Alcohol , Fun ?

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alcohol , fun ? Jan 21, 2009
Away from religious or culture views, what pleasure you gain from drinking alcohol ? you get addicted to it and bad for the health
Honestly I tried it, smoked weed also for ones , they all got me headache, smelling bad and acting stupid so where is the fun ?

Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Jan 22, 2009
Do you like ice-cream? Liqueurs are great on ice-cream. Pour some Kahlua, Tia Maria, Frangelico, Amaretto, Midori, Malibu, or Chambord on ice-cream.

What's really nice is cook fried plantains or bananas top with ice-cream then pour a nice liqueur over it. YUMMY

Another dish is to sprinkle a little sugar and pour a tablespoon of Madeira or Port on each slice of pineapples. Refrigerate for about about 4 hours. Simple, delicious, and impressive.
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Re: alcohol , fun ? Jan 22, 2009
uaekid wrote:Away from religious or culture views, what pleasure you gain from drinking alcohol ? you get addicted to it and bad for the health
Honestly I tried it, smoked weed also for ones , they all got me headache, smelling bad and acting stupid so where is the fun ?

I don't drink much and don't smoke but I've done it all in the past for fun and relaxation.
Its not that you have to use drugs! You decide when you are allowed to choose by Dutch law, at a certain age. Thats it.

If you are a sane brain, you keep it within limits and don't let those pleasures steer your life in a bad way. Individual accountability is key in every individuals life. Dutch law demands it for discrete use of those pleasures.
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Jan 22, 2009
woow this thread suppose to be in the general forum not here !! chocoholic, help.

maybe I'll try the ice cream in the summer :)
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Jan 22, 2009
Well, it's not necessarily addictive, depends on the person. But yes, alcohol can be a terrible thing. I've never really been a big drinker, but then no-one in my family is either. Like it for social occassions, but I never go out and get blasted, which a completely pointless exercise to me. I find it embarrassing when some of my friends make it their mission to get absolutely hammered, and guess who ends up looking after them? That's never fun.

I've also been quite concerned about some of my friends, who I consider to drink too much.

It's fine in moderation, sometimes I like to get home from work and chill out with a glass of wine. Sadly the reds, which I love, give me the most horrendous headaches :cry:

Kalhua over vanilla ice-cream is awsome!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 22, 2009
I'm asking cuz one of my friends is a heavy drinker, alcoholic, he just has to drink every day starting at 9pm till he passes away, I keep asking him to degrees the amount he drinks instead he keep buying the more heaver liquor bcz as he claims the old ones doesn't do it for him anymore!

the way he doing is not fun at all, we use to go camping allot now I stopped cuz he gets announcing and stupid when he get drunk .
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Jan 22, 2009
Kid, looks like you might have to do an intervention. Sometimes you can't help people until they reach rock bottom, realise they have a problem and want to help themselves - been there, done it!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 22, 2009
He needs urgend help, professional one!
NEVER try to quit drinking without medical/doctors asisstance!

He can die!!

For the first step see this:

Al Anon Family Groups
24 hour hotline Call: 050 6974393

Alcoholics Anonymous
Call: 050 4143042

Alcoholics Anonymous, Dubai
Call: 3949198
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Jan 22, 2009
I'm really trying on a daily basis, but the influent of his drinking buddies is greater than mine, beside he doesn't even wana lesson and keeps on avoiding the conversation, I guess this is phase 1, denial :)
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Jan 22, 2009
I think personalities are key in this situation. Alchohol is primarily a recreational drug. When used right it can be a fun thing to do with your friends. Issues arise when its used as a seditive or an escape from reality. In this situation people should not drink as its merely making existing mental problems worse.

Now where's my beer ? :-)
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Jan 22, 2009
uaekid wrote:I'm really trying on a daily basis, but the influent of his drinking buddies is greater than mine, beside he doesn't even wana lesson and keeps on avoiding the conversation, I guess this is phase 1, denial :)

Maybe you have to take his drinking buddies aside and tell them not to encourage him!

Yes, sounds like denial and the hlep groups are all very well and good, but you'll have to get him there first. As I said before, he has to realise he has a problem and want to get help. You can't help someone that doesn't want to be helped - at this stage.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 22, 2009
Kid, you should call them, explain them the situation and ask them to visit him, they´ll do it!!

Even they know how to help him and to admitt him in a hospital
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Jan 22, 2009
they drink too ! what gives ?
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Jan 22, 2009
THIS GUY´S, not his friends

Alcoholics Anonymous
Call: 050 4143042

Alcoholics Anonymous, Dubai
Call: 3949198
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Jan 22, 2009
uaekid wrote:they drink too ! what gives ?

LOL yes calling his buddies doesn't sound wise
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Jan 22, 2009
I've passed out a couple of times and it wasn't fun at all. That was my motive to quit since most of the times I get drunk something bad or unwise happens.

I didn't feel nice at all leaving my car by the bar and being carried to a friend's car. I dunno why people keep doing this and guess it needs intervention at a certain stage.
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Jan 22, 2009
bedro wrote: That was my motive to quit since most of the times I get drunk something bad or unwise happens.

It was my motive too. So I drink only beer in Dubai. This way I can always control myself...
Red Chief
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Jan 22, 2009
Red Chief wrote:
bedro wrote: That was my motive to quit since most of the times I get drunk something bad or unwise happens.

It was my motive too. So I drink only beer in Dubai. This way I can always control myself...

Ditto :lol:
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Jan 22, 2009
there could be an underlying reason to why he is drinking so much -- aside from the negative influence of his 'friends'. finding that out could prove to be more useful than just continuing to tell him to cut back or quit.
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Jan 22, 2009
Yeh, depression used to drive me to drink.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 22, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:Yeh, depression used to drive me to drink.

same here
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Jan 22, 2009
And after a while, drinking doesn't prevent you from feeling down.
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Jan 22, 2009
And then u r trapped....and belive me, it´s a real bad trap!!!
Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 22, 2009
I know! Been there, done that, bought the bleedin' t-shirt!

Alcohol in itself is a downer. And never ever drink gin if you're feeling down!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 22, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:Yeh, depression used to drive me to drink.

I get a taxi to drive me to drink!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dubai Knight
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Jan 23, 2009
its all upto the person to be honest. ive had drinking problems at age 20 and almost died of pancreatitis at 20! once he feels the pain of a thousand forks in his stomachs like i did, maybe he will stop. i still drink these days daily but only beer to help me fall asleep.

what your friend does is drink hard liqour which i did and totally hammered my liver, increased my blood pressure, and inflamed my pancreas. took only 5 months for all those damages resulting from day and night non-stop drinking. my advice to you is leave your friend make his own decisions, as bringing him to medical help will just increase his alcoholism more, as those ceentre's usually give valium medications which will heighten the feeling of "high" while drinking if he is not ready to give up and start mixing them.
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Jan 23, 2009
Doing anything to excess is probably going to damage you in some way. Drinking is one that can prove fatal.

Wine is not a drink to be taken in excess, it should be enjoyed for the flavours and variety it offers. It is a well know fact that doctors recommend a glass of red wine a day as it is good for the heart...

My theory is: If a glass is good for it, then a whole bottle must be excellent!

8) 8) 8)

Dubai Knight
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Jan 23, 2009
Dubai Knight wrote:Doing anything to excess is probably going to damage you in some way. Drinking is one that can prove fatal.

Wine is not a drink to be taken in excess, it should be enjoyed for the flavours and variety it offers. It is a well know fact that doctors recommend a glass of red wine a day as it is good for the heart...

My theory is: If a glass is good for it, then a whole bottle must be excellent!

8) 8) 8)



I prefer only one glass :lol: :lol:
Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 23, 2009
Dubai Knight wrote:My theory is: If a glass is good for it, then a whole bottle must be excellent!

Vodka without beer is wasting money...
Red Chief
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Jan 23, 2009
TheChoosen wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:Doing anything to excess is probably going to damage you in some way. Drinking is one that can prove fatal.

Wine is not a drink to be taken in excess, it should be enjoyed for the flavours and variety it offers. It is a well know fact that doctors recommend a glass of red wine a day as it is good for the heart...

My theory is: If a glass is good for it, then a whole bottle must be excellent!

8) 8) 8)



I prefer only one glass :lol: :lol:

Oh they found MY glass!!!!

I gotsta get me one of those!

:D :D :D

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