Decent Home PC Computer Spec - Recommendations?

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Decent home PC computer spec - recommendations? Oct 09, 2008
Greetings all,

I want to build a new home PC (yes-theres a few of us out there who dont want laptops and macbooks !!! :P)

I am not a hard core gamer BUT i am discerning on the kind of specs i want. I just dont know whats in the market in dubai to be able to spec out a good PC (and been a few years since I last had to do this kinda thing).

I am sure of a few things: 2 Gig RAM, 500 Gig HDD, core 2 duo (or better) processor - what i dont know is what mobo to get, what kind of PSU/fan cooling/water cooling etc... it all seems a bit confusing. anyone know a good shop who speaks to you on a tech level rather than just another customer to milk money off?

cheers and thanks for any recommendations of your own (shops or specs)

Dubai Forum Guest
Posts: 3

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Dec 09, 2008
I am not in Dubai but I can give you advice. Go for what is the cheapest.

For motherboard I do recommend a brand name, I would recommend any Gigabit, Asus/Asrock motherboard.

Make sure you get a Seagate hard drive, they are the most reliable.

Good luck in your search.
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