Prostitution In Dubai

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Prostitution In Dubai Dec 25, 2008
Hello Everyone,

I live in the United States and every couple of years or so I find myself
making my "whore mongering" trip to Dubai.

Yes, I morally corrupt, oh well, at least im honest !

I just can't resist the beautiful and young women that are available for
play in Dubai, all the different nationalities, African, Eastern European,
Asian, Middle Eastern etc.

My question is, I heard that the authorities are clamping down on working girls, for example, look at what happened to the notorious Cyclone Club etc.


Will Law Enforcement continue to look the other way if seen with a working girl in Dubai ??

I'm still assuming so, however, these sheikhdoms are so damn unpredictable you never know.............I will appreciate everyone's feedback, thanks.

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Dec 25, 2008
so sad

UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Dec 25, 2008
Oh come on Arnie!

Ya a 24 yr old college student with a nice job here in the
states, but mongering is my hobby, you get to meet SO MANY beautiful women with supermodel looks..............

In the end you take home many great memories and not to
mention hours and hours of pleasure................sure there is a price to
pay for it but in my opinion it's well worth it.

So what do you think ? it's still trouble free for the most part ?
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Dec 25, 2008
Bring along your plastics, you'll need lots of them.....
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Dec 25, 2008
I think your referring to credit cards, I also heard that working girls are
now charging much more for their services, is this true ?
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Dec 25, 2008
I'm pretty sure he's an undercover cop. Lets examine his claims.
1. He is 24 and comes here every "couple of years". Assuming he has taken 3-4 trips so far, he was 16 when he started his "whore-mongering"? Do you really want us to beleive that?
2. He is a college student with a nice job. Being an American, I guarantee you and want to bet any amount of money that American college students do not have "good jobs" where they can afford trips to Dubai every couple of years for "whore-mongering". Most of them are flipping burgers, working in retail etc etc on min. wage of $7.25/hr while being students. Sure there are a few rich kids who have rich parents but not because they have "nice jobs". You can't get a "nice job"while being a college student. The best you can do is a nice internship that pays for your school and your bills and especially in this economy when the unemployment rate is 7%, they are giving "nice jobs" to college students. Do you really want us to beleive that?

So people beaware.
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Dec 25, 2008
I disagree K-Dog, I completed a few I.T certifications in order to finance my college education.

In addition I live with my parents so I don't have any overhead expenses to worry about.

I can afford my whore mongering trips abroad and im not some sort of
cheat, i've been mongering once to Dubai.

By the way, I haven't tried out any blonde russian hookers, do they discriminate against Indians ? I would really like to know, thanks
Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Dec 25, 2008
Your still tryin to fish, eh?

Keep on fishing bud........... What are you doing 6:00 am (or even 3:00 am depending on where you are) on Christmas?

Go try some other forum.
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Dec 25, 2008
I'm bored man. It's actually 3:17 on Christmas day here.

I'm not Christian so it really doesn't concern me.

Listen im not wasting anyone's time, im looking for genuine information. So what if I like to monger ? that's a lifestyle that I choose to live, I don't see how it bothers or concerns you in anyway.
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Dec 25, 2008
If you are so adept at computers and forums, why ask your "mongering" questions here. Are you not aware of punter websites where you will find more like-minded people in Dubai to discuss with?

P.S. I hope you wear a condom, because I've heard there is a lot of disease going around in Dubai.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Dec 25, 2008
to be quite blunt you are asking us to give you information that i imagine most of us do not know the answer too. This is probably because the vast majority of us do not use the services of a prostitute.

Like reviewer said and all we know is that you will need serious funds, prostitution like everything else in Dubai is not cheap.

You sound a sort of cheap person, so can i suggest you ask around when you are in dubai.

As a caveat to a question you asked earlier, it would appear you are of Indian origin and therefore you will probably be charged more than white western, like it or not thats just how it is, and you seem desperate enough to pay for it.

After looking at your post history you appear to be quite a cheap and sad individual in that on your last visit you absconded from Sharjah owing a store owner money. All you seemed worried about last year was you were concerned you would be arrested on your return to the Emirates and was considering changing the name on your passort.

You really do come over as being one cheap and very grubby individual.

Why dont you just beat the meat while you stay in your accomodation, its free :lol: :lol: :lol: and then you can repay your debt.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Dec 25, 2008
arniegang wrote:to be quite blunt you are asking us to give you information that i imagine most of us do not know the answer too. This is probably because the vast majority of us do not use the services of a prostitute.

Like reviewer said and all we know is that you will need serious funds, prostitution like everything else in Dubai is not cheap.

You sound a sort of cheap person, so can i suggest you ask around when you are in dubai.

As a caveat to a question you asked earlier, it would appear you are of Indian origin and therefore you will probably be charged more than white western, like it or not thats just how it is, and you seem desperate enough to pay for it.

After looking at your post history you appear to be quite a cheap and sad individual in that on your last visit you absconded from Sharjah owing a store owner money. All you seemed worried about last year was you were concerned you would be arrested on your return to the Emirates and was considering changing the name on your passort.

You really do come over as being one cheap and very grubby individual.

Why dont you just beat the meat while you stay in your accomodation, its free :lol: :lol: :lol: and then you can repay your debt.

talk about stereotyping. lol he is being cheap and talking about hos so automatically he is Indian origin???? lol y not just say he is al qaida member.

p.s a really cheap chap called Vince from UK was involved in a really CHEAP banana act on a beach, YET he wasnt of Indian Origin was he now, arnie. oh well he got it for free and was so cheap he had to do it on the beach. bloody hell so cheap he couldnt get a ROOM?? lol
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Dec 25, 2008
rudeboy wrote:talk about stereotyping. lol he is being cheap and talking about hos so automatically he is Indian origin???? lol y not just say he is al qaida member.

Read the man's posts you f*cking moron, he indicated he was of Indian origin. Here, I will even highlight it for you.

project3030 wrote:By the way, I haven't tried out any blonde russian hookers, do they discriminate against Indians ? I would really like to know, thanks

Oh look, you're an idiot. :thefinger:
Captain Australia
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Dec 25, 2008
thanks Captain - nice one :wink:

and to add to Captains anology, see here at this thread ... c&start=30

(please note Project3030 has edited the thread title and initial post, thus thinking it wont be traceable)

He is no better than the Indians that walk the beaches on a Friday gulping, gawking and dribbling at any woman in a swim suit. More than that he a a cheap 2 cent husler who takes stores for 500 dhs then has a guilty conscience when he wants to return for fear of being arrested.

As regards Vince - he has done ok, he will rake in at least a million dirams on his return to the UK by selling his story to the national papers - and the shag on the beach was FREE. - Fair play to the bloke.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Dec 25, 2008
Note to project3030

you stated this.........

Yes, I morally corrupt, oh well, at least im honest !

this needs correcting because it is quite clear on here, you are not "honest". The 3 store owners in Sharjah will confirm this

:roll: :roll: :roll:
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Dec 25, 2008
Captain Australia wrote:
rudeboy wrote:talk about stereotyping. lol he is being cheap and talking about hos so automatically he is Indian origin???? lol y not just say he is al qaida member.

Read the man's posts you f*cking moron, he indicated he was of Indian origin. Here, I will even highlight it for you.

project3030 wrote:By the way, I haven't tried out any blonde russian hookers, do they discriminate against Indians ? I would really like to know, thanks

Oh look, you're an idiot. :thefinger:

captain asstralia thank you :thefinger:
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Dec 25, 2008
Now what is that phrase the young kiddies are using nowadays? That's right, owned. hahaha

Anyway, back to this thread. Who is this clown? He sounds like a cop.
Captain Australia
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Dec 25, 2008
Sadly he could be for real. Many Indian dudes are uber-hot but unfortunately I've met a good number of cheapskates who think they can get into your knicker, pants, skirts, etc. One makes 100K and always invites me to free things...always bragging how it's free. I keep turning down that troll. We went Dutch a few times and he still tried to woo me to the boudoir. Another Indian, same thing, go Dutch and thinks he's done so much for me that he felt obligated for some. :roll:

Another crazy one told me how he had LOVE with his own sister. Another talked about his escapades in India and ummm... he said many don't like using condoms. Another oh so religious Muslim one is engaged but pays for some back home.

You guys can scream 'oh pupsy is such a racist. blah blah blah' but for realz, I just don't feel the Indian allure. The ones I've met scream cheapo and weirdo. And yeah lots in IT, not knocking IT but this may be depriving them of the wonders of social skills. I wonder if I should help them in Western courting practices. :? But then Indian women seem more normal. :?
Dubai Expat Helper
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Dec 26, 2008
This project 3030 imbecile is a serious con man. Does not pay debts owed moreover credit given out of goodwill and seeks sexo solace in Venereal Disease clinics. Best to ignore such folks and not even touch them with a ten foot pole. 3030 with the bad karma you have amassed I am sure your parachute is going to slip in York Hotel and you are going to crash and burn with a “positive” in your annual blood test. :evil:

On the Indian men thing I agree with Puppy, yes I have been to Mumbai and Delhi and the local girls there themselves hardly ever make any eye contact in any social setting with strangers because all of these Indian men seem to be horny toads. Deprivation has new boundaries I came to realise holidaying in those spots amongst the locals.

Dubai I feel sees a carryover of this phenomena as the majority of the populace is from the subcontinent. I personally felt there were too many of the cheapo type Indians from the sub-continent in dxb and a little more stringent immigration control was necessary. Puppy you seem to be good at reading cheap-o signs yet you keep dating these trolls albeit in a casual rendezvous? Why such a naïve and gullible puppy. :roll: Hoping to find a Lakshmi Mittal are you. :lol:

Having said this I must remark I have seen some fairly decent people of Indian origin (a rarity in Dubai but they are definitely there!) and it really boils down to upbringing, education and one’s social setting and who they interact with. It’s a useless exercise NOT judging a book by its cover. The opposite and original phrase is also true. So the best thing to do is judge a person by their actions and behaviour traits which are all internal cues.
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Dec 26, 2008
Well I certainly didn't mean to cause some sort of an uproar on this forum. Listen, the last time I was here in Dubai I was a 19 yr old kid who had just graduated from high school in the states and hadn't even seen the world, I was a bit careless and reckless back then.

I admit that I shorthanded some local store owner in Sharjah and feel really guilty about it. Once I'm back I will make every effort to pay back the money. I promise.

As for all the Indian men whom your accusing of being cheap and oogle at every women they see in a swimsuit. You westerners need to understand that India is a very conservative society where flesh is still considered taboo. I'm sorry dudes but India is not like one big bollywood movie. Most of the Indians you see hail from small villages where women running around in two-pieces are simply unheard of. That's why they stare, I'm not condoning their behavior at all, you guys need to be more broadminded and understanding.

By the way, I'm not a cheapskate nor am I desperate for sex, there are average to good looking girls that I have access to here in the states, but their butts and figures simply can't be compared to some of the lovelies I've seen at the nightclubs or streets of the end that's what it all boils down to.

Whore mongering is something that I like. I've met many other Westerners, South Asians, Arabs that partake in this hobby and practice safe sex AT ALL TIMES and don't end up contracting HIV or some other serious STD. It's all about using common sense. Oh and im a Muslim too, just not a practicing one.

I just wanted some information on the recent prostitution scene and NO I'm not some sort of undercover cop that's out to nab anyone.

Basically I was looking for some supplemental information from other members of this board.

As an Indian guy who lives in the states and has the same buying power as the rest of other westerners, how much more will I be expected to pay for my share of the pie just because of my country of origin? and have you guys seen Indian/Pakistani men with hot looking (not the cheap ones) Russian blondes ? would be interested to know and im confirming this with other forums as well.
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Dec 26, 2008
Oh and Godsent, just because I like to mingle around with promiscuous
women doesn't make me some sort of "fraud or conman" there are many professional well educated men out there that can be seen around various notorious nightlife establishments in and around Dubai.

So what if they like to pay hot young women for a few hours of fun, that doesn't make their behavior criminal at all.

They can be considered only morally bankrupt.
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Dec 26, 2008
^U R right project that all classes and ages will pay for the pleasures of the flesh. Nevertheless this is just a regular forum. For goodness sakes, I'm supposed to be the colorful member here.

There are sites on the internet for you. Just search. If you are like most Indians you know how to search on the internet. I have seen these sites myself. They are out there for your like-minded people. Good luck and be safe. Honestly why can't you just go to France or Germany where it's legal or even Nevada. Why go to a Muslim country just for that?
Dubai Expat Helper
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Dec 26, 2008
Puppy Pup,

I will make a note of that and have come across a few sites that have a lot of information on Dubai's seedy nightlife.

Also, I prefer to monger here because I have access to Persian, Indian and Arab women as well, plus everything is so glamorous and new compared to good old Europe.

I don't come to DXB just for the nightlife, I like to also check out the new projects while im here like the Palm, Burj Dubai, Ski Dubai etc.

Europe and America have their own charm but I love the vibrancy that DXB has to offer. Even tough I'm not a practicing Muslim I still like the "Islamic" influence on the country. I guess it's something that I can relate to because of the environment that I was raised in.

Furthermore, because I'm of Indian origin I also enjoy the company of other South Asian expats in U.A.E. This is why I choose to monger in DXB as opposed to other much more liberal societies in general.

The downside is that I have to shell out more money but im young and have a decent job so it doesn't bother me that much.

I appreciate your response. Thanks.
Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Dec 26, 2008
This project 3030 imbecile is a serious con man. Does not pay debts owed moreover credit given out of goodwill and seeks sexo solace in Venereal Disease clinics.

If you notice I did add an "and" in there u over-sensitive, premature ejaculating punk. To further admonish your behaviour. Thus it should have been read as besides not paying his debts project3030 also enjoys visiting VD clinics.

Dude go easy with the justifications. If a person really wanted to pay a debt they would have done it regardless of being 18 (legal age in most countries) or 55. Playing the juvenile tip isn’t going to work on that note.

And yes the flesh trade was and still is very much a rich man’s game but that does not make it morally right. However this brings me to a very interesting correlation if you can’t pay up a supposed “USD 100” debt you in that case paint a portrait of a broke ass delinquent that ends up with the rejected prossies from a bad night out in Seashell or York both heavenly abodes for a cheapo like you.

Stop giving out your demographic profile race, religion etc I think Indians in general and supposed non religious folk from your religion would be insulted. If you are going to justify any further you might as well drop in your name and flight number that would be a real thrill now wouldn’t it?

Puppypup he can’t afford abodes where prostitution is legal such as Amsterdam. He can’t even pay his shawarma with masafi water and sundry good debts.
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Dec 26, 2008
Dude you need to seriously chill out. I just want some information, that's all.

I'm not here to run away with someones hard earned dough. I came to Dubai for a few months when I was young and stupid, A LOT has changed since then.

I went back to the states, enrolled in business school and found a decent paying job.

While I may not be some sort of millionaire, I have enough to fuel my immoral habits.

If I choose to spend my honest hard earned cash on women and booze so be it. That's my personal decision, everyone knows that practically the entire world is morally broke.

Everyone knows you can find followers of all the major religions chasing loose women in the clubs of Dubai or for that matter the rest of the world.

You cant equate immorality with deceitful pretenses. Godsent, just because someone chooses to pay for sex or consumes alcohol doesn't mean that person is some sort of criminal that should be shunned.

I was raised in a very conservative environment and look at most religious minded people as "hypocrites" they say one thing but do something totally opposite. That's one of the reasons why I became secular.

There are working girls out there that are willing to sleep with men just so they can go back to their countries and build a nice home and have enough to support their extended families. It may not be fair to them BUT oh well. Life is not fair in general.

I admit, many venereal diseases can be contracted in places like York, Rattlesnake, Seaview, KUBU etc. You just need to be careful and use common sense, thats it. Lots of people that sleep around, even excessively by my own standards, don't end up with STD's or HIV because they use their BIG head. A lot of those same people whom you look down in these "VD Clinics" are successful and responsible members of society. So what if they like a few hours of pleasure? not all punters are the same. Some have professional careers, while others are blue-collar laborers whom are ignorant and are responsible for spreading STD's.

Oh and if I want I can fly to A-Dam, smoke the best home grown pot, drink myself stupid and call expensive Eastern European babes who charge about 400 Euros per hour. One day I'll do just that.

For goodness sake I was a broke 19 yr old kid that didn't manage credit well back then, that doesn't mean I will repeat the same mistake or im out to fleece people as a crook.

Bro, you need to be more understanding, instead of going on the offensive in order to brand someone as a "fraud"
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Dec 26, 2008
I always thought godsent was a hot American chick sent by God. Am I wrong? :?
Dubai Expat Helper
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Dec 26, 2008
Dude, is your name really Robert James Stiles?
Captain Australia
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Dec 26, 2008
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Dec 26, 2008
No worries. Look, I don't want to talk about my prolific whoremongering activities on this website so just give me a call and we can talk all about it.

+971 46096306
Captain Australia
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Dec 26, 2008
Sent you a private message.
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