Chocoholic wrote:Ok, first off can we stop the rubbish comments that all westerners earn more, get better housing, treated better etc etc because it's certainly always not the case.
Secondly - it was proved medically, that Vince and Michelle did NOT have s.e.x! Therefore they were charge with with indencent PDA and being drunk.
They have totally been humiliated! Both have lost their jobs and practically all their money. Sure Vince jumped on the bandwagon and used it to up his profile, but he's glad it's over and is pleased to be going home and he realised what a mistake he made.
FYI, I've met the guy, one of my mates talks to him every day. So don't talk rubbish about what you only hear from the press.
End of.
The medical exam proved they had no s.e.x???
OK Chocs,..let's get a bit technical!
Not having intercourse, does not mean not having s.e.x. I know President coined this definition of s.e.x when he said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman (Monica Lewinsky) -- meaning no intercourse.
To me, if the beach couple were caught naked, or partially naked, in a sexually intimate position (even if there was no penetration), or the guy was getting a BJ, that's definitely still s.e.x.
I remember that the police report said they were engaging in a "sexual activity" at the time of their arrest. It also said that they were warned to stop at first, but they ignored the warning and continued on, and later they insulted the policeman and tried to hit him…etc!
Perhaps that wasn't all true, but I'm sure their attitude and the booze made matters worse!
Back to the medical exam that you mentioned. I presume that was made to check for the presence of semen. If so, it only proved that there was no ejaculation, and that obviously would not preclude the occurrence of other sexual activities, including no ejaculatory intercourse itself.
Yeah..yeah.. I know all about all the so-called "pre-ejaculate" which contains no semen, but I'm not sure if that's detectable in the test.
Anyway, whatever happened, …I'm glad this case got such a wide publicity. Hopefully, it will serve as a warning to the others who might decide to get it on in public areas!!!!