john smith wrote:Arnie has been saying the same thing for at least a year. During which time, property prices have pretty much doubled.
Thanks for your insight.
Along with many other experts over several years.
If you keep saying that the market is going to crash, eventually you will get it right, and I thnk that Arnie's wish has finally come true.
The irony is that it was the gobal crisis, and not internal factors that have caused the Dubai 'crash' and Arnie can now take advantage of some bargain GBP stock prices using his US$$$.
Arnie, you will need to go back to your old avatar, but you will now have a chest of diamonds instead of gold coins.
Nothing is selling at the moment which would normally lead to a drop in prices. This is yet to materialise, but it will be a lot clearer in a few months when next stage payments are due.
Sales were being driven by the speculators who have vanished, but rents are being driven by the end user, and the lack of rent supply vs demand is unlikely to change dramatically any time soon. Rents and sale prices are at odds with each other rather than in sych as Arnie suggests.
But as soon as the global market recovers, which I think will be sooner rather than later, we can go back to waiting for the real Dubai crash.. the one that it does all by itself without any help from abroad.