Islam Denounces Terrorism- Full Text Book

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Islam Denounces Terrorism- Full Text Book Oct 30, 2008


Terrorism is a crime against humanity. It is a brutal attack on innocent people. Islam is a religion that means "peace". In the Koran, the Holy Book of Islam, God commands believers to bring peace and security to the world. Terrorism and all other mischief on Earth are the very acts that Muslims are commanded by God to stand against. The Islamic morality is the cure for terrorism, not the source of it. Those who resort to or support terrorism in the name of Islam are in a great error. They are committing a crime which God has cursed in the Koran. All true Muslims denounce terrorism of any kind, and share the sorrows of its victims.

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Jan 12, 2009
Islam and for that matter every religion of the world do not profess terrorism. Religion is all about love and brotherhood.
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Aug 12, 2009
yes its is
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Re: Islam Denounces Terrorism- Full Text Book Jul 10, 2010
In the US there is a great deal of misinformation floating about about Islam. I am not a Muslim but the father spent roughly 25 years flying Muslims from all over the world to Mecca. I came to a favorable opinion of Islam.

The 9-11 attack made Islam look like a force of evil in The States. I know it's not. I know a number of Muslims including one who invited me to the web site.

The big problem is misinformation. Americans aren't rabid dogs, any more than Muslims, but the popular press portrays it as such. Bad news always sells more news papers we tend to gravitate toward looking at the few bad news items than the many good news items.

I like making new friends but I also want to know some thing about the Islamic World and I have lived long enough to know the best place is where you can meet the actual people. The Internet is the obvious place to look.

We believe in one God and that one God in any religion talks of Peace and Brotherhood. I would like to learn about Dubai and the culture.
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Re: Islam Denounces Terrorism- Full Text Book Jul 10, 2010
Just like you guys have your Fox news and other media outlets pumping out misinformation. We have ours as well. Like always there is a flip side to the story. If you have your good guys, so do we. We have our bad guys, so do you. There is no culture, race or religion that is immune from it. There is good and bad everywhere. Just that recently the media on both sides have managed to latch on to negatives aspects for obvious reasons.

If there was more responsible journalism, and more bridge building than burning articles and stories. There would be a better understanding of the two. Although farm from perfect Dubai is a good catalyst for such across the board interaction. Where people from the east and west converge at one place in the middle (east).
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Re: Islam Denounces Terrorism- Full Text Book Jul 10, 2010
I hope he is right. Although I noticed during many discussions that definitions of terror, innocent people and civilians differ greatly.

Last time an Islamic sect stated that terrorism is not according to Islam, it was followed by some deadly attacked on its members.

Looked him up on wiki anyways:

He blames Darwinism for terrorism. He "spent 19 months in jail for writing provocative and inflammatory articles about Jews and their customs in his book Judaism and Freemasonry and in 2008 he was convicted of creating an illegal organization for personal gain."

He claims "what is presented as Holocaust is the death of some Jews due to the typhus plague during the war and the famine towards the end of the war caused by the defeat of the Germans."

Be carefull with nutcases claiming something!
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