the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Chocoholic wrote:But you talk of uniting a religious front, rather than geographical locations, which is what Europe is. Europe has every type of religion, it;s not Christians United or anything like that.
People like you are dangerous in my book!
Dubai Knight wrote:There is talk of a common GCC currency and there are effectively no borders for GCC member nationals like the EU, however unity will never happen.
You seem to think that Islam is the unifying bond? The differences between Sunni and Shiite are legend. The nations are not founded on simple borders, but on tribal allegiences. Its never going to happen in this universe. Maybe in a parallel one?
muslimbangladeshi wrote:Where are you from brother? I am from Bangladesh as my UserID shows.
I am 100% in agreement with you. This is the call of the hour, need of the day for Muslims the world over. It's not just Arabs, we have to include Persians, Kurds, Turks, Pashtuns, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Malaysians, Indonesians, Somalis, Senegalese, Russian, Chechen, and all Muslims in this unity.
As of now, GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) seems to be the most effective union amongst Muslim countries. However one major obstacle in our way is western nations, led by USA.
Most Arab countries have leaders that answer to USA. The only independent Muslim countries today are I would say Iran, Sudan and really not much more. The leadership in almost all other countries are sold out. The leadership alone can't be blamed, we must blame the people, the masses for their inaction.
arniegang wrote:The EU is far from being a Christian Club.
The Arabs are far from united and like DK says it will never happen. All the Arabs are interested in, is "borders"
muslimbangladeshi wrote:
I am 100% in agreement with you. This is the call of the hour, need of the day for Muslims the world over. It's not just Arabs, we have to include Persians, Kurds, Turks, Pashtuns, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Malaysians, Indonesians, Somalis, Senegalese, Russian, Chechen, and all Muslims in this unity.
muslimbangladeshi wrote:arniegang wrote:The EU is far from being a Christian Club.
The Arabs are far from united and like DK says it will never happen. All the Arabs are interested in, is "borders"
I refuse to accept such a simplistic description of 300 million Arabs brothers and sisters, and how their minds work.
Can you name a nonChristian member of the European Union?
Turkey has been almost begging for membership for decades which European Union never accepts. Yet much poorer countries who were Soviet satellites were accepted. Turkey remains outside the helm. One must wonder.
muslimbangladeshi wrote:Can you name a nonChristian member of the European Union?
puppypup wrote:muslimbangladeshi wrote:
I am 100% in agreement with you. This is the call of the hour, need of the day for Muslims the world over. It's not just Arabs, we have to include Persians, Kurds, Turks, Pashtuns, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Malaysians, Indonesians, Somalis, Senegalese, Russian, Chechen, and all Muslims in this unity.
R U mental? I'm American but my background is Turk and no way for this unity. Persians don't like Arabs so get real!!! And Russians!!! R U going to take away their vodka? A Russian cooperate with an Arab? Sorry Russians like to give orders. Indonesians? U better not touch Hindu Bali.
puppypup wrote:muslimbangladeshi wrote:arniegang wrote:The EU is far from being a Christian Club.
The Arabs are far from united and like DK says it will never happen. All the Arabs are interested in, is "borders"
I refuse to accept such a simplistic description of 300 million Arabs brothers and sisters, and how their minds work.
Can you name a nonChristian member of the European Union?
Turkey has been almost begging for membership for decades which European Union never accepts. Yet much poorer countries who were Soviet satellites were accepted. Turkey remains outside the helm. One must wonder.
What's the status on Bosnia and Albania?
Chocoholic wrote:Well that's good, because we don't want Turkey as part of the EU either!
bonk wrote:muslimbangladeshi wrote:Can you name a nonChristian member of the European Union?
All EU members are secular and therefore non-Christian. Except maybe the Vatican City (is it an EU member?). Some EU countries' governing bodies have Muslim members for example.
France and Germany see EU as 'Christian club'
The main dividing line appears to be religion. Cultural and religious differences are perhaps the most sensitive of all the arguments raised against Turkish accession to the bloc, with several conservative European leaders, most notably France's President Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, making the case for the EU as a 'Christian club'.
Both leaders can rely on large support from citizens of their own countries as well as others. The populations of France and Germany along with those of Austria, Cyprus, and Greece have been most critical of the prospect of allowing Turkey to join the Union, with proportions against membership as high as 80 percent, according to a Eurobarometer survey from 2005.
arniegang wrote:Turkey does not qualify for EU Membershp until it sorts out its human rights issues. Its "social services" is appaling. The majority of children born with disabilities are given back to the state to care for and the state just basically lock them away in institutions.
A bit like Dubai really, how many people do you see out and about with handicaps both physical and mental??
France and Germany see EU as 'Christian club'
The main dividing line appears to be religion. Cultural and religious differences are perhaps the most sensitive of all the arguments raised against Turkish accession to the bloc, with several conservative European leaders, most notably France's President Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, making the case for the EU as a 'Christian club'.
Both leaders can rely on large support from citizens of their own countries as well as others. The populations of France and Germany along with those of Austria, Cyprus, and Greece have been most critical of the prospect of allowing Turkey to join the Union, with proportions against membership as high as 80 percent, according to a Eurobarometer survey from 2005.
rudeboy wrote:There will not be a arab union or a single arab army. reasons are clear and simple. USA. Y do you think USA has bases in nearly all arabian countries? Y do you think USA luxuries such as hummer, macdonnalds and coke exist in muslim countries all together?
I wouldnt mind having Arab or Islam version of Nato or UN. I.e an attack on one Islamic country means an attack on all islamic countries. But the bottom line is this will not happen because of USA or USA puppets in muslim countries.
But if you are muslim and have read the Quran you will all know that Islam will rise from the West. This has already started. More and more westerns are becoming Muslims. Even though islam is on the news for all the bads news, you can say it is a blessing in disguise, because more and more people are becoming aware of Islam.
Those who have read about Islam history are aware how great empires such as the Mongol Empire had nearly wiped out Islam. But the same Mongols who had nearly wiped out islam later converted to Islam. Says alot about Islam.
We have the same thing going on today with USA and the west. Y is that American soilders fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, when they go back to USA convert to Islam?
Y is that americans and westerns including brits, germans etc are converting to Islam?
Y is that the greatest Army in the world i.e America Army has muslims in its ranks?
Y is it that CIA and FBI are hiring muslims?
Y are there muslims politicians sitting in the house of commons in UK?
We never expected a Black person to become a american president. Well who knows maybe down 50 years we might see a Muslim American President.
Y is it that ppl such as
I guess thats why ppl are afraid of Islam. its not because of al qaeda or osama. its because Islam is already in their homes, offices, armies and even secret services.
Chocoholic wrote:That was funny as! Well no, but I trhink the Greeks have alot to say about that! They hate the Turks with a passion!
siraj_ud_daula wrote:@bangladeshimuslim...i m from Bangladesh.After seeing all the responses to my subject now i understand why the Arab butt is being battered by the Anglo-American-Judaic axis of evil.All the rulers of the Arab world are corrupted power-monger hopeless piece of tasty.Some of the countries are ruled by eunuch sultans with hundreds of girls in their Harem.rulers of these countries use American support to remain in power.There is no democracy in Arabia.That is the problem.And Islam does not support monarchial or autocratic rule.
Why cant the muslim world unite.The OIC can be declared a free market Zone.The OIC can sign a treaty pact like Pan Islamic Treaty Organigation (PITO) and can agree on restricting some immoral things which are being inflicted upon the muslim countries like alcoholism,adultary,pornography,prostitution.
I have heard someone speaking of secularism and human rights.You think the west has more human rights.What about the human rights of those hundreds and thousands of innocent women and children being mollested every single hour and then forced to pornography and prostitution.What about getting drunk and then commiting incest.What about all those night clubs,strip clubs and nudist clubs .Where men and women lie naked in the nudist beach.Where ninety percent of their men and women commit adultary.You want to import that kind of culture in the muslim countries in the name of secularism.Forgot of Dazzal having Heaven on his one hand and hell on his other hand?United states is preaching its whore culture in the form of secularism .
And speaking of Turkey...their position has become like this...they kave knelt down to their masters and begging o lord take me in your union we will do whatever you ask me to do like banning the hejab,introducing alcohol,pornography,prostitution.
Do you know why Salahdin defeated the crusaders?He won because he united the Arabs as one single country.Perhaps you wont understand until Imam Mahdi appears.