I do agree with u Robby on the fact tht when u rush into things, there is more tendency for it to break or rather play slowly and win the race...
and i do agree with the fact tht every person is different (male/female) and commitment shall come from both sides...
and that was my point too, tht we want these things in our relationships but we dun tend to give the same respect, love, and trust based on our biases....
relationships can only work if both the partners work hand in hand, mutual interest is the key to it, one person can't take it a long way.... but that's what my reason was too, tht wmen tend to get into commitments way too soon and that seems demanding to men, which eventually comes as hyprocracy to women... we need to realize the facts too but i guess thes how it goes...
but i think the number of ppl thinking positively and understanding these issues is increasing and hopefully we'll getta better world of understanding out there, but on the contrary the number of people to flirt with is increasing as well so the getting of the track issue will persist as well!...
Good Luck to all of us!