the message board for Dubai English speaking community
nasaansiallan wrote:i dont think there is someone who will choose "B"..
farthestpoint wrote:I think a woman should always be a woman in public and leverage his man to be "the man", in private, it could be a totally another story.
B I t c h if defined in this new era, is Babe In Total Contol of Herself
B I t c h can be cute and nice too. And yes, they could be the backbone of the man if done in good light.
Some men just need hard kicking from time to time.
Pimpin80 wrote:damn i was sure I would be crucified for my post, but looks like nobody noticed!
Dubai Knight wrote:If you are a geek and dance like a spastic without crutches,
Dubai Knight wrote:If you can dance like John Travolta...
Dubai Knight wrote:Pimpin80 wrote:damn i was sure I would be crucified for my post, but looks like nobody noticed!
It was kind of stereotyped and possibly only applicable in this part of the world. Try that attitude in Europe and you are going to be the sad and lonely one or eating hospital food for a while.
'Emancipation' has allowed women in the wider world a freedom of choice when it comes to their partners. Studies have shown that a girl will chose a guy initially based on overall looks (same as a guy) then personality (same as a guy) and finally on material aspects (same as a guy). We are really no different in our driving forces. The genetic onus is on men to openly show their peacock feathers and this comes in different ways.
How are you going to show 'Confidence, Control and Challenge' on a crowded club dance floor?
The bigger issue comes after a girl finds a guy who is close to her mental ideals. The first thing she is going to try and do is change him and mould him to her perfect picture. Unfortunately this often changes some of the principle things she liked about him in the first place and is a recipe for an impending break up. (Girl meets guy who is a surfer, likes the bod, the sun bleached good looks, the free and easy lifestyle...then complains when he is never home to pay her any attention as he is out looking for the next wave...or he is home all the time and gains a few pounds, becomes all white and pasty and is too busy building the garage extension to house all his dust covered surf boards...)
The ONLY way to be sure of finding the right girl is to be 'yourself'. If you are a geek and dance like a spastic without crutches, there is probably a girl out there who finds that endearing and will be attracted to you because you are being honest with yourself and don't care what anyone else thinks. If you can dance like John Travolta...you are probably trying too hard and spending far too much time in front of the mirror!
Get out there and BE YOURSELF!
'Nuff preaching!