They're really taking the pi$$ out of him! ... -21013166/
Thanks smoggie!
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Dubai Knight wrote:Talk about being a legend in his own mind!
Chocoholic wrote:Vince is a tit! I've met him! Complete loser!
Chocoholic wrote:Oh very funny. No I met him at a friends birthday party. He's so full of himself!
Chocoholic wrote:Oh very funny. No I met him at a friends birthday party. He's so full of himself!
ArchitectRoel wrote:Why would they mix all Nationalities in just one cell?
smoggie wrote:It's not the smell I would be worried about......It would be "Honest Abdulla", weighing in at 125kg and licking his lips when he looked your way!!
smoggie wrote:It's not the smell I would be worried about......It would be "Honest Abdulla", weighing in at 125kg and licking his lips when he looked your way!!
smoggie wrote:It's not the smell I would be worried about......It would be "Honest Abdulla", weighing in at 125kg and licking his lips when he looked your way!!
smoggie wrote:It's not the smell I would be worried about......It would be "Honest Abdulla", weighing in at 125kg and licking his lips when he looked your way!!