Mossad Implicated In The Mumbai Terrorist Attacks

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Mossad implicated in the Mumbai Terrorist attacks Nov 28, 2008

Over 110 Innocents killed


Mossad Planted Bombs In A Train Station


Snipers From A Chabbad House Are Suspected In These Killings


First Hand Account

It is 4AM in India right now. I am in Mumbai reporting from the ground. I have not slept a wink. Mumbai is under attack. People and forces who killed Mahatama Gandhi, who demolished the Babari Mosque have triumphed. More than 16 groups of terrorists have taken over Taj, Oberai and several hotels. Hundreds of people are dead. For the first time no one is blaming Muslim organizations.

The Head Of Mumbai Police assassinated


The Mumbai ATS chief Hemant Karkare and other officers of the ATS have been killed. These were the same people who were investigating the Malegaon Blasts–in which Praggya Singh, an army officer and several other noted personalities of the BJP-RSS-Bajrang Dal-VHP were arrested. Karkare was the man to arrest them. Karkare was receiving threats from several quarters. LK Advani, the BJP chief and several other prominent leaders of the so-called Hindu terrorism squad were gunning for his head. And the first casualty in the terrorist attack was Karkare!

The Gunfire Started At A Israeli House


He is dead–gone–the firing by terrorists began from Nariman House–which is the only building in Mumbai inhabited by Jews. Some Hindu Gujaratis of the Nariman area spoke live on several TV channels–they openly said that the firing by terrorists began from Nariman house. And that for two years suspicious activities were going on in this house. But no one took notice.

Our worst fears have come true. It is clear that Mossad is involved in the whole affair. An entire city has been attacked by Mossad and probably units of mercenaries. It is not possible for one single organization to plan and execute such a sophisticated operation. It is clear that this operation was backed by communal forces from within the Indian State. The Home Minister Shivraj Patil should resign. The RSS-BJP-VHP-Bajrang Dal should be banned. Advani and others ought to be arrested. Today is a day of shame for all Indians and all Hindus. Muslims and secular Hindus have been proven right. RSS type forces and Israel are all involved in not only destabilizing but finishing India. India should immediately snap all relations with Israel. We owe this much to Karkare and the brave ATS men who had shown the courage to arrest Praggya Singh, Raj Kumar Purohit, the army officer and several others.

Israelis Have been Entering India


A photograph publushed in Urdu Times, Mumbai, clearly shows that Mossad and ex-Mossad men came to India and met Sadhus and other pro-Hindutva elements recently. A conspiracy was clearly hatched.This is a moment of reckoning especially for Hindus of India. The killers of Gandhi have struck again. If we are true Sanatanis and true Hindus and true nationalists and true patriots we have to see this act as a clear attack by anti-national deshdrohi forces. Praggya Singh, Advani and the entire brand is anti-national. They ought to be shot. Any Hindu siding with them is hereafter warned of serious consequences.

Israel Is Sponsoring The Hindutva Revolution


This is a question of nationalism. If no one else, the Indian army will not take this lying down. Communal, anti-national forces have attacked the very foundation of the Indian constitution and the nation. We will fight a civil war if need be against the pro-Hindutva, communal forces and their Israeli backers.

Link to Article : ... ad%20Angle

Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Nov 28, 2008
You are a real piece of work britisharab. Your posts are useless. I won't be feeding this troll in the future.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Nov 28, 2008
What a bunch of crap BA!
Flying Dutchman
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Nov 28, 2008
Unreal,with people like this on Earth how will there ever be peace,i can only assume that this is some sick attempt at a wind up
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Nov 29, 2008
i have always questioned 9/11 and i will always.

now india has its own 9/11 lol which is a joke. i mean apparantely the terroists came on a dingy from karachi which is 4 hours distance from mumbahi. lol. U MUST BE JOKING! are you telling me that if i got into a dingy i could just slip into india??? lol

apparently they found one of the terroists mobile phone. how they found it is very funny :D. he was throwing a grenade and at the same time he threw his mobile. and guess what his mobile had calls from karachi :D lol.
We are hearing they were trained "LOt". if they were bloody trained they wouldnt have mistaken their mobile for a bloody grenade.

India propoganda as its best. instead of investing in a security system, they will point they fingers at pakistan.

Indias own 9/11 lol.

reports are coming out that one of the terroists was a malaysian, mauritian, paki and bengladeshi lol. Bloody indian govt.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Nov 29, 2008
Some points are clear

1. Failure of Indian Intelligance
2. Loophole of Indian Navy's screening in the ocean.
3. Lack of guts of India Government.
4. Also read these elements with the Majority Comunalist's activities that revealed recently.
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Nov 30, 2008
tomjerry0506 wrote:Some points are clear

1. Failure of Indian Intelligance: they were successful in killing 190 ppl not sure how they failed mate.
2. Loophole of Indian Navy's screening in the ocean. lol there are no Loophole in INs screening in the ocean because no1 can easily take a ship from pakistan and walk into mumbhai. Its not that easy. If it is lol they bloody need to sort out their act instead of blaming someone else.
3. Lack of guts of India Government. GUTS!!!! They are theives. Theives dont have guts THEY have big STOMACHES.
4. Also read these elements with the Majority Comunalist's activities that revealed recently. wouldnt be suprised if Indian Mafia with the backing of some minister were behind all this.
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Dec 02, 2008
2 Rude

What is YOUR (not BArab) point of view? Do you blame Indian Gov. in doing or provocating the last event in Mumbai like another people blamed appropriate Gov. in the similar cases in Moscow and NYC OR you blame the World Jewish Gov as Barab is trying to do?

Thank You.
Red Chief
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Dec 04, 2008
BA is attempting to stir the troll pit as usual. Its all complete shite!

As usual, this act was perpetrated by a tiny minority of fanatical extremists determined to get their names on some list of martyrs to their twisted cause. Implications of wider influence are just rumour and speculation.

Ignore this fool!

:evil: :evil: :evil:

Dubai Knight
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Dec 06, 2008
Red Chief wrote:2 Rude

What is YOUR (not BArab) point of view? Do you blame Indian Gov. in doing or provocating the last event in Mumbai like another people blamed appropriate Gov. in the similar cases in Moscow and NYC OR you blame the World Jewish Gov as Barab is trying to do?

Thank You.

rc we all are being led to believe that islamic terroists carried out the mumbhai attacks. ok lets say islamic terroists were behind this. But for a minute lets sit and think about it. I mean it could be ANYONE. Even the indians could have done this themselves. Y?

1. the police chief they killed had found evidence how the previous terroists attacks had links with some minister and some indian mafia. so maybe some minister were behind this! who knows?

2. the chinese? y? they could have been worried about the indian economy?

3. the owners of the hotels which were destroyed? Y? we all are suffering from the economic crisis. the owners thought hey lets destroy the hotel and we can get our money back throught insurance!!

4. CIa or FBI? Indian secret service?

I dont know who it was. It could have been anyone. Maybe yes islamic terroists were behind it but the indians government had framed the whole thing on islamic extremists even before the whole thing had been over. In such incidents the police carries out investigations, questions suspects before they say who it was. usually it takes months or even years before they find who was responsible.

YET it took the indian media and government only 2 days to say the whole thing was carried out by Islamic extremists. lol they killed all the terroists but CONICIDENTLY only ONE SURVIVED LOL Y didnt they kill him as well???

come on.
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Dec 07, 2008
rudeboy wrote:
Red Chief wrote:2 Rude

What is YOUR (not BArab) point of view? Do you blame Indian Gov. in doing or provocating the last event in Mumbai like another people blamed appropriate Gov. in the similar cases in Moscow and NYC OR you blame the World Jewish Gov as Barab is trying to do?

Thank You.

rc we all are being led to believe that islamic terroists carried out the mumbhai attacks.

Dear Rude,
I don't understand how could you guess? I didn't speak about any muslim trace at all.
I only wonder why do you support Barab who blames Judes for all troubles and mishaps?
Red Chief
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Dec 08, 2008
Red Chief wrote:
rudeboy wrote:
Red Chief wrote:2 Rude

What is YOUR (not BArab) point of view? Do you blame Indian Gov. in doing or provocating the last event in Mumbai like another people blamed appropriate Gov. in the similar cases in Moscow and NYC OR you blame the World Jewish Gov as Barab is trying to do?

Thank You.

rc we all are being led to believe that islamic terroists carried out the mumbhai attacks.

Dear Rude,
I don't understand how could you guess? I didn't speak about any muslim trace at all.
I only wonder why do you support Barab who blames Judes for all troubles and mishaps?

Heheh muslims dont blame jews. we blame everyone ;). See we are ready to fight against terroists with you but what do you do in return?

example. Pakistan is helping USA fight against al Qaeda. What does Pakistan get in return?

Y not spend this money on something greater and better? like feeding 16 million ppl? helping set up universities in pakistan so children can be educated and get work in the future so they dont have to join the taleban to get paid $100 a day.

Maybe USA wants war between Pakistan and India so they can supply both countries with arsenal?? $498 million is a LOT of money. maybe CIA and FBI agents were behind the mumbhai bombs? so that pakistan and india could go at war?

When you sit down and look at these things then only you see why muslims are against american, indian, jew and even russian govt.

Politicians and generals will do anything for a bit of money. They will kill their own ppl to make some money. Our mistake is we will believe them with closed eyes. ... BW20080702 y cant USA help supply pakistan with such security systems? it will certainly help pakistan catch terroists and fight al qaeda, dont you think so?

But I know usa wont.
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