Atlantis Boycotted!! Do You Support?

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Jan 19, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:Del, everything has it's place you know! It doesn't mean it's not an important cause! And it doesn't mean we're also not caring about other issues, it's one of many! If you don't support it, don't comment, plain and simple.


Why don't they boycott their granny wants knob trips to west Africa on the grounds of the poverty there?

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Jan 19, 2009
AND so what? Good for the Germans! At least they say sense! More tour operators around the globe should boycott the Atlantis.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 19, 2009
Chocs, just ignore the troll.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 19, 2009
who is the troll here?

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Jan 19, 2009
sharfraz wrote:who is the troll here?


That fat bird who just turned up.
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Jan 19, 2009
insult for an fair and get fair!!!!!!

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Jan 19, 2009
If you don't support the cause, then don't bother and let those of us who do get on with it.

who you calling fat anyway, I don't think so!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 19, 2009
uaekid is troll #2, currently troll #1 is muslimbangladeshi

These guys are on the forum just to be controversial and stir the pot so they can get attention from people.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 19, 2009
kanelli wrote:uaekid is troll #2, currently troll #1 is muslimbangladeshi

These guys are on the forum just to be controversial and stir the pot so they can get attention from people.

LOL no not at all dear.. for a start I don't conceder you as people , and this needs another thread for me to explain !! and I have enough attention from people that I care about and . speaking of attention you need to pay it to your spouse instead of hanging around the net all the time LOL I guess he needs it more than I do LOL

I just post what I have to say and there is really no need for anyone to reply and trust me if I had anything better to do I wouldn't be posting here. But too much free time force you to have fun with it..

With regards
Your troll #2 :)
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Jan 19, 2009
UAE kid....are you on the dole? I wish I was on the dole again..... I bloody loved it! Beats working!

Why are there so many young local guys doing coffee shop crawls during the day? Are they on the dole too?

I love it at throwing out time when they become a bit unruly....throwing their weight around high on excessive amounts of caffeine. Disgusting it is!
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Jan 19, 2009
Chocoholic wrote: who you calling fat anyway

NOT you...
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Jan 19, 2009
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Jan 19, 2009
I checked the homepage of this travelagency, NO word or banner about this issue, and, most funny:


They are specialized on other countrys
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Jan 19, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:
naruto wrote:hahahhaah crying over a fish!!!!!

if u want to save one..start by not eating them..and yes i mean all the fish..

why dont some of u cry about the people who died in GAZA ..well for u folks animals are better than humans ..i didnt see the people who boycotted atlantis do the same and boycott "ISRAEL"


Geez ignorance must be bliss for someone like you!

The reason we speak for animals dear intellectually challenged one, is because animals have no voice and no-one to stand up for them, so we have to do it. And typically someone like you couldn't possibly understand the fact that just because we care about animals, certainly doesn't mean we don't care about people! We can do both you know, it's a thing called multi-tasking? Something that I suspect is an alien concept to you.

lol..we know animals have no voice ..thats why we eat them :D ..u are the ignorat here ..u say u stand for animals ..but at the same time u enjoy eating confused here dear..if u support the ppl of GAZA did u wrote anything about their crisis and the war over there..dont tell me that u donate some of ur money to them ..we want to see some action some kung fu shittt ... 8)
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Jan 19, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:Now if everyone took that attitude all the animals in the world would be exstinct in no time at all!

It's wrong! The whale-shark is a protected species and they have no right to hold her in the first place.

Your ignorance is astounding!

i also agree with u tht if as a human we just kept tht attitude then no animal will be left on earth.....but

Miss can i ask u smthing....and all other fellows tht wht about human race?

how insensitive we r about them/

Look whts happeneing in gaza....but we all r just arguing over whales...not humans and the little kids.

Sorry for all of us...
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Jan 19, 2009

maybe you have a look at the topic, its not about Gaza.

Feel free to open a new topic if you want to discuss about the mentioned

circumstances, ok?
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Jan 19, 2009
smoggie wrote:UAE kid....are you on the dole? I wish I was on the dole again..... I bloody loved it! Beats working!

Why are there so many young local guys doing coffee shop crawls during the day? Are they on the dole too?

I love it at throwing out time when they become a bit unruly....throwing their weight around high on excessive amounts of caffeine. Disgusting it is!

They act like they are some sophisticated men LOOOOL they don't even know what they are drinking LOL
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Jan 20, 2009
daisy wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:
Look whts happeneing in gaza....but we all r just arguing over whales...not humans and the little kids.

How the heck is Gaza related to a whale shark in Dubai?
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Jan 20, 2009
That's not my quote, so don't know what happened there.

As usual some people find it difficult to comprehend the fact, that just because we stand up for animals, we somehow don't care about people! WRONG!

This topic is about the whale-shark! If you wish to talk about human issues, open another thread on that topic.

And Nurato or whatever the hell your name is, you are ridiculous! You don't get the point, so it's pointless talking to you, if you have nothing to contribute to the topic of releasing Sammy, then please don't bother.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 20, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:That's not my quote, so don't know what happened there.

As usual some people find it difficult to comprehend the fact, that just because we stand up for animals, we somehow don't care about people! WRONG!

This topic is about the whale-shark! If you wish to talk about human issues, open another thread on that topic.

On line 1, sorry about that, Choco. went wrong while deleting lines from daisy's quote.

Sorry but I am actually totally fed up with the way Gaza issue gets pushed into our faces in every single topic, on the forum and outside too.
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Jan 20, 2009
What about if Atlantis can keep the shark, but they have to pay like $100K to marine conservation or something?

Anyway, I must say that the Atlantis aquarium gets a big fail when it comes to marine education, especially about environmental issues affecting marine ecosystems (pollution, overfishing etc). They have one little card that tells you very little about the animals in the tank, let alone any issues affecting their survival.

michaeldubai wrote:Anyway getting back, think of the hysteria it created. Have you ever seen people in the uae raise voices on environmental concerns? There is a movement starting. Let it not die out.

Fair point, maybe I was a little harsh before. If lots of people get involved and win, then they move on to looking at other marine issues then it will be a good thing.

PS: God, what an absolute Shit fight some of these threads turn into.
Captain Australia
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Jan 20, 2009
Atlantis started to kick out a lot of staff.

Recession? Maybe.

Boycott? Probably.

Both? I guess so.

300 poor staff. 1 whale. I already formed a conclusion long time back.
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Jan 20, 2009
Captain Australia wrote:PS: God, what an absolute tasty fight some of these threads turn into.

Indeed so. You want a Malteser too? Its a family bag... :lol:

UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Jan 20, 2009
hell with the shark lol bloody free it and it will eat up some guy. leave it there otherwise some japanese fisher will make the sushi out of him.

he is in safe location and getting food and mingling with all the other fish. what more could a fish want???????

if i was a shark and i was on the endagered list. i would wish someone would take me to their home or pond instead of me being eaten by the japs.

hell there are better things to do then to argue about a shark thats bloody probably enjoying himself as we speak.

bloody jobless ppl seriously :P come on peeps instead of freeing up a shark, y not hold a rally to stop war, to do something about aids or genocide or food shortage or even greedy landlords :D
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Jan 20, 2009
rudeboy wrote:hell with the shark lol bloody free it and it will eat up some guy. leave it there otherwise some japanese fisher will make the sushi out of him.

Anasammie BadBwoy, rudisome you éar! 8)

For your information:
A Whale shark is not a predator.
Its a filter-feeding shark and it only has two relatives; the megamouth shark and the basking shark. Your even able to swim with them and if your nice, you're able to scrub their belly's and scrape of some parasites... :lol:

It doesn't eat people Rudebwoy.

Now you know also :idea:
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Jan 20, 2009
RobbyG wrote:
rudeboy wrote:hell with the shark lol bloody free it and it will eat up some guy. leave it there otherwise some japanese fisher will make the sushi out of him.

Anasammie BadBwoy, rudisome you éar! 8)

For your information:
A Whale shark is not a predator.
Its a filter-feeding shark and it only has two relatives; the megamouth shark and the basking shark. Your even able to swim with them and if your nice to them, you're able to scrub their belly's and scrape of some parasites... :lol:

Its doesn't eat people Rudebwoy.

Now you know also :idea:

robbyG us humans are predators. we are not filter feeding humans and we have many relatives i.e mum dad, bro sis grand parents etc the list goes on. You are not able to swim with humans if you make them angry (as shown on this forum) they will certainly bite.

now imaagine this, your sammy doing its thing off the coast of japan. he gets entagled or gets shot by the japs. the japs are hungry they have a huge relative list including chinese. they dont care if its a megamouth or a basking robins shark. as long as it tastes like SUSHI they will chase it and eat it.

if u ask ur sammy if he would like to become sushi or if he would like to be in a big pond. am sure he would prefer the later. i m sure i would :D
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Jan 21, 2009
instead of making sushi out of sammy. i say we get him mrs sammy. so they mate have babies. and then maybe mr and mrs sammy can become grand parents etc etc. you have controlled breeding system and then probably sammy wouldnt be on the endagered species list.

freeing the fish would lower his chances of survival. us humans are horrible monsters. already we have destroyed the rain forest we got the global warming going on. and i m sure once he is freed someone will mince him up and make a shurma out of him.
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Jan 21, 2009
Wrong again :) we humans are omnivorous. We eat plants and a bit of meat.
We do tend to life in coexistence, especially among developed ones. Some of us do tend to reach out to interventionism, and the former US President abused that UN measure a bit.

Some of us are actually filter-feeding. That are the ones with the weak oral muscles and tend to drewl at moments. (MB, Gayboy etc.)

Enough of the funny nonsense.
Save the Whale Shark.

Where's the petition and where do I sign!!
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Jan 21, 2009
There is a particular attitude towards animal abuse which I find a bit dusturbing......

If an animal is abused, (e.g. cats thrown from cars, dogs beaten), and someone points it out, a very popular reply is "Children and innocents are being killed in Country X, and you are talking about animals being killed?)".

I have never really understood this notion that if people are suffering in a particular area, it justifies others suffering as long as they are suffering less........
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Jan 21, 2009
BlackburnRovers wrote:There is a particular attitude towards animal abuse which I find a bit dusturbing......

If an animal is abused, (e.g. cats thrown from cars, dogs beaten), and someone points it out, a very popular reply is "Children and innocents are being killed in Country X, and you are talking about animals being killed?)".

I have never really understood this notion that if people are suffering in a particular area, it justifies others suffering as long as they are suffering less........

BBRovers, trust me - it doesnt come up only with animals, it comes during any discussion of anything under the sun!
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