Firstly, we are very excited about it and if the package is good then we will be there with bells on.
I am looking to re-train in equine physiotherapy (I am currently self employed as an artist, specialising in equine and canine portraiture but now everything has got a little credit crunchie I've had to do something about it) The initial step would be to undertake a degree in Human physio then to specialise.
i can't seem to find any place in Dubai offering this degree - does anyone know of somewhere that does?
I will have to, and want to, work when in Dubai and have over 20years experience with horses although no paperwork to prove this. How difficult is it to get work in this area?
Other than horses, I spend a lot of time training in Kuk Sool Won (Korean martial art) although I know KSW doesn't exist (yet!) in Dubai will I be able to continue training of some sort over there and is it frowned upon for girls to do that kind of thing in some places?
Please excuse the babbling - I just have so many un-answered questions colliding at present! I'll probably be back with even more once the package has come through....
Any help and advice would be very much appreciated.