What Percent Of Russian Women In Dubai Are Prostitutes

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Nov 18, 2008
Embarrassed with your discussion, maybe the problems with you and you are looking in wrong place. If you are talking about Russian prostitution. Why you don’t look at Arabic, Indian, Europe, Filipinos business ladies Dubai is full of them as well, and i have meet some its just not many put this on publishing as better to say we see only Russian. And dears if we are so bad why do you want to find Russian girlfriend maybe coz we don’t need much and don’t ask and you like to spend nothing or get free. I will respect any kind of this ladies, lets them do what we could not do, specially for someone like you.

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Nov 19, 2008
The key word here is 'respect'.

Yes, we old fashioned gentlemen respect all women and adore you because of the little things that you do, however that respect becomes diminished when a girl lets her own self esteem slip to the level that allows her to become a prostitute.

I know, some girls are forced into it because of extreme poverty or abusive ttreatment from unscupulous males, however every human being should have a choice. Those that choose to work in this way voluntarily are giving away a part of their soul.

As the human race is so diverse, there will be girls from every country and culture who are willing to sell those souls for money, but we should not decry them. We might pity them, but they are the ones making the choice. At then end of the day, anyone with a job working for someone else is doing the same thing, but its not perceived in the same way.

:? :? :?

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Nov 19, 2008
I must confess that in the past i to have tried to sell my soul to women,free of charge tho i must say all it got me was a smack around the head,still no harm in trying i allways say.
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Nov 23, 2008
There's a difference between the s-e-x you pay for and the s-e-x you get for free. The s-e-x you get for free usually costs more.
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Nov 23, 2008
It's not that the majority of Russian women are prostitutes, although the majority outside of Russia, in places where there's a lot of money, probably are. It's the way of the world, some of the people who want the money and have no other means of getting it, turn to prostitution.

I've nothing against prostitution per-se, just it attracts nasty/mercenary people, who are best avoided at all lengths. If it's the choice of no sex or sex with a prostitute, I'd stick to none.
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Nov 23, 2008
she move her body like a CYCLONEEEEE

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Nov 25, 2008
I didn't see the answer.

So the answer is... 94% of russian girls 18 to 35 years old in Dubai are involved in the sexindustry.

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Nov 25, 2008
I've been lurking for a while and this thread kinda triggered my registration.
Well, I guess it's often a matter of how you perceive people: some Russian women do have a tacky dress style, which in 99% of the cases does not indicate their involvement in the sexindustry.
I don't know what kind of places you visit, and what phrases or behavior make you think that a woman is interested only in your money, but I've never met anyone here, whom I'd suspect of being a prostitute.
So keep an open mind and hopefully you'll find someone you're looking for :) By the way, I'll be glad to help you with your Russian studies.
Oliveblance, I hope you're joking but can I please have the link to the statistics in case you aren't? ;)
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Nov 26, 2008
Smylga wrote:Oliveblance, I hope you're joking but can I please have the link to the statistics in case you aren't? ;)

He made it up for sure. Olive, keep your bullshit inside. You are pathetic.

By the way use capital letter at the beginning for all nationalities including Russian.
Red Chief
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Nov 27, 2008
good dealing

:o :o :o
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Nov 27, 2008
6% of Russian ladies (18 to 35yo) are NOT involved in sexindustry in Dubai...

better? :-)
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Nov 27, 2008
I was joking of course! :) my god, open your minds! :)

Humour à la française, les gars!
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Dec 20, 2008
U were joking???! ha-ha! so funny.

:? :twisted: Bouche a toi!!!

I've been 6 years in Dubai and never met a single Russian, Ukranian or Belarus prostitute......

One more point-- the economic level of Russia is much higher than that of China, Philippines, Morrocco, India...Got me? got the message?

to all the people who missed geography-lessons at school : &***^%^% uzbekistan, turkmenistan, pakistan, kirgyzstan, tadjikistan, etc-- have nothing to do with Russia and are Muslim countries (though some of theses girls speak some broken Russian language and pretend to be "ruaassian") :!:

The secret why men prefer Russian girls-- they are unmaterialistic, loyal, intelligent, beautifull, spiritual , romantic,...etc....etc..... unless pragmatic, smart, cold-minded europeans or money-worshipping arabic

I suggest a new topic should be opened: Olivie--Le meilleur Example du debile bon marche! :lol:
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Dec 20, 2008

unless-->>> unlike
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Dec 31, 2008
Lolly wrote:U were joking???! ha-ha! so funny.

:? :twisted: Bouche a toi!!!

I've been 6 years in Dubai and never met a single Russian, Ukranian or Belarus prostitute......

One more point-- the economic level of Russia is much higher than that of China, Philippines, Morrocco, India...Got me? got the message?

to all the people who missed geography-lessons at school : &***^%^% uzbekistan, turkmenistan, pakistan, kirgyzstan, tadjikistan, etc-- have nothing to do with Russia and are Muslim countries (though some of theses girls speak some broken Russian language and pretend to be "ruaassian") :!:

The secret why men prefer Russian girls-- they are unmaterialistic, loyal, intelligent, beautifull, spiritual , romantic,...etc....etc..... unless pragmatic, smart, cold-minded europeans or money-worshipping arabic

I suggest a new topic should be opened: Olivie--Le meilleur Example du debile bon marche! :lol:
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Dec 31, 2008
russian girls were before 3-4 years. not like today.
these girls are very rare and hard to find. but in those times like 2002-2003, the girls were in ample and no man to take them even they use to take 300AED per night.
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Re: what percent of russian women in Dubai are prostitutes Jan 02, 2009
AL7273 wrote:Not to be a jerk or to stereotype, but are most of the Russian women in Dubai prostitutes? Anyone have a guess on percent? I ask because I'd like to find a Russian girlfriend but so far all the ones I'm meeting are pay for play!

Then why are you looking for a Russian girlfriend if you think all Russian women are prostitutes here in UAE?? :roll:

You must be looking in the wrong places... Really, where do you, guys, meet all these prostitutes?? I've been here for over a decade and hardly seen any... :?
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Re: what percent of russian women in Dubai are prostitutes Jan 02, 2009
XX wrote:
AL7273 wrote:Not to be a jerk or to stereotype, but are most of the Russian women in Dubai prostitutes? Anyone have a guess on percent? I ask because I'd like to find a Russian girlfriend but so far all the ones I'm meeting are pay for play!

Then why are you looking for a Russian girlfriend if you think all Russian women are prostitutes here in UAE?? :roll:

You must be looking in the wrong places... Really, where do you, guys, meet all these prostitutes?? I've been here for over a decade and hardly seen any... :?

Russia is a huge country, we can find good and bad from everwhere,

there are a lot many good people from Russia as well. and i am not from Russia though.
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Jan 03, 2009
"94% of russian girls 18 to 35 years old in Dubai are involved in the sexindustry"

- people this is really embarrassing! U can't be that shallow.
Slavic girls are the kind that would be providing her jobless boyfriend for years without a word of regret or complain, would leave behind her family, friends and culture to follow the man she loves, would pretend she doesn't feel like going out if she suspects her boyfriend might be broke and would happily sacrifice her day-off cleaning his apartment. They are stylish, educated and caring.

Prostitution? Who are you talking about? I've been 7 years here and I hardly saw a single Russian/Polish/Belarussian prostitute... mind you those chicks you see in Cyclone are from Kazackstan /Kirgystan / Moldova/ Uzbekistan the countries which have much more to do with China and Iran then Eastern Europe.

Common people... all the Russian women I know here are either top-managers or their respected wives...
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Jan 03, 2009
Viper wrote:"94% of russian girls 18 to 35 years old in Dubai are involved in the sexindustry"

- people this is really embarrassing! U can't be that shallow.
Slavic girls are the kind that would be providing her jobless boyfriend for years without a word of regret or complain, would leave behind her family, friends and culture to follow the man she loves, would pretend she doesn't feel like going out if she suspects her boyfriend might be broke and would happily sacrifice her day-off cleaning his apartment. They are stylish, educated and caring.

Prostitution? Who are you talking about? I've been 7 years here and I hardly saw a single Russian/Polish/Belarussian prostitute... mind you those chicks you see in Cyclone are from Kazackstan /Kirgystan / Moldova/ Uzbekistan the countries which have much more to do with China and Iran then Eastern Europe.

Common people... all the Russian women I know here are either top-managers or their respected wives...

Hey, Viper, I completely agree with you! Thanks for sticking up for Russian girls. :wink:

Which kind of Viper are you, by the way??
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Jan 03, 2009
Big Bad Viper ;)))

ain't standing up for the Russians particularly, but I can't stand when cause of mere ignorance ppl not only come to ridiculous conclusions, but show them off as the one and only word of truth...
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Jan 03, 2009
Viper wrote:Big Bad Viper ;)))

ain't standing up for the Russians particularly, but I can't stand when cause of mere ignorance ppl not only come to ridiculous conclusions, but show them off as the one and only word of truth...

Hey, Viper, I agree. But isn't it a common practice in Dubai to stereotype everyone?! I guess it's inevitable when so many nationalities, cultures, religions come into close proximity of each other in a small "artificial" world...
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Re: what percent of russian women in Dubai are prostitutes Jan 03, 2009
shorn77777 wrote:
XX wrote:
AL7273 wrote:Not to be a jerk or to stereotype, but are most of the Russian women in Dubai prostitutes? Anyone have a guess on percent? I ask because I'd like to find a Russian girlfriend but so far all the ones I'm meeting are pay for play!

Then why are you looking for a Russian girlfriend if you think all Russian women are prostitutes here in UAE?? :roll:

You must be looking in the wrong places... Really, where do you, guys, meet all these prostitutes?? I've been here for over a decade and hardly seen any... :?

Russia is a huge country, we can find good and bad from everwhere,

there are a lot many good people from Russia as well. and i am not from Russia though.

Yeah i agree with you in any country this can happen why to talk on one country .
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Jan 17, 2009
arent all Russan girls hookers?
Julie Hanson
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Jan 18, 2009
well i guess there r prostitutes as well as none prostitutes,money launderers,killers,housewifes,shopkeepers etc, ... it all depends on where u were looking 4 a girlfriend lol ... may b u really have been looking in a wrong places and as a result came across with the majority of "night butterflies" ... but of coz there are quite a few of them here in uae which is inflicted by the country specifity ... and surely they r not russians alone ...
i m sure u have a reason ... which is good enuf 4 u 2 b looking 4 a russian girlfriend lol ... cud b related 2 ur slavic studies lol or a wish 2 improve ur russian language ... all m saying is that perhaps u shud not b so judgemental ... and may b also find an alternative option of nationality lol if u were so far not so lucky in meeting a right girl ... otherwise i m positive u will meet a nice russian girl who wud b able 2 sort out ur difficulties with the endings of femenine gender of accusative case lol ... lol and not only it ... all z best[/quote]
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Jan 18, 2009
This is one of the most ridiculous threads. I feel sorry for anyone who assumes that all the Russian women in Dubai are prostitutes.
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Russian Women (Hookers) Mar 01, 2009
I hate to break the ice , but 99% of the RUSSIAN Women In Dubai are in fact prostitutes or engage in sexual activity for men. Also, not only in dubai, in fact, in Israel, Egypt, Turkey, (refer to them as Natashas). Mostly 99% of them exchange intercourse for money in some shape or form. They love men with deep pockets. Stay away, unless you are looking to catch HIV!!!
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Mar 03, 2009
There are only two kinds of people in this world- Either u are a prostitutre, or u fantasize about one!
Besides rusians women are smart, talented, individualistic....!
They are fighters, u kno wat i mean, no matter wat life throws at them they keep going on...I respect such strong women! Not to mention drop dead gorgeus with impeccable sense of fashion. Hell, they can even make a rag look stylish.....
U'd be lucky if u can befriend a nice russian girl, they really are amazing!
and i dnt mean that in a sick way....kapish?
Misery Called Life
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Mar 04, 2009
Misery Called Life wrote:There are only two kinds of people in this world- Either u are a prostitutre, or u fantasize about one!
Besides rusians women are smart, talented, individualistic....!
They are fighters, u kno wat i mean, no matter wat life throws at them they keep going on...I respect such strong women! Not to mention drop dead gorgeus with impeccable sense of fashion. Hell, they can even make a rag look stylish.....
U'd be lucky if u can befriend a nice russian girl, they really are amazing!
and i dnt mean that in a sick way....kapish?

sense of fashion???? few and far in between
eastern europeans are generally the tackiest bunch ever!
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Mar 05, 2009
Most of the Russian speaking females in Dubai are from the CIS (The countries that were once belonging to Russia). I guess they are a bit different from Russians and they're not necessarily similar to East Europeans either. Some of the CIS countries are in Asia ...

DNRD is less likely to give a visa to an unmarried female (From the CIS) below 30 and that might cause pay girls to outnumber since the majority of them are above 30. But usually they work for retail, real estate, hospitality, ... etc

I disagree with any racial assertions or generalizations against any race despite that I have a bad experience with a girl from the CIS. But I think the jobless bf thing is a bit of science fiction; not necessarily to impose whether Russians are gold diggers. I just can't imagine a Russian chic paying the bills...
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