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Love! Sep 29, 2008
Though islam showed us that its not good to date, have boy/girl friends, kissing and touching diffrent genders before marriage people still do this things, i wonder why?!

i'm sure that many members here have boy/girl friends So its forbeddin to have them even if you think its real love its still forbidden!

and maybe you didnt know that before, even though i told you now will you stop having bf and gf's? I guess not!

I can even proof it to you but i cant right now! :P

Dubai Forum Visitor
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Sep 29, 2008
Because it's human nature. No matter what, people will always revert to their basic anumal instincts, you cannot forbid people to do something, to do so will only arouse even more curiosity and the urge to rebel.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Sep 29, 2008
Chocs is absolutely right, but tell us how 'Islam has shown' that it is wrong to have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
That is only from the perspective of Islam and an outdated, outmoded, and possibly blinkered point of view. The Kora'an was written in a time when society was different and education levels much lower.
Society and the world has moved on, maybe religion should do also?

:? :? :?

Dubai Knight
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Sep 29, 2008
Dubai Knight wrote:Chocs is absolutely right, but tell us how 'Islam has shown' that it is wrong to have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
That is only from the perspective of Islam and an outdated, outmoded, and possibly blinkered point of view. The Kora'an was written in a time when society was different and education levels much lower.
Society and the world has moved on, maybe religion should do also?

:? :? :?


Society has moved on........ but some things never change, filling yourself with sex, money and action are the norms of youngsters today. Most in West world have almost everything in terms of wealth, relationship, health and status but still have to get high through drugs, violence etc. Why do you think so? it's cos they feel empty inside. West may be advanced in terms of technology or material advancement but East is very advanced in spirituality which many dont consider important but is very crucial to fulfill.
Religion provided the framework of social stability until some ppl perverted it.
desert surfer
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Sep 29, 2008
Og god here we go the old East vs West argument again! What a load of old tripe! You know no-one forces people to get involved with these things. And religion has nothing to do with it.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Sep 29, 2008
Woow , so just bcz the west do I , should we ? just bcz you said so, it is the right thing to do ? or is just bcz you guys did it then it's ok for every one to do the same ?

I don't want to go on and on about religious things, Taliban are not around anymore , youngest now a days can do what ever they want when ever the want, it is not like a GPS device hanged on their heads 

But I feel disgusted looking at you old ppl confusing the young ones and pushing them away from their believes and religions, it is ppl like you who is making the youth has no manners in anything now a days. It is you who made them like this but sadly you put it under freedom !! the freedom comes after they are well thought, educated and being awarded of the all bad and god sides of what they are about to get them selves into then they will decide what's best for them , not look it up in a forum post.

Stop ruining how a cretin kids got raised and what their parents think is the best for them , it is their job after all not yours.

Beside isn't it a possibility that she or any is a miner kid and an adult is trying to get to her throw the chat room dragging her to see him in privet and you all know how this could end up ? you will be the cause of this when you advices her, no it is ok , go a head!

It is not the relegoing you dark aged ppl , it's knowing whats right and wrong.
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Sep 29, 2008
Welcome back FF!

What do you mean old people?!

Just because someone doesn't have religion, doesn't mean they don't have any morals, can't be educated and know what's appropriate and what's not.

I am absolutely horrified at children these days, they run amok and go crazy, but majority of it is down to lack of discipline, bad parenting and peer pressure.

However I don't see anything wrong with people dating, it's the natural process of finding a partner, because throwing two completed strangers together or marrying a member of your own family, in my opinion is just wrong. And besides, where's the fun if you can't date? Getting to know the person, finding out what you have in common, their little quirks - and no it doesn't mean you have to jump into bed together either.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Sep 29, 2008
desert surfer wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:Chocs is absolutely right, but tell us how 'Islam has shown' that it is wrong to have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
That is only from the perspective of Islam and an outdated, outmoded, and possibly blinkered point of view. The Kora'an was written in a time when society was different and education levels much lower.
Society and the world has moved on, maybe religion should do also?

:? :? :?


Society has moved on........ but some things never change, filling yourself with love, money and action are the norms of youngsters today. Most in West world have almost everything in terms of wealth, relationship, health and status but still have to get high through drugs, violence etc. Why do you think so? it's cos they feel empty inside. West may be advanced in terms of technology or material advancement but East is very advanced in spirituality which many dont consider important but is very crucial to fulfill.
Religion provided the framework of social stability until some ppl perverted it.

No need to head down the East/West debate yet again!

Having spent a long time in Saudi Arabia, I can tell you there are more drug addicts, alcoholics, violent criminals and immoral people per capita in Saudi than many 'western' countries! When you try to restrict natural human impulses to explore and experiment, then the simplest taboos become the holy grail of discovery. Its the attraction of the Forbidden Fruit.

Society provided the framework and moral obligation provided the stability...until religion perverted it.

I suppose you think the violent dispute between Shia and Sunni Muslims around the world happens to be a perverting influence from the 'West' do you? There is no east and west anymore, its just people trying to climb on the backs of other people to get power and money. Its called Natural Selection and Survival of the Fittest. Oh sorry, Islam claims that Darwinism is a lie and that we were all created by Allah in a great big puff of smoke, just like that, just like the Bible and the Kora'an and their self appointed interpreters try to brainwash you into thinking.

Religion and politics are the two greatest causes of human suffering throughout time. Period.

People should date as and who they like. If you don't like it, be a recluse or a 70 year old virgin.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Dubai Knight
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Sep 29, 2008
Here here DK, well said!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Sep 30, 2008
It's not the dating, it's you guys attacking religions of being outdated. You guys are old enough for your thoughts to be outdated right ? I mean you are above 40 and giving advices to teenagers !! .

But it's not about a time period , its about faith, not bcz you don't have one neither should anyone else ! Beside giving your opinion is diff that forcing it !

I cant help it if both of you are being the encyclopedia of this forum.
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Sep 30, 2008
firefingersx wrote:It's not the dating, it's you guys attacking religions of being outdated. You guys are old enough for your thoughts to be outdated right ? I mean you are above 40 and giving advices to teenagers !! .

But it's not about a time period , its about faith, not bcz you don't have one neither should anyone else ! Beside giving your opinion is diff that forcing it !

I cant help it if both of you are being the encyclopedia of this forum.

Chocs...he's accusing you of being 'over 40' hun! Go for 'im!

OK FF...firstly, yes we are giving advice to teenagers becasue, despite what they think they know, they really are naiive and are vulnerable to manipulation from a number of directions. Our advice is always to be open about things and look at all the angles and points of view and not be brainwashed into a single, narrow minded perspective. If you are in posession of all the facts, its easier to make up your own mind.

Yes, we offer our advice and experience and don't force it upon anyone. Unlike many outdated religions that force segregation of the genders, arranged and forced marriages, subservience of females to males even cruel and harmful practices such as female circumcision...all in the name of 'God'.

These activities have absolutely eff all to do with religion, but are 'devices in the name of religion' men use to impose power over the female gender. Its almost a mass form of genocidal rape.

If the women in these situations were to unite and fight for their rights like humans, there would be some very scared religious leaders around the world, some new world orders and possibly a more peaceful society.

Nuff said.

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Dubai Knight
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Re: Love! Oct 19, 2008
Roona wrote:Though islam showed us that its not good to date, have boy/girl friends, kissing and touching diffrent genders before marriage people still do this things, i wonder why?!

i'm sure that many members here have boy/girl friends So its forbeddin to have them even if you think its real love its still forbidden!

and maybe you didnt know that before, even though i told you now will you stop having bf and gf's? I guess not!

I can even proof it to you but i cant right now! :P

Hi, Since you mention real/true love , I will share my own opinion:

In my opinion, truly loving someone with your heart and soul is the most beautiful thing that can happen to any one in this world, and it is not something that you go and find in some place, true love will find you when you are least expecting or even thinking about it. It could be when you are happily married with children and you never know when true love falls upon you. Loving your wife or gf etc is something different. I am sure most won't agree about my logic, but I am of the opinion that you can truly love some one while not being with her/him all your life.
When one falls in such a situation, he is unlikely to think about religious point of view as he will have been completely mesmerized by sheer presence of the feeling of true love in his soul. You could actually feel the love going into your blood......

Anyway talking sane, Islam talks about couple living together without marriage and involved in sexual acts, or married person having sex with another person, atleast what I have read in religious books talk about sexual violations passing a judgment. However how can any religion pass any sentence to the true love that resides in one's soul....? Perhaps I have gone off topic..but I couldn't resist answering this thread.

Warm regards
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Oct 19, 2008
Dubai Knight wrote:
desert surfer wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:Chocs is absolutely right, but tell us how 'Islam has shown' that it is wrong to have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
That is only from the perspective of Islam and an outdated, outmoded, and possibly blinkered point of view. The Kora'an was written in a time when society was different and education levels much lower.
Society and the world has moved on, maybe religion should do also?

:? :? :?


Society has moved on........ but some things never change, filling yourself with love, money and action are the norms of youngsters today. Most in West world have almost everything in terms of wealth, relationship, health and status but still have to get high through drugs, violence etc. Why do you think so? it's cos they feel empty inside. West may be advanced in terms of technology or material advancement but East is very advanced in spirituality which many dont consider important but is very crucial to fulfill.
Religion provided the framework of social stability until some ppl perverted it.

Religion and politics are the two greatest causes of human suffering throughout time. Period.

BS as usual. You just see the glass half empty. It's human EGO that is causing suffering without politics there would have been anarchy which would have been stumbling block for progress of civilization and dont forget it was religion which formed alliance with many conflicting nations which took trade, exchange of knowledge and peace to another level.
desert surfer
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Oct 19, 2008
desert surfer wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:
desert surfer wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:Chocs is absolutely right, but tell us how 'Islam has shown' that it is wrong to have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
That is only from the perspective of Islam and an outdated, outmoded, and possibly blinkered point of view. The Kora'an was written in a time when society was different and education levels much lower.
Society and the world has moved on, maybe religion should do also?

:? :? :?


Society has moved on........ but some things never change, filling yourself with love, money and action are the norms of youngsters today. Most in West world have almost everything in terms of wealth, relationship, health and status but still have to get high through drugs, violence etc. Why do you think so? it's cos they feel empty inside. West may be advanced in terms of technology or material advancement but East is very advanced in spirituality which many dont consider important but is very crucial to fulfill.
Religion provided the framework of social stability until some ppl perverted it.

Religion and politics are the two greatest causes of human suffering throughout time. Period.

BS as usual. You just see the glass half empty. It's human EGO that is causing suffering without politics there would have been anarchy which would have been stumbling block for progress of civilization and dont forget it was religion which formed alliance with many conflicting nations which took trade, exchange of knowledge and peace to another level.


OK, name me one instance where religious difference UNITED a people?

Then name me as many as you can where it caused war, territorial feuding, pain and suffering. It would be a long list.

:( :( :(

Dubai Knight
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Oct 21, 2008
Dubai Knight wrote:
desert surfer wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:
desert surfer wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:Chocs is absolutely right, but tell us how 'Islam has shown' that it is wrong to have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
That is only from the perspective of Islam and an outdated, outmoded, and possibly blinkered point of view. The Kora'an was written in a time when society was different and education levels much lower.
Society and the world has moved on, maybe religion should do also?

:? :? :?


Society has moved on........ but some things never change, filling yourself with love, money and action are the norms of youngsters today. Most in West world have almost everything in terms of wealth, relationship, health and status but still have to get high through drugs, violence etc. Why do you think so? it's cos they feel empty inside. West may be advanced in terms of technology or material advancement but East is very advanced in spirituality which many dont consider important but is very crucial to fulfill.
Religion provided the framework of social stability until some ppl perverted it.

Religion and politics are the two greatest causes of human suffering throughout time. Period.

BS as usual. You just see the glass half empty. It's human EGO that is causing suffering without politics there would have been anarchy which would have been stumbling block for progress of civilization and dont forget it was religion which formed alliance with many conflicting nations which took trade, exchange of knowledge and peace to another level.


OK, name me one instance where religious difference UNITED a people?

Then name me as many as you can where it caused war, territorial feuding, pain and suffering. It would be a long list.

:( :( :(


I do not think religion has been the cause of as many wars, pain etc. Religion is wrongly blamed, while people themselves to blame. Unless you are saying all religions teach violence.......

Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Oct 21, 2008
Hahaha over 40 I certainly am not!!!! Nowhere near!

And DK pretty much said it all.

I detest every religion! DK is absolutely right, it has been a big cause of the majority of problems in the world today, not necesserily the religions themselves, but twisted, sick minded people who warp the messages for their own agendas.

People should be given all the infomation possible, so that they can make an educated, informed decision, not just a one dimensional one.

Society does not need religions to instil morals and values on people, these can be educated without the garbage that is spouted.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Oct 22, 2008
dubai1970 wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:
desert surfer wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:
desert surfer wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:Chocs is absolutely right, but tell us how 'Islam has shown' that it is wrong to have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
That is only from the perspective of Islam and an outdated, outmoded, and possibly blinkered point of view. The Kora'an was written in a time when society was different and education levels much lower.
Society and the world has moved on, maybe religion should do also?

:? :? :?


Society has moved on........ but some things never change, filling yourself with love, money and action are the norms of youngsters today. Most in West world have almost everything in terms of wealth, relationship, health and status but still have to get high through drugs, violence etc. Why do you think so? it's cos they feel empty inside. West may be advanced in terms of technology or material advancement but East is very advanced in spirituality which many dont consider important but is very crucial to fulfill.
Religion provided the framework of social stability until some ppl perverted it.

Religion and politics are the two greatest causes of human suffering throughout time. Period.

BS as usual. You just see the glass half empty. It's human EGO that is causing suffering without politics there would have been anarchy which would have been stumbling block for progress of civilization and dont forget it was religion which formed alliance with many conflicting nations which took trade, exchange of knowledge and peace to another level.


OK, name me one instance where religious difference UNITED a people?

Then name me as many as you can where it caused war, territorial feuding, pain and suffering. It would be a long list.

:( :( :(


I do not think religion has been the cause of as many wars, pain etc. Religion is wrongly blamed, while people themselves to blame. Unless you are saying all religions teach violence.......


They may not teach it, however people distort it in order to wage war and cause violence in the name of it. The Crusades, The 100 Years War, The IRA to name but a tiny few.

A religion does not usually advocate violence, but the sectarian nature of individualist belief certainly creates enough martyrs.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Dubai Knight
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Oct 22, 2008
Dubai Knight wrote:
dubai1970 wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:
desert surfer wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:
desert surfer wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:Chocs is absolutely right, but tell us how 'Islam has shown' that it is wrong to have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
That is only from the perspective of Islam and an outdated, outmoded, and possibly blinkered point of view. The Kora'an was written in a time when society was different and education levels much lower.
Society and the world has moved on, maybe religion should do also?

:? :? :?


Society has moved on........ but some things never change, filling yourself with love, money and action are the norms of youngsters today. Most in West world have almost everything in terms of wealth, relationship, health and status but still have to get high through drugs, violence etc. Why do you think so? it's cos they feel empty inside. West may be advanced in terms of technology or material advancement but East is very advanced in spirituality which many dont consider important but is very crucial to fulfill.
Religion provided the framework of social stability until some ppl perverted it.

Religion and politics are the two greatest causes of human suffering throughout time. Period.

BS as usual. You just see the glass half empty. It's human EGO that is causing suffering without politics there would have been anarchy which would have been stumbling block for progress of civilization and dont forget it was religion which formed alliance with many conflicting nations which took trade, exchange of knowledge and peace to another level.


OK, name me one instance where religious difference UNITED a people?

Then name me as many as you can where it caused war, territorial feuding, pain and suffering. It would be a long list.

:( :( :(


I do not think religion has been the cause of as many wars, pain etc. Religion is wrongly blamed, while people themselves to blame. Unless you are saying all religions teach violence.......


They may not teach it, however people distort it in order to wage war and cause violence in the name of it. The Crusades, The 100 Years War, The IRA to name but a tiny few.

A religion does not usually advocate violence, but the sectarian nature of individualist belief certainly creates enough martyrs.

:roll: :roll: :roll:


You said "A religion does not usually advocate violence, but the sectarian nature of individualist belief certainly creates enough martyrs. "

I think it goes back to my previous statement that Religion can never be the cause, its the people who interpret it wrongly. You have to start from somewhere, and if you start from not believing in GOD, then you are more likely to say what you wrote, however if I believe in GOD, then how can I go against his will... Anyway I start from the basics which is my foundation , that there is one GOD, there are angels, there is hell and heaven and there have been messengers sent by GOD (Adam, Ibrahim, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad and others) and there were books revealed to these prophets for the benefit of mankind. What happened after that is everything to do with people of different times who went against the will of God and cause mischief on this earth. You guys just need a reason to prove your theory and blame on the name of religion. Thats not fair at all.

Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Oct 23, 2008
OK, this is one to be moved to the Religion and Culture forum really. However, in finality: Personally I have no problem with 'Religion' per se. You are entitled to believe and worship in anything you please be it one 'God', the rocks, the sun, the moon or that George Bush is an alien from the planet Zog...(which is probably true!)

It is the institution of 'The Church' that creates the conflict. These organisations are set up and run by men with the sole aim of getting you to believe in their particular view of their particular religion. To the exclusion of all else. Its like a TV ratings war. The religion that attracts more viewers and followings gets more people to control and makes more money out of them.

The 15 year old kid who blows himself and a bus load of innocent women and children to kingdom come probably believed in 'God' in exactly the same way as you do. But what or who caused him to do it?

:( :( :(

Dubai Knight
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Oct 23, 2008
Dubai Knight wrote:OK, this is one to be moved to the Religion and Culture forum really. However, in finality: Personally I have no problem with 'Religion' per se. You are entitled to believe and worship in anything you please be it one 'God', the rocks, the sun, the moon or that George Bush is an alien from the planet Zog...(which is probably true!)

It is the institution of 'The Church' that creates the conflict. These organisations are set up and run by men with the sole aim of getting you to believe in their particular view of their particular religion. To the exclusion of all else. Its like a TV ratings war. The religion that attracts more viewers and followings gets more people to control and makes more money out of them.

The 15 year old kid who blows himself and a bus load of innocent women and children to kingdom come probably believed in 'God' in exactly the same way as you do. But what or who caused him to do it?

:( :( :(


I find your statement linking to religion pathetic when you said "The 15 year old kid who blows himself and a bus load of innocent women and children to kingdom come probably believed in 'God' in exactly the same way as you do. But what or who caused him to do it? "

I do not believe in the same way at all, you are being sarcastic. Peace.
Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Oct 24, 2008
Love, love, love makes me do foolish things
Sitting on by the phone, a phone that never rings
Hoping to hear you say you love me still (all the way from Dubai)
Knowing you never will.

All because love, love, love has made a fool of me
Speak your name softly each night
While holding your picture tight
When you took my heart, you took my soul
And it's far beyond control.
Dubai Expat Helper
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Re: Love! Oct 25, 2008
Roona wrote:Though islam showed us that its not good to date, have boy/girl friends, kissing and touching diffrent genders before marriage people still do this things, i wonder why?!

i'm sure that many members here have boy/girl friends So its forbeddin to have them even if you think its real love its still forbidden!

and maybe you didnt know that before, even though i told you now will you stop having bf and gf's? I guess not!

I can even proof it to you but i cant right now! :P

I agree and absolutely correct, people has to see positive and negative impact of this relation ship and i sure you will get more negative,which worse.
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