I hate having to haggle, find it tedious and time consuming, however it seems a part of life here in the UAE.
The gold souk is were the price varies immensely, I find it helps not dressing up too flashy to begin with then like Captain says, having an idea of the price of gold that day etc. You can up the banter with things like "I'm only using the last of my holiday money up and am not that fussed" etc
The computer shops in Bur Dubai, it helps to know what you are after, eg and HP Z8970-12 rather than "I want a laptop". Do your research online and in Sharaf DG first if you don't know what model you want. For certain items in Bur Dubai and Deira I sometimes send our company technician in on his own as they speak the same language.
However if you're trailed around the computer souk enough times you will realise that most shops are actually selling the same models and brands. This is because they all buy surplus, end of line stock from the same container at the same price, and due to the amount of shops will be applying much the same mark up - give or take 15-20 AED. As Chocoholic says though you can push for extra things like blank disks etc.
As for the malls, I dunno never tried it. Half the time I'm just glad that the shop assistant has been able to actually find the item i'm after let alone give you something off it. Most seem releaved enough to be in their job in general that they'd seem worried about asking their line manger on your behalf. I dunno if I was making a one off purchase eg a television I'd give it a go but a pair of jeans or cordless phone I wouldn't bother.
Ironically enough I (or rather the missus) used to haggle in the UK high street all the time. She worked for a department store chain so in most shops would walk up to the till or assistant and say "We'll have this, but only if you put it through on a code 403, which gives us 15% off". Or she'd grab the general manager and start quizzing him on stock flows etc before stating the price she would pay. Worked most of the time too but it's like having inside knowledge on any industry I guess.
Finally, got a averagely amusing story that sums up my attitude to haggling. I was going round Deira, looking for a 2nd hand filing cabinet, was only for the warehouse so nothing too expensive needed. Been in a few shops so had an idea of what was what and in one the bloke said 500, I just looked at him, didn't say anything and started to walk out, he came after me bemused that I wasn't even going to haggle (won't 'aggle

Anyway I just said that the drive to Deira, parking etc had hardly put me in the best of moods to begin with and that I'd rather stick pins in my eyes then spend the next 4 hours trailing in and out of the same shops playing them all off against each to just get a fair price. I'm off to
And that point he just laughed and said ok, 185