Im So Depressed

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Jan 13, 2006
Liban wrote:
arniegang wrote:
The answer is easy Liban - the westerners you speak of ie us, are not going around with bombs straped to their bodies, thats why we are not being watched.

your extremists rants Liban are of serious concern.

No westerners do not strap bombs on themselves. Their money allows them to develop bombs and means to deliver them. Thats how they blow us up.

blow who up my friend??

UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Jan 13, 2006
arniegang wrote:
your extremists rants Liban are of serious concern.

Everytime an Arab says something against Israel or the West or just plain something different than mainstream Judeo--Christain thinking, the poor Arab is referred to as an extremist... :roll:
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Jan 13, 2006
That wasn't my intention. I'll try to mind my wording in the future.

If terrorism didn't happen on home soil in the US, or UK etc., the people would not have reason to be "concerned" or "afraid" of a group of people who might try to harm them. I'm not saying it is right, and people should get a grip and not assume that all Arabs are hateful.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 13, 2006
Liban wrote:
arniegang wrote:
your extremists rants Liban are of serious concern.

Everytime an Arab says something against Israel or the West or just plain something different than mainstream Judeo--Christain thinking, the poor Arab is referred to as an extremist... :roll:

Israel - thats what all this ranting is about ehhhhhhhhhhhh. To be honest most of us "westerners" actually dont give a shite about the arab-israelli conflict.
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Jan 13, 2006
Liban wrote:
arniegang wrote:
your extremists rants Liban are of serious concern.

Everytime an Arab says something against Israel or the West or just plain something different than mainstream Judeo--Christain thinking, the poor Arab is referred to as an extremist... :roll:

And if one points out that an Arab is being hateful, one is called a bigot. :)
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 13, 2006
Liban wrote:
arniegang wrote:
your extremists rants Liban are of serious concern.

Everytime an Arab says something against Israel or the West or just plain something different than mainstream Judeo--Christain thinking, the poor Arab is referred to as an extremist... :roll:

and with respect Liban there is a huge difference between discussion and the tone of hatred with the way you speak. You my friend represent that minority of Arabs that have this extremist view and hatred.

Liban, when you discuss your fellow Arabs, either speak for yourself or you and your minority, not the Arab nation as a whole - they just may not feel so stongly as you do
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Jan 13, 2006
arniegang wrote:
Liban wrote:
arniegang wrote:
The answer is easy Liban - the westerners you speak of ie us, are not going around with bombs straped to their bodies, thats why we are not being watched.

your extremists rants Liban are of serious concern.

No westerners do not strap bombs on themselves. Their money allows them to develop bombs and means to deliver them. Thats how they blow us up.

blow who up my friend??

Blow us up... Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, come to mind....
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Jan 13, 2006
arniegang wrote:Israel - thats what all this ranting is about ehhhhhhhhhhhh. To be honest most of us "westerners" actually dont give a shite about the arab-israelli conflict.

Really, so why are your governments all involved?
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Jan 13, 2006
Excellent post arniegang.

I'm also one of those Westerners who doesn't give a crap about the Arab-Israeli conflict, except for the fact that I want to see some peace as soon as possible. Peace is always better than hatred and death.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 13, 2006
kanelli wrote:
Liban wrote:
arniegang wrote:
your extremists rants Liban are of serious concern.

Everytime an Arab says something against Israel or the West or just plain something different than mainstream Judeo--Christain thinking, the poor Arab is referred to as an extremist... :roll:

And if one points out that an Arab is being hateful, one is called a bigot. :)

Touche :D
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Jan 13, 2006
arniegang wrote:
Liban wrote:
arniegang wrote:
your extremists rants Liban are of serious concern.

Everytime an Arab says something against Israel or the West or just plain something different than mainstream Judeo--Christain thinking, the poor Arab is referred to as an extremist... :roll:

and with respect Liban there is a huge difference between discussion and the tone of hatred with the way you speak. You my friend represent that minority of Arabs that have this extremist view and hatred.

Liban, when you discuss your fellow Arabs, either speak for yourself or you and your minority, not the Arab nation as a whole - they just may not feel so stongly as you do

You are not an Arab and have not suffered like we have. Especially us from the Levant and Fertile Crescent. So you wouldn't know what we think.
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Jan 13, 2006
kanelli wrote:
Liban wrote:
arniegang wrote:
your extremists rants Liban are of serious concern.

Everytime an Arab says something against Israel or the West or just plain something different than mainstream Judeo--Christain thinking, the poor Arab is referred to as an extremist... :roll:

And if one points out that an Arab is being hateful, one is called a bigot. :)

Its so easy to put words into others mouths isnt it ??

Please copy where i have referred to you "a bigot" please. Dont bother because i havent

Imagination......................................... its called
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Jan 13, 2006
arniegang wrote:
kanelli wrote:
Liban wrote:
arniegang wrote:
your extremists rants Liban are of serious concern.

Everytime an Arab says something against Israel or the West or just plain something different than mainstream Judeo--Christain thinking, the poor Arab is referred to as an extremist... :roll:

And if one points out that an Arab is being hateful, one is called a bigot. :)

Its so easy to put words into others mouths isnt it ??

Please copy where i have referred to you "a bigot" please. Dont bother because i havent

Imagination......................................... its called

He is referring to me 8)
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Jan 13, 2006
Liban wrote:
arniegang wrote:Israel - thats what all this ranting is about ehhhhhhhhhhhh. To be honest most of us "westerners" actually dont give a shite about the arab-israelli conflict.

Really, so why are your governments all involved?

They shouldn't be involved in anything except brokering a peace deal. Anything outside of that is not appropriate.
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Jan 13, 2006
Arniegang, I was talking to Liban on that one, not you! :)
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Jan 13, 2006
Liban wrote:

Blow us up... Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, come to mind....

Iraq - well my friend i dont think we need go there, they spent most of their time mass killing each other before we stepped in and......

Regards the other 2 please post the number of instances that a westerner has "bombed" Palestine and the Lebanon.

Anwers on a postcard please

:lol: :lol:
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Jan 13, 2006
Liban wrote:
arniegang wrote:
Liban wrote:
arniegang wrote:
your extremists rants Liban are of serious concern.

Everytime an Arab says something against Israel or the West or just plain something different than mainstream Judeo--Christain thinking, the poor Arab is referred to as an extremist... :roll:

and with respect Liban there is a huge difference between discussion and the tone of hatred with the way you speak. You my friend represent that minority of Arabs that have this extremist view and hatred.

Liban, when you discuss your fellow Arabs, either speak for yourself or you and your minority, not the Arab nation as a whole - they just may not feel so stongly as you do

You are not an Arab and have not suffered like we have. Especially us from the Levant and Fertile Crescent. So you wouldn't know what we think.

Of course we can empathise. I personally just don't see it as an excuse to continue hating and killing. Everyone on this earth has a right to live in peace, work, feed their families.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 13, 2006
Liban wrote:
arniegang wrote:Israel - thats what all this ranting is about ehhhhhhhhhhhh. To be honest most of us "westerners" actually dont give a shite about the arab-israelli conflict.

Really, so why are your governments all involved?

governments of all nations have their own agenda's - i am referring to "the ordinary man in the street"

and no , we really dont give a shite - generally. Yes there will be a minority that are very vocal - but there again Liban so are you!!!

Now give me an example of any "ordinary" westerner comment, within these forums or anywhere else that speaks with the same tone and hatred you do.
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Jan 13, 2006
If we were to apply the same hatred rules you apply Liban, ordinary western people like me would be posting "hate arab" "hate Muslim" hate hate hate etc.

Now, take 9/11 - 3500 died because of some twat exteremist Saudi - Liban quote us all here please any westerner comments that "we hate hate hate Arabs".

Liban we hate the minority - not the people or the nation - that is what separates people like us from people like you - With respect.

And that also what separates the average westerner etremeist from the average Arab extremeist The westerner may rant about it - but he doesnt strap bombs to himself.
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Jan 13, 2006

Below i have copied 2 comments from another thread one from Kanelli and the reply from you.

Take time to look at the difference of tone, in what Kanelli's comment prompted you to reply.

Kanelli wrote :

" Any people like Liban would be dangerous to be around - a fake smile of friendship with hate lurking behind".

Liban Wrote:

"Oh bite me you moron.

You don't know me, so shut the fcuk up. You will never get to know me because I don't befriend people below me. You feel me...

I dare you to speak to me like this in person. I dog dare you to even try and speak ill of me in person...

You want extemist? Heh! I'll whip you to the extreme. Then you'll know extremist... PUSSYYYYY!!!!!

Now read and understand this Liban - You are so filled with hatred, it really doesnt matter what any of us say because you are so transfixed in your very narrow minded viewpoint.

"Let peace be on earth" - thats a fekin joke Liban with people with attitude like you about. Its so easy to see why there is so much unrest in the world today.
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Jan 14, 2006
kanelli wrote:
They shouldn't be involved in anything except brokering a peace deal. Anything outside of that is not appropriate.

Well buddy, then in the so-called "free world" why don't people tell their governments precisely that? Why don't they vote to stop funding militarily the ennemies of Arabia, like Israel?

Because freedom to change the foreign policy of your country is still not possible in the West. So I put it to you that the West is NOT 100% free even to its nationals.
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Jan 14, 2006
kanelli wrote:
Of course we can empathise. I personally just don't see it as an excuse to continue hating and killing. Everyone on this earth has a right to live in peace, work, feed their families.

Thankyou Kanelli. So please make your goverments stop meddling in our affairs like they do throughout the Arab world. Make them stop funding Israel, our sworn ennemy. Become the true brokers of peace.

And you will see. All this crap between us and you will come to an end.

Remember as Christians and Muslims are historically closer than the Jews are top any of them.

A Christian helped our Prophet when he was hurt. He eventually converted to Islam since Christians are also people of the book. The Christian Emperor of Abbysiania (Etheopia) protected the first Muslims from the heathen Meccans of the time.

Peace is attainable as long as the west makes a concerted effort to mend was it wraught...
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Jan 14, 2006
To Arniegang. You are just trying to stoke me and thats not going to work anymore. If you want to learn more on how the West has hurt the Arabs, then google it. I grow bored of this.

And Arniegang, I do see beyond your "LOLs" when you try to catch me off guard... You think you got me but you didn't.

To Kanelli. I apologize if I was insulting but I am a proud Arab and Muslim and I lived in the West and was soured by many experiences. so I jump the gun pretty quick... :oops:

Kanelli, I will not generalize with the people because people like you exist who are tolerent and seem quite friendly I have to admit. 8)

I will now close this thread as we have gotten too far out of line.

Peace out.
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