited Iraq and seen this,but in the Iraq i have just spent a year in i saw lots of Iraq's blowing up other Iraq's,as for the freedom of religeon in the UK well the UK that i come from would have a Church,Mosque,Temple,and all the other places of worship on the same street and maybe the call to prayer isnt sounded by loud speaker but at least you know its there and you are free to go there whenever you please,is this true of Bangladesh ? i knows it aint true in the KSA.

All my posts are based on the fact that i have seen things with my own 2 eyes,they are not based on propaganda,news papers or what me mate thinks he saw.

Get out of your cave MB and sample the world,sample different cultures.

I still think that you are a cheeky chappie and i am glad that i make you laugh it shows that i am making in roads and building bridges.

Anyways gotta go as i bumped into 3 lesbians a weed smoking donkey and a dwarf dressed as a gladiator last night and they all want to have my child.
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Jan 22, 2009
TheChoosen wrote:maybe worster than Adolf

No, I don't believe that he is worse than Adolf.
I think he's more like this...

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Jan 22, 2009
busa wrote:I think that this prat is not what he says he is,no one could be stupid enuff to spout such hatred,everything the prat posts is just to get a rise out of everyone,i think that he/it is a computer program as all his reply's to everything are basicly the same and no rational Humanbeing would do that,there is never any variation in his posts it just mixes the words around.

If it is human i would liken him to some mentaly abnormal outcast who is neither well travelled or well educated his attacks on the Dutch i find very amusing,he see's Mr & Mrs cloggy and there 2 blond kids as a familly who goes out on a Friday night to watch a live p<3n show,why ? well thats all they have in Holland aint it ?i can only assume that he has been there,as for the Brits and yanks killing a million Iraq's i can again only assume that he has visited Iraq and seen this,but in the Iraq i have just spent a year in i saw lots of Iraq's blowing up other Iraq's,as for the freedom of religeon in the UK well the UK that i come from would have a Church,Mosque,Temple,and all the other places of worship on the same street and maybe the call to prayer isnt sounded by loud speaker but at least you know its there and you are free to go there whenever you please,is this true of Bangladesh ? i knows it aint true in the KSA.

All my posts are based on the fact that i have seen things with my own 2 eyes,they are not based on propaganda,news papers or what me mate thinks he saw.

Get out of your cave MB and sample the world,sample different cultures.

I still think that you are a cheeky chappie and i am glad that i make you laugh it shows that i am making in roads and building bridges.

Anyways gotta go as i bumped into 3 lesbians a weed smoking donkey and a dwarf dressed as a gladiator last night and they all want to have my child.


You crack me up sometimes!


PS. Can I have my gladiator costume back, I need to repair the little flap in the arse...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Jan 22, 2009
busa, I wish he was just a prankster, but I think he might really be mentally disturbed.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 22, 2009
kanelli wrote:dubai1970, you make good points. I'd like to point out though, that the only hatred currently coming from this forum is contained in the posts by adolfbangladeshi.

I don't know why it needs to be explained again, but as Chocs mentioned, citizens of Western countries are not happy with what their governments do all the time.

Big business and political ties with other countries are influences beyond the control of the average person. There is a lot of critique by citizens about how their governments conduct their foreign policy in the Middle East. We have people marching, writing petitions, and forming and running NGO's to do aid work in countries affected by bad foreign policy. However, governments are lobbied by economic and political forces to act as they do, for an agenda that not all citizens approve of or even know the end-game for.

Do you expect us to violently overthrow our governments because they are actively or passively letting things happen in the Middle East? Do you expect us to create instability and unrest in our home countries which can cause political crisis and damage the economy? We are all just trying to survive and have a good quality of life every day - going to work, feeding our families, living peacefully in our towns and cities.

If you think yes - all Western citizens should overthrow their governments because of bad foreign policy, then return to the question of why governments of the Middle East haven't been overthrown by their citizens in order to change the domestic and foreign policy to what they want? Aren't we all in the same pickle? Economic and political barriers make instant change difficult.

I would have to say that Americans have taken a step forward by booting out the Republicans and bringing in Obama, who has already promised to right some wrongs. Tony Blair was already booted. Unfortunately, in Canada we elected a conservative moron who butt kissed Bush, but that was because of a political crisis affecting the former Liberal government (see - domestic issues can over-rule foreign policy in voter's criteria).

Why do we Westerners/non-Muslims collectively deserve to be wiped out and our culture written off by people of the mindset of adolfbangladeshi who think that an Islamic way of life is the only way to live, and our government's actions should condemn us all as individuals?

Are Western/non-Muslim people on this forum calling for Islamic people and culture to be wiped off the planet, because Christianity is superior and the only path?

I think it is obvious that adolfbangladeshi's hatred of Westerners is abnormal, unjust and distasteful. He needs serious help to get rid of the hate, because it looks to me like it is consuming his life and that won't lead to good things - for him, or for any Westerners who might cross his path.

I would like to ask MB, is this what you are, the way she described you? If yes then god have mercy on you. We never have any hate or disrespect to western people rather serious issues with the policies of their governments. And if you really want to stand up against their policies , then the first thing you do should do is to correct your own governments, can you do that? If not then don't blame the commoner in west, he or he is just like a normal person going too busy in own issues.

Having said above, I find it odd how some western people misbehave in this forum, thats not right too.

Anyway, Only the wisest and the stupidest of men never change. Lets hear both sides and try t o bring some peace.

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Jan 22, 2009
Sorry, but a heck of a lot of people misbehave on this forum - it is an internet forum after all ;) Do you have higher expectations of the Western posters?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 22, 2009
You know what is wrong with some people?
They simply can't separate fun talk with serious talk. And these forum sections aren't setup for the die-hard discussions of the intellectual few.

If they wanted the upper serious core of people, or at least behave like them, they would have set up a rule for every poster/commenter to follow like they want you to behave. They could even "discriminate" you by asking to perform a IQ test before acceptance to become member. As a matter of fact, I'm member of one of those boards.

This isn't the case here at DF. Everybody is welcome. Doesn't that please some of you people out there?
It surely helps me keep my foot out of all serious things in my life. I act as I please on this forum, with the moderate rules DF has imposed on us.

If you want serious talk. Find another (e.g. war) discussion fora out there on the world wide web and become a member. You can talk war all you like, all day long!

Now, lets keep it simple. Enjoy Dubai Forums as it is.
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