Civil Engineering

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Civil engineering Sep 02, 2008
Dear All,

I’m a 25yr Old Male With just under 3 years (18 month post graduate) experience.

I currently work in the water and waste water treatment industry doing design of plants.

I’m an after a new direction in life and a change of lifestyle and would love to move to Dubai, i am not married and have no Kids so nothing i s holding me back.

After communication with some companies the salary seems to be very similar to the UK but with Housing allowance and Tax free.

I am getting excited about the prospect of moving but I’m a little scared of getting my hopes up to much.

Is there any advice from fellow engineers, about what type of work there is available, site or office based, also what standerd of living is like out in dubai?

Thank you to anyone who replies


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Sep 03, 2008
Hey Rob,

If you want an adventure for a few years Dubai is probably not a bad place. High profile projects will also look good on your resume. As far as quality of life, its still very much a 3rd world country, a lot of red tape etc. Your first few months will be very frustrating. Being an American, only been here a few months, I can't see myself spending more than 3 years here. At the same time I also know a few people from the UK who have lived here for decades. My advice would be to see what kind of salary is being offered and go from there.
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Sep 03, 2008
K-Dog wrote:Hey Rob,

If you want an adventure for a few years Dubai is probably not a bad place. High profile projects will also look good on your resume. As far as quality of life, its still very much a 3rd world country, a lot of red tape etc. Your first few months will be very frustrating. Being an American, only been here a few months, I can't see myself spending more than 3 years here. At the same time I also know a few people from the UK who have lived here for decades. My advice would be to see what kind of salary is being offered and go from there.

cheers for your reply,

I apply for a few jobs and move on from there, at the end of the day i dont have to accept the offer and im relatively happy in my current job. Its just a possibillity , bit of a change and as you say there are some very high profile projects going on
Dubai Forum Guest
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Sep 30, 2008
hey rob,
just wondering if you choose to head out to dubai if you did how did it work out....
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