I've got a plan to build a mosque in one of the villages where I live.
But if I am short of money, can I take money from the bank or from the people who may donate?
Is there anyone who may donate?
Allah hafiz!
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Liban wrote:Islamic banks...
But also, put an ad out in Saudi newspapers.. They fund these projects.
D-Unit wrote:hey im building a mosque, a churche and a synagog...what ever u who ever wants to donate..PM me and ill make sure the money goes to the right account i meant project..
HP wrote:D-Unit wrote:hey im building a mosque, a churche and a synagog...what ever u who ever wants to donate..PM me and ill make sure the money goes to the right account i meant project..
Dodo ,
why is liban always angry? was his mother used to watch the movies of world war 11 before his humble birth?
PS"Have u stopped working at Cream? i was at shopping center to buy some stuff from tilbud , looked inside the shop but their was a black girl ,i think she was indian..... "
shaakira wrote:May Allah reward your intentions kuspaar,
the more mosques we have around the better it is, so we can educate the people about our way of life
HP wrote:shaakira wrote:May Allah reward your intentions kuspaar,
the more mosques we have around the better it is, so we can educate the people about our way of life
If mosques and prayers could save the people then taliban were never been defeated by USA , see how US kicked their a#s . We are looking for quality not the quantity.......Mosques is not an institutes which educate a person to the level where he can talk to the world and defend his religion and God . The best place is schools , you need more schools ,you need more technical people![]()
Spoken like a true kaffir. Are you gonna live in an appartment or a villa when you die and get into hell? No matter... Its all pretty bummy anyways.
Kiss imak.
kuspaar wrote:Assalamualeikum!
I've got a plan to build a mosque in one of the villages where I live.
But if I am short of money, can I take money from the bank or from the people who may donate?
Is there anyone who may donate?
Allah hafiz!
shaakira wrote:May Allah reward your intentions kuspaar,
the more mosques we have around the better it is, so we can educate the people about our way of life
shaakira wrote:chocoholic, if everyone is so happy and content with their ways of life, than why dont you explain the reason for Islam being the fastest growing religion in the world??? Talk for yourself!
and as muslims we have an 'afterlife', which is more important than this temporary one we are living out, lets see if all your education will help you when you go six feet under................
If mosques and prayers could save the people then taliban were never been defeated by USA , see how US kicked their a#s . We are looking for quality not the quantity.......Mosques is not an institutes which educate a person to the level where he can talk to the world and defend his religion and God . The best place is schools , you need more schools ,you need more technical people
Others are happy with their own ways of life - thanks very much!
Build a school and do more good that way! Reading, writing and having skills will further you more in this world.
Linda_Stuiv wrote:If mosques and prayers could save the people then taliban were never been defeated by USA , see how US kicked their a#s . We are looking for quality not the quantity.......Mosques is not an institutes which educate a person to the level where he can talk to the world and defend his religion and God . The best place is schools , you need more schools ,you need more technical people
First -you idiot- Arabs are anthropologically Caucasian. So to spell it out for your pea-brain, they're white. Maybe they're not the "right" kind of white, because you're racist.
Secondly, some people need more spirituality than you do. They find it in mosques. You must find it in Beavis and Butthead, whatever makes you happy. But stop ridiculing yourself. 35% of PhD holders in the US are non-american, 55% of those are muslim.
Trust me, muslims don't lack "technical people" (articulated like a genius right?) they just lack the correct political leadership to organize them into a properly constructive entity. Oh wait ..... Big Brother (US) supports the puppet regimes ... ok nevermind
Others are happy with their own ways of life - thanks very much!
Build a school and do more good that way! Reading, writing and having skills will further you more in this world.
Happy or not happy, EU nations are thrusting EU "values" and way of life down muslims' throats. You can expect muslims to want to do the same here, you live here don't you?
yet what do they do? They try to build a mosque and a bimbo like you comes along and gives advices on what muslims should do with their money. You also seem to know what will further them more in the world.
How arrogant.
What qualifies you? Oh you're brit .... big deal.
you were saying in my first thread that you respected the local customs and that those racists who don;t are a minority? year right. You don't even see how you pass on to people.
Chocoholic wrote:Linda_Stuiv wrote:If mosques and prayers could save the people then taliban were never been defeated by USA , see how US kicked their a#s . We are looking for quality not the quantity.......Mosques is not an institutes which educate a person to the level where he can talk to the world and defend his religion and God . The best place is schools , you need more schools ,you need more technical people
First -you idiot- Arabs are anthropologically Caucasian. So to spell it out for your pea-brain, they're white. Maybe they're not the "right" kind of white, because you're racist.
Secondly, some people need more spirituality than you do. They find it in mosques. You must find it in Beavis and Butthead, whatever makes you happy. But stop ridiculing yourself. 35% of PhD holders in the US are non-american, 55% of those are muslim.
Trust me, muslims don't lack "technical people" (articulated like a genius right?) they just lack the correct political leadership to organize them into a properly constructive entity. Oh wait ..... Big Brother (US) supports the puppet regimes ... ok nevermind
Others are happy with their own ways of life - thanks very much!
Build a school and do more good that way! Reading, writing and having skills will further you more in this world.
Happy or not happy, EU nations are thrusting EU "values" and way of life down muslims' throats. You can expect muslims to want to do the same here, you live here don't you?
yet what do they do? They try to build a mosque and a bimbo like you comes along and gives advices on what muslims should do with their money. You also seem to know what will further them more in the world.
How arrogant.
What qualifies you? Oh you're brit .... big deal.
you were saying in my first thread that you respected the local customs and that those racists who don;t are a minority? year right. You don't even see how you pass on to people.
Alright then missy big boots!!!! What then about the Muslims going to live in OTHER countries? Are they respecting local customs and local cultures? HHHmmmm go on tell me that you pathetic woman! When they live in a CHRISTIAN country are others respectful of that - bloody hell no they're not! They still stick up mosques and expect everyone to fit in with them, fine express your own culture but don't take over!
So look at the bigger picture you silly idiot woman - better yet F*** off back to Holland!
If you want a princess fit you got one, I can princess slap you from here into tomorrow! You're attitude and blatant racist attitudes towards certain people ising. You have double standards.
I've got no problem with people doing their own thing and don't care what they do so long as they're not enforcing it upon anyone else.
If you want to blame someone for the way Dubai is, then why don't you blame the rulers for embracing the western way of life - why don't you blame them for wanting to turn the place into a tourist haven, why don't you blame them for their visionary ideas.
BIMBO - Yeah OK I'm probably more qualified than you! In many areas!
Shaakira, many people belive in the afterlife, the same as many believe in reincarnation, god I've been told I've had about 8 past lives! Man and I'm getting sick of this damn planet!
Everything is made up of energy, it doesn't die or go away it just changes in to something else!
Chocoholic wrote:What can I say Sniper420, some people just bring out the evil side in me.
No offence was intended by when I read her ridiculous post I was so damn mad. And you don't mess with the bad side of me - trust me on that.
Calm and serenity is restored in the Choco mind for now.
I'm just waiting for miss Psychologist to figure out what I suffer from.
Chocoholic wrote:
Alright then missy big boots!!!! What then about the Muslims going to live in OTHER countries? Are they respecting local customs and local cultures? HHHmmmm go on tell me that you pathetic woman! When they live in a CHRISTIAN country are others respectful of that - bloody hell no they're not! They still stick up mosques and expect everyone to fit in with them, fine express your own culture but don't take over!
I've got no problem with people doing their own thing and don't care what they do so long as they're not enforcing it upon anyone else.
Shaakira, many people belive in the afterlife, the same as many believe in reincarnation, god I've been told I've had about 8 past lives! Man and I'm getting sick of this damn planet!
Everything is made up of energy, it doesn't die or go away it just changes in to something else!
Chocoholic wrote:Chill Dude.
There are Christian countires in Europe, but you'd never know it. Can you imagine people wantig to build loads of churches or Hindu temples in the UAE, everyone would be crying. But it seems many countries across Europe are being turned into Islamic states - where's the balance?
UK, France, Spain it's happening all over, you have to provide Halal meat, people ask for ramadan timings etc, what about respecting the way people live in these countries? It's total double standards.
Like councils banning staff from having items with pigs on just because one guy complained - WTF! PC gone mad, it's ridiculous.
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