Jeema Water

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Jeema Water Jan 05, 2006
We recently undertook a detailed analysis of this water as we were approached to export it to Austral/Asia. The most consumer noted chemical make up in water is the sodium content. We were informed Jeema had a maximum of 13ppm very high on a global scale, but after various tests the minimum ppm content our tests revieled was over 33. Not quite as bad as sea water but close!

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Re: Jeema Water Jan 06, 2006
barastisundowner wrote:We recently undertook a detailed analysis of this water as we were approached to export it to Austral/Asia. The most consumer noted chemical make up in water is the sodium content. We were informed Jeema had a maximum of 13ppm very high on a global scale, but after various tests the minimum ppm content our tests revieled was over 33. Not quite as bad as sea water but close!

Out of curiousity what was Masafi? I heard that that was suppose to have the world's highest sodium content in bottled water.
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Jan 06, 2006
Masafi... hehehe...

Drinking that makes me laugh considering that Masafi means "unclear" in Arabic :)
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Jan 06, 2006
Only teated Jeema as they're making a push for Asian export.
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water quality Jan 07, 2006
well considering that most water in the middle east, bottled water included comes either from desalinisation or reverse osmosis (or a combination of the two) the fact that the sodium content is high is a given!

although 33ppm (part per million) Total Disolved Salts is in fact very low and no where near the salinity of sea water which is 35,000ppm; this is the internationaly accepted given for sea water, although the level of salinity does vary geographically, regionaly and seasonally - for example sea water in the arabian gulf is between 50,000 and 54,000ppm depending on the time of year.

now if your reading were 33ptt (parts per ten thousand) then it would be a different story.

more interesting would be the chlorine, bromine and flourine content of the water!!!
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Jan 12, 2006
We went with Nestle, not only because it was the first ad I found :oops: but also because they have fluoride added.
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