xero_ wrote:rofl sad

its true though, they look proud and stuff at malls, but whenever other filipino's sees them theyd be like "ewww"

This kind of attitude is really sickening! that's is why we go dine out with his family...always turns out to be a family date. Ohhh! Of course, I dont have to look like a "dakilang alalay" not to be mistaken as their assistants or whatever. To be fair with myself, I am very careful the way I look. With touch of sophistication!
Im in very stable, professional love relationship with other nationality as well. I maybe lucky enough to have such wonderful relationship because of the way we handle it. It is like more of platonic love...oh i hate it..business/work discussions, etc. oh dont think that he's old enough, we're both 28 and young.
That's absolutely depends on the woman, someone who uses her head!