Free Sammy The Whale Shark - Boooo Atlantis!

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Free Sammy the Whale Shark - Boooo Atlantis! Oct 26, 2008
I had to put this on here at some point. Media around the globe has now picked up on the plight of Sammy the whale shark, supposedly found in distress and 'rescued' by Atlantis, which everyone now knows is a loads of rubbish. Atlantis lied and paid local fishermen to catch Sammy, whose future now looks very bleak. These animals do not survive in captivity, they are on the CITES protected list and should be allowed to be free to breed and increase the population.

PETA has agreed to cover the cost of releasing the whale shark, but these morons only want to keep her for financial gain, and we know for a fact that they will try and catch a second one.

A Face Book group now has 11,000 members protesting the capture of this magnificant animal!

Set Sammy Free!

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Oct 27, 2008
Nice to see people care about such things - not!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Oct 27, 2008
I do., but these guys(dubai and uae) they never bother about anything, they just want to increase their income by all ways..
so., they are never going to listen to us...
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Oct 27, 2008
Do you know there is a facebook group called 'Let's eat Sammy the Whale Shark'?


Personally I think people pay way too much attention to big things like Whales, Dophins etc not nearly enough on the rest of the biodiversity in the world's oceans. Japan only keeps on whaling because it is a nice distraction away from its huge overfishing of other species.

When's the last time you saw a Save the Patagonian Toothfish bumper sticker?

And yes, I know he is not a whale. But same argument applies.
Captain Australia
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Oct 27, 2008
The point is Atalntis has lied from the start! They said it was in distress, when in fact they paid fishermen to catch her. Whale Sharks are on the CITES endangered list and are a protected species.

Atlantis has no right to keep her. The story has gathered international attention and a FB group has well over 11,000 members now. It might only be one fish, but very little is known about this species and you certainly cannot study them in captivity. It WILL die, it is inevitable unless it is released.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Oct 27, 2008
now we clearly just understand what these people are., money is just blinding their knowledge., they pay money and keep a fish of a rare species which shouldn't be kept in captivity., they were unaware when they did and still pretending to be unaware of it and never want to learn anything and never think of anything..,
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Oct 27, 2008
Sharfraz, they know exactly what they are doing! But it's all for financial gain, and we know full well they always intended to add a second one too.

But all we can do is keep piling on the pressure until they are forced to let her go.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Oct 27, 2008
Chocoholic wrote:Nice to see people care about such things - not!

Well I do.. I joined the facebook group..
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Oct 27, 2008
That's great! Thank you :-)
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Oct 27, 2008
what...,a second sammy now...

this is just not right.,

is atlantis an aquarium to have the rare species?
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Oct 27, 2008
Sounds wrong to me to have a creature that roams the oceans cooped up in a tank!
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