mema wrote:rudeboy
Im sorry u had to face these situations but u can't build ur entire views on locals from those u met in the immigration.
i have many expat friends .and i mean real friends..more than family.. different nationalities and different colors..i'm very disturb and upset readin all the posts here i called my friends and asked their views of Dubai do they feel discriminated against they said no..they added some of the luxury they have here couldn't dream of it back home and they feel this is their home..
my expat friends were living in uk they r black moved to Dubai recently according to them "yes there is racisms in Uk" but this is not my concern im sure they went through some bad experience but this shouldn't be generalized there nor here.
com'n Dubai is not that bad..we (local) r not that bad.

sorry for the late reply

anyways mema i was just talking about my experience with a immigration offical who cracked a joke with his mates about me not being WHITE and having a British Passport and how i shut him up by saying yeh am a proud british muslim

mema i aint got anything against locals i got local friends so y would i say they are racist. come on i really think they are nice ppl. actually everyone on this planet is nice. let it be americans locals or indians. i think the problem is that for some reason we are scared. Westerns are scared to be mates with indians or pakis or wotever and vise versa. Racism is everywhere from london to dubai to melbourne. lol funny thing was in india there were some indians making fun of this western guy and i cracked myself up not because they were being racist. but because the indians were in majority and the white guy was the minority hmmm u see wot i mean.
back to the topic of locals and y they so lazy and so on. am not saying ALL are but there are SOME. those who are lazy need to start taking into consideration about the rest of the public who got other TENSIONS in their life and maybe are less fortunate then the locals. I.e they dont get sponsor money now and then

and they dont get paid a large sum when they get married

. and it is the minoirty in the local workfoce that is giving the majority of the locals a bad name. like al Qaeda

its a minority but still its giving a bad name to the millions of muslims on earth but thats another topic.
Dubai is developing into a nice city, but it will never become anything like London even though they are creating buildings,parks and so on. Because people make cities, in london ok you have racism but not where you salary is based on ur skin or passport colour. in london everyone is living happily under one roof from indians, pakis, bangalis, westerns and most of them do interact with each other easily with no problems. but are we living happily together in dubai i dont think so otherwise we wouldnt have had to discuss about it like we are now in this post.
ma salam
ramzan mubarak