A Shame For Afghanz..........Hamid Karzai

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A Shame for Afghanz..........Hamid Karzai Jun 17, 2008
we are ashamed of what our "afgo-american " president has said recently for pakistan.
The truth is we have never accepted invaders in all our history and we never will.

This time invaders are americans and Brits and karzai works for them. That makes him invader too.

Karzai is a shame for afghanistan as he forgot our values when he spoke his " american mind " on behalf of all afghaniz.

on the border, there are thousands of people who have their families living on both sides of the border. For them both these countries are their homes.

and above all pakistaniz fought with us when russion invaded. they stood by us in the name of islam and islamic brotherhood.

And we, the people who give their lives for the safty of their guests, how can we take lives of those who fought like men with us. Afterall defeating a superpower is never that easy as they have shown in charlie wilson war.

People who enjoy women and drinks never win wars. it was pakistaniz who fought with us and died like men in battle field with us.

We understand that karzai is sitting there caz of americans and want to pressurise pak army after killing their army men. we understand that you are sitting there to increase the opium production and injcet that drugs money in westrn economies. we understand why you are not building afghanistan even after so called wining the battle and sitting there in the name of NETO.

Yes we understand unlike these stupid americans and brits who couldnt figure out that they have been killed by their own governments on 911 and 7/7.The whole world is paying a price for their stupidity.

Karzai say whatever u want to do whatever u want to but......

But Not In Our Name.
We know who our friends are and WHO THE ENEMY IS.

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Jun 17, 2008
Datla che razaee takabbur khabree makawa
Da Jod Geela Aashna Makawa

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Jan 12, 2009
One should respect the president of any country. The Democracy is the best revenge. Remove the president through democratic force. No more violnce
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Jan 16, 2009
outworldish wrote:Datla che razaee takabbur khabree makawa
Da Jod Geela Aashna Makawa


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Jan 20, 2009
ahamed wrote:
outworldish wrote:Datla che razaee takabbur khabree makawa
Da Jod Geela Aashna Makawa



pakhtoon day... :lol:
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Re: A Shame for Afghanz..........Hamid Karzai Jan 20, 2009
People who enjoy women and drinks never win wars.

So they have the one and only gay army in the world
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 29, 2009
No one is talking of germans or their gay paedophile bestial ambitions TC.

OP is right, Karzai is an american installed puppet.
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