h2oservices wrote:My question is to all those companies out there is there actually anyone who will give youngsters a chance to get some work experience in this place. I have been here 15 years and it is getting worse not better. Our children have grown up here they know the country the changes and the people and speak and read and write Arabic as well after a life time here. All anyone ever says is that the youth of Dubai is bone idle and lazy but no one will give them a chance to prove this wrong.
I have a 19 year old son at University here in Dubai and he like his friends wants to enter the real world and get a part time job.
So if there is anyone out there in media, TV, Radio or production there are many willing teenagers studying in this Industry who want some work experience. We were all young once and in the same situation.
if your kid is studying in that area they would have been given work experience. i also dont want to sound rude but maybe you should actually get out there and look for a job, posting on the internet gets you nowhere in this world.
although i work a full time job (i finish at 3 tho

) i am starting a part time job 2 days a week at a advertisement agency, this took me 15 minuets of search to find such a job.
seriously dont be lazy.