mesheditor wrote:Humbleman wrote:mesheditor wrote:what is the use of demonstrations? I personally don't want to walk around shouting and screaming for no tangible results.
My friend
You see, that’s precisely why the Middle East cannot change the status quo, if the people in the Middle East think similar to the way you do.
The problem in the Middle East has been that, people are submissive and servant to their leaders, whatever their leaders say, people follow regardless – especially in the Gulf.
Let me give you quick examples just to remind you of the power of peaceful demonstration. How Gandhi did force the British to get out of his country? He did it by inspiring millions of people to demonstrate and say no to the British occupation. He and his followers kept demonstrating until they gave no choice to the British but to get out of India.
Latest successful demonstration was when the Ukraine people refused to accept a sham election, the result they turned the table around and toppled the government which they considered to be illegitimate.
These are just two examples out of thousands.
Brother, I am first of all following my religion by adhering to anything my governments / leaders are saying, regardless and blindly. Believe it or not, Islam says even if your leader is a corrupt, crooked, dirty, dictator or anything you shouldn’t disobey his orders.
By not having Unions, opposition parties , left wing or right wing etc you guarantee that you not gonna end up in a situation like Iraq, Afghanistan , Pakistan , iran .. man, life is chaos and absolutely out of order. So I would like not to be asked or provoked to go against the system, UAE’s system serves me and my community better than any other system. Sadly speaking, what u see in Palestine is a result of bunch of politicians running campaigns against their own elected government, if all Palestinians forget about their personal snags and issues among them and focused on empowering the current Palestinian government and they all gather under one flag so that the entire world acknowledges their existence, no power in the world would deny their independence and the rights to decide for themselves. Other little problems can be solved and negotiated among them without an outside interference at a later stage.
Good example that might enlighten many, an Iranian good friend of mine was talking about his recent visit to his country, said that the country has almost everything that existed in the world in terms of natural resources as well as human skills etc, and he added that he would wish see that UAE ruler rules iran only for 5 years, iran will be the best country in the world

I might go out in a demonstration if it’s a peaceful and a controlled one and under the eyes of the law enforcement , and we don’t need to set fire to a flag and start kicking the flag etc , I think many of my fellow UAE nationals would agree, it shows aggressiveness and its very inappropriate.
Mesheditor, I respect your point of view. However, if Islam says “Islam says even if your leader is a corrupt, crooked, dirty, dictator or anything you shouldn’t disobey his orders.” I’ll quit being a Muslim right away, but I know for fact that Islam says the opposite.
I do hold a great respect to Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, he seems to be progressive and intelligent leader, and he is probably the best out of the rest of the herd.
See, this is exactly my point; people in the Gulf have became addictive to the comfortable lifestyles that their leaders have been deliberately providing them with. Because after all they know that, feed them well, and they will likely to follow submissively all the way. These leaders are very smart, do you know if they would fairly share the oil revenues with their own people, every one in the Gulf would be a billionaire. This is because the Gulf countries make trillions of dollars out of the oil every single year. However these leaders know the trick of the game, don’t overfeed them and they’ll follow, otherwise they would repel against you.
The Gulf peoples’ dependant attitude on their leaders for hands out has been a major curse and hindrance to their own advancement. Not to mention, open the doors for people to become so transfix on religion rather then science and literature, this because they have nothing important that could occupy their brains.
Imagine if there are proper systems in place that oversee where and how the oil money are spent or should be spend, guarantee you that the Gulf countries would be in a better rank amongst the developed countries. You hardly would find a good program that encourage and guide the Gulf people to be a major participant in building their countries’ infrastructures. Gulf people should be taught and train to embrace all sort of works whether labour or professional.
In regard to democracy, you see, the reason that democracy are working in the West is because the idea that it’s okay to lose to someone, and one shouldn’t hates someone just because he/she won or causes one to lose, were gradually taught to one generation after another until they became acceptant of one government at time.
In the Middle East we are taught that losing to someone is like losing a personal honour. Thus, we find it hard sometime to befriend with the person who causes us to lose. That’s why democracy cannot work in the Middle East unless people taught to be acceptant of the idea of winning and losing, and it’s not okay to hate or hold personal grudges against someone just because he/she won over us.
However, this is not enough to ensure that the Middle East would embrace democracy. Let me give you this example, if you go to a village and out of the blue build a road crossing their village, how would you expect these people to react? Of course they’ll staunchly oppose it, why because they know nothing about it. But if you before building that road go to the village and try to educate and raise its peoples’ awareness about the benefits that they’ll get if they let that road to be built. Then the odds of them being in favour of the idea will be very high. This is the same thing with democracy, first you have to subtly educate people beforehand.
If the Gulf countries genuinely want to see bright generations, then they have to start now by educating their youngsters about the benefit of democracy, the benefit of science, the benefit of not relying at others do the job for them, the benefit of thinking outside the box. And more importantly, teach them that religion is one’s relationship with Allah, one doesn’t has to go to a extreme measure to proves that relationship –just be a good Muslim, who pray, live in peace with his/her surrounding, tolerate others’ religions and point of views, and so on.
But to say I’ll set back and do nothing is a sign of weakness, and weakness is what you don’t want if you really want your nation to advance to a better future.