The Ultimate Dubai BAN Guide

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The Ultimate Dubai BAN Guide Nov 26, 2008
The Ultimate BAN Guide

Due to the number of queries/ enquiries that “the Forum” receives regarding bans and banning I thought it may be worthwhile combining all the information into one single reference document. I have drawn on several sources for the information, and have listed these as separate references at the bottom of the posting. As with most things if you feel the information here is not accurate you are free to check for yourself. If you have any comments let me have them and I’ll make changes accordingly.

As with most things relating to the “Labour Law” there are grey areas, where these exist I have indicated them and given the consensus view.

Background and Definitions:

Bans are imposed on expatriate employees when they want to move from one employer to another within the UAE. Bans do not affect UAE Nationals or expatriates moving to a government position; a 1 year (not 6 month) ban is however enforced on expatriates leaving government positions. The ban also excludes employees of oil companies.

Definition: A “ban” can be defined in the context of UAE Labour/ Residency as a temporary or permanent restriction placed on either working or residing under sponsorship in the UAE (or any of the Emirates).

Definition: The United Arab Emirates (UAE) the UAE is a federation of states (Emirates) bound and governed by a number of Federal Laws. Each Emirate is free to make minor changes to the Federal Law in order to govern in accordance with the needs and requirements of that particular Emirate. In the absence of a local guideline Federal Law takes precedence.

Definition: Free Trade Zone (Free Zone or FZ). Federal Law only applies to regions of the UAE, in the context of this document it does not apply to Free Trade Zones that are geographically situated within the UAE as they are not by definition legally part of the UAE and are responsible for their own administrative procedures. In the context of the Labour Law, the Free Zones have drafted their own “Law” or produces of governance that are very loosely based on the UAE Federal Labour Laws; more on this further on.

Why banning?
Pretty much a rhetorical question; historically bans have been used in most of the Gulf Region as a way of stifling competition. You don’t want (expatriate) employees moving to your competitors and taking valuable information with you, so you have a legal mechanism in place that firstly deters employees from job-hopping and secondly removes them “from play” for a defined period if they do decide to move. There is another view that the ban is a way of recruiting fresh talent to the country.

History: A few years ago (up till August 2005) there were two separate bans imposed on expatriates leaving their employer, one by the Department of Naturalisation and Immigration and one by the Department of Labour; both were for periods of 6 months and ran concurrently (more or less as they are based on the date of cancellation of either the labour card or residency visa). There were also a number of legitimate ways to circumvent these bans, most were by paying a “fine” to the government to remove or lift the ban.

Current situation: The 6 month residency ban has fallen away, thereby allowing employees return to the country immediately on a visit visa. Employees still have to leave the country within 30 days of their residency being cancelled by their previous employer or else face fines.

The residency issue does not affect people who own their own properties in the UAE and are sponsored for residency by the property developer.

There is a 6 month (180 day) mandatory labour ban placed on employees when leaving their jobs. This is measured from the date that the employee’s labour card is cancelled at the Department of Labour. This is an administrative ban, meaning that a block is inserted into their computer system preventing an application for labour approval being processed against your name/ passport number. Currently bans cannot be lifted by paying a fine.

As mentioned above the ban is mandatory under law, this means it is implemented automatically unless the Department of Labour is instructed otherwise.

For most people the ban becomes an issue when they are looking to move to a new employer, for obvious reasons most employers will not be prepared to wait for 6 months while your ban period runs its course. If your labour card is cancelled you are banned, the only way to circumvent this is by transferring sponsorship (to a new employer).

The Facts:

You will be banned if:
* You are employed on a “fixed term” or “limited” contract and break it prematurely
* If you employed on an “unlimited” contract and leave it without providing 30 days notice
* You are dismissed from your employer under any term of Article 120 of the UAE Labour Law (normally serious offences which can carry prison time as well)
* You leave your employer without having completed a minimum of 1 years service
* You do not have a No Objection Certificate from your old employer
* You have a “restraint” clause specifically included in your official contract stating that you may not work for a competitor for a reasonable period of time. It is not a standard inclusion in a labour contract!
* You do not have a valid residence stamp in your passport
* If you work for another employer at the same time as working for your legal sponsor
* You are not in possession of a valid labour card
* You cancel your labour card
* Any or a combination of the above

You can avoid being banned and transfer to a new sponsor if:
* You obtain a No Objection Certificate from your current employer
* You transfer to the same labour position (as you are currently registered) with the new employer
* You have a valid Residency stamp in your passport
* You have a valid Labour card
* You have worked out at least a minimum of 1 year of your contract
* You are employed under an “unlimited” contract
* All the above conditions must be met!


* Where you are transferring from one branch of a company to another branch of the same company, or branch owned by the same employer/ sponsor
* Where transfer of employment was affected through transfer of ownership of the company
* Where the registered company is financially liquidated or declared bankrupt by court order
* Where the sponsor of the company dies and his heirs don’t want to continue running the business
* If you are employed on an Unlimited contract (normal duration is 3 years), and work out the full duration of the contract as stipulated in the contract document. One month prior to the contract’s expiry you may notify your employer of your intention not to re-new your contract. If the full period of the contract is worked out you are not subject to the Ban.
* As above. UAE nationals, transfers to government departments and oil company employees

Free Zones:

As mentioned above FZ’s play according to a different set of rules. The major difference is that the Free Zone authority acts as the Labour Sponsor for the employee and not the employing company.

The employer only provides sponsorship for residency; the FZ’s and the UAE government have an arrangement whereby labour can work in a FZ, but be accommodated in the UAE (like a migrant labourer).

This creates the following situation, if you are employed in a FZ and want to move to a new job within the same FZ, you are in actual fact transferring between the same labour sponsors (the FZ Authority) – and as per the Labour regulation transfers between the same labour sponsor are not subject to a ban.

You will note, that above I said “same” Free Zone. FZ’s are administered independently and have different regulations governing them, as such they have different regulations and policies relating to sponsorship of people coming into the FZ and people leaving the FZ (remember that leaving the FZ could then require a NOC). When leaving, apply for work in a FZ or even transferring between FZ’s its best to always confer with the FZ Authority concerned.


* A No Objection Certificate (NOC) is simply a letter from the sponsor of your company instructing the Labour Department not to ban you, and permitting you to transfer from his sponsorship to that of another party (which must be named). It must be in Arabic (to be legal) and be signed and sealed by the legal sponsor of the business. It is presented to the Labour Department by the company PRO at the time of transfer of labour sponsorship; it cannot be taken in after the card has been cancelled. If you have worked out the full period of your contract with your current employer you don't require a NOC in order to transfer to a new contract.

* In a lot of instances the crux (of a transfer) is the NOC; obviously if you leave an employer on bad terms or your leaving results in “ill feelings” you can forget about getting an NOC from him. Word of advice, if you want an NOC smile, grin, nod your head a lot, grovel if need be – because without it you are facing a 6 month, unpaid holiday.

* You are employed on a “fixed term” or “limited” contract and break it prematurely you will not only incur the ban, but are also liable to pay your employer the equivalent of 6 weeks salary as compensation.

* Circumventing the ban once does not mean that you can become a habitual “job-hopper” under normal circumstances you will only be allowed to transfer sponsorship once or possibly twice (without a ban) during your residency in the UAE. The higher your qualifications the more indispensable you are.

* When transferring sponsorship your new employer takes over the responsibilities of your previous sponsor (salary, contract obligations and repatriation).

* On transfer of the labour card your “dues” or gratuity (if you are entitled to one) is paid out to you by your old employer; you start with your new employer having “a clean slate” meaning that you will have to undergo a probation period, your leave dues and leave are not accumulated from the previous employer and neither is your gratuity payment.

* Regarding transfers and Probation periods, remember you are starting with a clean slate – your previous work or “in country” experience doesn’t count for anything; you can theoretically transfer to a new employer and have your employment terminated during your probation period - you could loose everything! And to top it off you can then also be banned without any recourse!

* On transfer of your labour card your attested qualifications will again be required by the Department of Labour.

* On transfer of your labour card you are again required to undergo your medical examination.

* On transfer of your labour card your new employer is responsible for all visa, labour and medical charges (not you) as per the UAE Labour Law.

* In some cases you may fee that being banned is unreasonable/ unfair or that there are extenuating circumstances which caused you to want to move employers; in instances such as these the only option is to visit the Labour Department, speak with one of the advisors and state your case. Be logical, methodical and offer evidence, if they feel sympathetic to your case they can issue an instruction to lift the ban; this can only be done though at a senior level so your case needs to carry merit.

Permanent Bans:
Permanent immigration bans are imposed on persons who are deported from the country, normally for immigration violations or convicted criminal activities. These persons may never again set foot in the UAE (let alone work) and can be arrested if they try to. If you were to fall into this category you probably wouldn’t want to return in any case.

References (amongst others): ... down_2.pdf ... index.html ... /17474.htm

Dubai Media City – one of the forum members has kindly shared the following information. As long as an Application File is opened with DMC prior to your Labour card being cancelled and you have a NOC from your current employer you can transfer across without the ban being effected. This also assumes that the minimum of 1 year has been worked out.

Note: Each Freezone is different, the above conditions may not apply to all FZ’s!

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Nov 26, 2008
Great Post mate....and very helpful.......thanks for the sharing
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Dec 07, 2008
If i am employed in dubai and i am removed from my job by the employer within the probation period of three months(for whatever reasons) then do i need a NOC to get another job ? ..... Please advice. Thanks .. Also what are the chances of getting a job in dubai after being removed from a company during the probation period
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Dec 07, 2008
I have a clause in the agreement that if i want to leave my company within my contract period of 3 years then i have to pay a compensation of 1 months salary. In such a case am i entitled for a noc from my company aftering paying the compensation leagally ?
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Dec 07, 2008
asha12 wrote:If i am employed in dubai and i am removed from my job by the employer within the probation period of three months(for whatever reasons) then do i need a NOC to get another job ? ..... Please advice. Thanks .. Also what are the chances of getting a job in dubai after being removed from a company during the probation period

i think NO...u will not face any ban and therefore u can switch to new job without any problem.
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Dec 07, 2008
asha12 wrote:I have a clause in the agreement that if i want to leave my company within my contract period of 3 years then i have to pay a compensation of 1 months salary. In such a case am i entitled for a noc from my company aftering paying the compensation leagally ?

The NOC is totally depend on the company will.If they want they can issue it to you even without paying a single buck....
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Dec 08, 2008
asha12 wrote:If i am employed in dubai and i am removed from my job by the employer within the probation period of three months(for whatever reasons) then do i need a NOC to get another job ? ..... Please advice. Thanks .. Also what are the chances of getting a job in dubai after being removed from a company during the probation period

Unfortunately, if your contract is terminated during your probation period the chances are almost 100% that you will be banned. You will not be able to meet the criteria necessary to avoid the ban. Your only option is to visit the Department of Labour and ask them to remove the ban; however the chances are very slim to non-existent on this happening.
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Dec 08, 2008
asha12 wrote:I have a clause in the agreement that if i want to leave my company within my contract period of 3 years then i have to pay a compensation of 1 months salary. In such a case am i entitled for a noc from my company aftering paying the compensation leagally ?

No, as above you have not finished your probation period; if you are terminated during the probation period you will not have to pay the 1 month compensation. It sounds like you are employed on a Limited Term contract - the compensation is actually 6 weeks salary not 4.

An NOC is not an entitlement, no employee is entitled to one; it is given at the discretion of the sponsor/ employer and cannot be bought or paid for irrespective of the circumstances.
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Masters and PHD holders Dec 15, 2008
Hi.. i have a Masters degree in Engineering. Just wondering if i were to leave a company, would i face a ban?

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Dec 17, 2008
Hi there Venith,

Under the previous ban system (prior to 2005) the ban was affected depending on your Labour classification (i.e. your seniority). There were a number of labour categories that were exempt from the ban (doctors, engineers, agricultural workers, sports coaches ...), but in conjunction with other criteria being met (minimum duration of service, NOC from employer etc.). The previous ban system was a dual system with both an immigration and labour ban being instituted.

This category exception from the ban dropped away with the last changes in the ban regulations. Everyone besides unskilled (construction) labour and those employed as private domestic labour are now eligible to be exempted from the ban as long as they meet the criteria stipulated in the law when they transfer to a new employer.

As mentioned above, the Department of Labour can choose to overturn a labour ban depending on personal circumstances, but as I warned, this is the exception and not a rule.
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Dec 17, 2008
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Dec 18, 2008
Thanks for the reply dxbsoul!!!

It looks like there is a big risk to be taken if one were to refer his/her case to the Dept of Labour. The decision may or not work out in one's favour.

Just one more question i need ur help with. I recently got selected as Sr Technician( Telecom Engineer ) at Etisalat. The offer letter is however taking a while bcoz they have me allotted for the coming budget year. If i were to take up a job at a pvt firm within Dubai and say 3 months from now get a call from Etisalat, would my ban be relaxed as i am moving to a Govt firm. Would the situation be any diff if i were to take up a job now at a FreeZone company.


dbxsoul wrote:Hi there Venith,

Under the previous ban system (prior to 2005) the ban was affected depending on your Labour classification (i.e. your seniority). There were a number of labour categories that were exempt from the ban (doctors, engineers, agricultural workers, sports coaches ...), but in conjunction with other criteria being met (minimum duration of service, NOC from employer etc.). The previous ban system was a dual system with both an immigration and labour ban being instituted.

This category exception from the ban dropped away with the last changes in the ban regulations. Everyone besides unskilled (construction) labour and those employed as private domestic labour are now eligible to be exempted from the ban as long as they meet the criteria stipulated in the law when they transfer to a new employer.

As mentioned above, the Department of Labour can choose to overturn a labour ban depending on personal circumstances, but as I warned, this is the exception and not a rule.
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Dec 18, 2008
Thanks for the reply dxbsoul!!!

It looks like there is a big risk to be taken if one were to refer his/her case to the Dept of Labour. The decision may or not work out in one's favour.

100% true. In some cases, if you end up having taken you employer through the labour courts you are actually banned because of the ill-will generated between you and your former employer. The labour department sees this as a protection mechanism to prevent the ex-employee from being persecuted or harassed!

Just one more question i need ur help with. I recently got selected as Sr Technician( Telecom Engineer ) at Etisalat. The offer letter is however taking a while bcoz they have me allotted for the coming budget year. If i were to take up a job at a pvt firm within Dubai and say 3 months from now get a call from Etisalat, would my ban be relaxed as i am moving to a Govt firm. Would the situation be any diff if i were to take up a job now at a FreeZone company.

Yes, moving from private to government has its perks, the rules state no ban when moving to a government position; also as I have pointed out when you leave a government job you will get a 1 year ban! Same would apply with moving from a FZ to a government job.
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Dec 18, 2008
Thanks again for your reply! u r a lifesaver!!

dbxsoul wrote:Thanks for the reply dxbsoul!!!

It looks like there is a big risk to be taken if one were to refer his/her case to the Dept of Labour. The decision may or not work out in one's favour.

100% true. In some cases, if you end up having taken you employer through the labour courts you are actually banned because of the ill-will generated between you and your former employer. The labour department sees this as a protection mechanism to prevent the ex-employee from being persecuted or harassed!

Just one more question i need ur help with. I recently got selected as Sr Technician( Telecom Engineer ) at Etisalat. The offer letter is however taking a while bcoz they have me allotted for the coming budget year. If i were to take up a job at a pvt firm within Dubai and say 3 months from now get a call from Etisalat, would my ban be relaxed as i am moving to a Govt firm. Would the situation be any diff if i were to take up a job now at a FreeZone company.

Yes, moving from private to government has its perks, the rules state no ban when moving to a government position; also as I have pointed out when you leave a government job you will get a 1 year ban! Same would apply with moving from a FZ to a government job.
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Dec 29, 2008
Current sutuation:
1.I'm under a 3-year "UNLIMITED"contract and my labor card will expire this coming Sept 2009.
2.My family is under my sponsorship.

1a.Do my unlimited contract expires together with of my labor card?
1b.If I do get an NOC from my old employer do I need to exit from UAE?
2a.If I fail to get an NOC and face a ban,will my family face a ban also?
2b.If I obtain an NOC will my family exit from UAE?(during the processing of tranfer)
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Dec 30, 2008
The issue is do you want to leave your current sponsor or not? You don’t specify this… In most cases if the contract draws to a close and both parties wish the situation to remain a new contract is entered into.

1a. Normally yes, the Labour contract will run concurrently with the Residency Visa which is of 3 year duration as well.

1b. No, you can transfer to a new employer without exiting. Bear in mind though that your contract has another 9 months to run, the Labour Law can change a lot in that time.

2a. Yes and no, under the current law you would be banned from working for 6 months (if you did not get a NOC), your family don’t’ work for your employer so are not banned…. But see the point bellow relating to residency sponsorship.

2b. Before your residency sponsorship is cancelled in September (by your employer) your family will have to be cancelled from your sponsorship (as you do this in your own right). When this happens you have 30 days to leave the country or transfer your Labour card to a new employer. After 30 days you would become illegal and would start accumulating a fine. If you can transfer your Labour Card within the 30 days you can then re-apply for residency for your family if you still meet the sponsorship criteria, note this (residency) is a new application and not a transfer as with the Labour Card.
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Dec 30, 2008
dbxsoul wrote:The issue is do you want to leave your current sponsor or not? You don’t specify this… In most cases if the contract draws to a close and both parties wish the situation to remain a new contract is entered into.

dbxsoul, thank you very much for answering my queries..Actually, I'm confused if I'm going to LEAVE my current sponsor when my contract ends or to RENEW my contract.
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Dec 30, 2008
I was on an unlimited contract.I'm been working for four months now on a six months probation period.The company has given me a termination letter stating the reason was due to the economy down.
- Will I be banned for six months or one year?
- The Company will give me NOC if I can prove of getting a job after
my visa cancellation during my 28 day grace period.
- If I pay for my return flight ticket,NOC will be given.

What do you think about this situation?
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Dec 31, 2008
Strictly speaking and according to the law you would be banned for 6 months.

I would however, take the termination letter with you and pay a visit to the Labour Department. I think that you would have to get permission from the LD in this instance. According to the current law it would not matter if your current employer gave you a NOC or not, as you have not worked out your probation or the minimum 1 year stipulated by the legislation regarding the transferring of labour cards. What they are offering as well (NOC for payment of return flight) is not legal either, if you were to get a NOC and transfer to a new employer then the new employer would be responsible for your return flight as per the law. What they are asking you to do is forgo their responsibility (the flight) for a NOC, but there is no guarantee of being legally allowed to transfer. This is why I have said that you need to get a ruling in your favour by the LD before accepting your current employers offer.

As I mentioned in a previous posting, due to the financial/ economic situation there will be more and more people in a similar situation as yours – the LD may well make an amendment to the rule to include these circumstances.
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Jan 01, 2009
Due to the current situation I decided to continue my contract with my current Employer. So I’ll just wait for my contract to end and renew my contract soon.
My questions are:
3. If I renew my contract, can I get my 3 years GRADUITY right away?
4. Can I renew my contract and residence visa “together” with my dependents -wife & kids? (my reason is that I don’t want any exits because it will affect their school)
5. Just to clarify=No need NOC for this case right?
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Jan 02, 2009
ArchitectRoel wrote:ROUND 2:
Due to the current situation I decided to continue my contract with my current Employer. So I’ll just wait for my contract to end and renew my contract soon.
My questions are:
3. If I renew my contract, can I get my 3 years GRADUITY right away?

No, in any case 100% of gratuity is only paid after working for 5 full year with the same employer. It cannot be paid out in the middle of the contract.

4. Can I renew my contract and residence visa “together” with my dependents -wife & kids? (my reason is that I don’t want any exits because it will affect their school)

Yes, they would have been issued thier residency after yours in anycase. Remember you will have to pay for the extension and your wife will have to re-do her medical.

5. Just to clarify=No need NOC for this case right?

Correct. No NOC required as you are staying with the same employer, the contract is simply being renewed.
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Jan 08, 2009
dbxsoul wrote:No, in any case 100% of gratuity is only paid after working for 5 full year with the same employer. It cannot be paid out in the middle of the contract.

What do you mean sir? what if your contrcat is 2 years and you wish to transfer to another company at the end of the contract-you still cannot get your Graduity?

dbxsoul wrote:Yes, they would have been issued thier residency after yours in anycase. Remember you will have to pay for the extension and your wife will have to re-do her medical.

We have DIFFERENT EXPIRY DATES in our residence if my Residence visa expires it won't affect their visa? (as they have 1 year expiry date later than me)
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Jan 08, 2009
dbxsoul wrote:
No, in any case 100% of gratuity is only paid after working for 5 full year with the same employer. It cannot be paid out in the middle of the contract.

What do you mean sir? what if your contrcat is 2 years and you wish to transfer to another company at the end of the contract-you still cannot get your Graduity?

It depends on the type of contract you have, if you have a 2 year LIMITED/ FIXED TERM contract then, yes you would be entitled to the gratuity at the end of the contract.
If you are employed on an UNLIMITED contract then you would only receive a small portion of your gratuity as per the regulations governing the payment of gratuities, and after 2 years service this would not amount to very much.

Severance Pay Article 132

A worker who has completed one or more years of continuous service shall be entitled to severance pay at the end of his employment. The days of absence from
work without pay shall not be included in calculating the period of service. The severance pay shall be calculated as follows:
1. 21 days' wage for each of the first five years of service.
2. 30 days’ wage for each additional year of service provided always that the aggregate amount of severance pay should not exceed two year's wage.

Article 133
A worker shall be entitled to severance pay for any fraction of a year he actually served, provided that he has completed one year of continuous service.

And also

Article 137
Where a worker under an indefinite term contract abandons his work at his own initiative after a continuous service of not less than one year and not more than three years, he shall be entitled to one-third of the severance pay provided for in the preceding article. Such a worker shall be entitled to two thirds of the said severance pay if his continuous service exceeds three years up to five years, and to the full severance pay if it exceeds five years.

dbxsoul wrote:
Yes, they would have been issued thier residency after yours in anycase. Remember you will have to pay for the extension and your wife will have to re-do her medical.

We have DIFFERENT EXPIRY DATES in our residence if my Residence visa expires it won't affect their visa? (as they have 1 year expiry date later than me)

Yes, you would have arrived in Dubai before them, or have had your residency sponsored by your employer before you could sponsor your family, that is how the system works. In fact, it sounds like they joined you 1 year after you joined your company, hence the 1 year difference in the validity of the stamps.

You must bear in mind however how sponsorship works, if your sponsorship is withdrawn, removed or terminated by your employer it is automatically lost by anyone who you may be sponsoring for residency in your personal capacity (immediate family or domestic servants). What would normally occur is that if your sponsor applies to have your residency cancelled, they will start to cancel anyone who you are sponsoring as well – irrespective of how long they still have on their residency visas.
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Jan 08, 2009
dbxsoul wrote:

You must bear in mind however how sponsorship works, if your sponsorship is withdrawn, removed or terminated by your employer it is automatically lost by anyone who you may be sponsoring for residency in your personal capacity (immediate family or domestic servants). What would normally occur is that if your sponsor applies to have your residency cancelled, they will start to cancel anyone who you are sponsoring as well – irrespective of how long they still have on their residency visas.

In contradiction to the underline above:
So if I continue with my current Employer on Sept. 2009, then there is no need to renew my family’s residence visa right away, correct? Therefore, I can renew there residence visas after few months or 1 year later?
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Jan 08, 2009
yes, you are correct. sorry if it was not clear enough, if you continue with the same employer then there is no reason to renew you families residency until 1 month prior to it expiring - 1 month is a good saftey net.
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Jan 15, 2009
Can RP be stamped in UAE, under the sponsorship of a company in ZAFZ if there is a valid RP of Qatar in the Passport?

(If a person proceeds on leave from Qatar and taken up a job in ZAFZ)
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SIR Please Help me.... Jan 20, 2009
1. I'm 26 years old, working here in Dubai as a Civil Engineer for two and half year, I want to leave my employer on the expiration of my labour card which is on October 4 2009.
2.I signed UNLIMITED contract from Sept 2006 to _____, with clause article 127, and the employee is not permitted to work in a competitor company for 2 years after termination. a civil engineer I got envolved in client transactions and company secrets, as per article 127.

1. If my labour card expires, will I be subject to for banas per article 127? Since I didnt terminate or cancel my contract, it expires.
2. I I have to submit 1 month notice for resignation what month will it be?
3. Am I allowed to work to abu dhabi or to freezone since my present employer is in dubai?
4. Or am I allowed to work as draftsman since my present position is civil engineer? It's both in Construction business but Draftsman is just making drawings and not envolve in company secrets.
5. Are there any ban lifting fees as well for the article 127?
6. Please just give me your legal advise, which I can leave my present company and work to other company without being banned.
bong suniga
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Jan 21, 2009
First thing, your contract only expires in Oct 2009 – that is 8 months away, plenty can happen with the law in that time, so things which are valid may be invalid then.

If you leave at the end of the contract period, offering 1 months notice of your intention (at the start of September 2009), then you will not be banned – in accordance with the current regulations. You don’t resign, you simply state that you have no intention of renewing the contract.

Is the Article 127 specifically included in the Legal Labour contract document (English/ Arabic one)? The company can take civil action against you if you do break this agreement. There is no ban per se with regards to Article 127; it is simply a restraint of trade clause that can be implemented legally through the courts. Normally for a restraint to be effected (outside of Article 127 – such as the duration of the restraint or any other conditions), then it is supposed to be included in the Official Contract.

As you are considering working in an allied, but commercially non-threatening position there should be no case for your ex-employer to try and take action against you. He has to actually prove in the courts that you had caused him financial harm and used his company information for your benefit.

At the moment there is no such thing as “Ban lifting” fees (your point 5) and Labour bans cannot be lifted by paying money!

Point 6. The Ban is there to restrict the movement of persons from one position to another, in your circumstances, if you tell them that you will not be renewing your contact they cannot ban you, in your letter simply state that you will be moving to another company when the contract expires and taking up the position as a draftsman. They may threaten, but cannot actually do anything unless you use the information you have against them – then they would be within their right to open a case with the labour courts.
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Jan 26, 2009
Thank you very much dbxsoul.

1. So the means that my labour card expiration on October is my contract expiration as well?Yes, Article 127 specifically included in the Legal Labour contract document (English/ Arabic one), yes , duration of (2) years is mentioned in the Official contract that I cannot join a competitor company.

Actually sir I plan not to renew my contract to my present employer and then go back to my country for 1 month, then I'll go back here in dubai as visit visa to find new employer.

My Questions are:

2. Is Article 127 not automatically ban an employee?Or it should be with the request of the employer and proved to the court about his alligations before the ban is empose to the employee?Unlike the 6 months ban from the labour if you cancell a contract, which is the Ministry of Labour automatically emposed even without the employer request. Am I correct Sir?

3. Is that mean when I come back here in Dubai from my country the ministry of labour will not be a problem for me having a labour card, if I get a new employer? as long as my present company dont know?

4. I'm just Curios sir, if ever the employer proved to the court that the employee is positive against article 127. What are the punishment.

Thank you for answering all my questions and sharing your knowledge, you help me a lot sir...I appreciate it.
bong suniga
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family visa changeover Jan 26, 2009
I was working for a private company in dubai for last 4 years. Now I have a job offer from a government company in Abu dhabi. My previous company is readu to give NOC.
I wish to wat are the procedures for changeover for self and family. and also i have got a car registered in dubai and under bank loan.
do i need to cancel visa for my family and sell off the car??
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