Woow , so just bcz the west do I , should we ? just bcz you said so, it is the right thing to do ? or is just bcz you guys did it then it's ok for every one to do the same ?
I don't want to go on and on about religious things, Taliban are not around anymore , youngest now a days can do what ever they want when ever the want, it is not like a GPS device hanged on their heads
But I feel

ed looking at you old ppl confusing the young ones and pushing them away from their believes and religions, it is ppl like you who is making the youth has no manners in anything now a days. It is you who made them like this but sadly you put it under freedom !! the freedom comes after they are well thought, educated and being awarded of the all bad and god sides of what they are about to get them selves into then they will decide what's best for them , not look it up in a forum post.
Stop ruining how a cretin kids got raised and what their parents think is the best for them , it is their job after all not yours.
Beside isn't it a possibility that she or any is a miner kid and an adult is trying to get to her throw the chat room dragging her to see him in privet and you all know how this could end up ? you will be the cause of this when you advices her, no it is ok , go a head!
It is not the relegoing you dark aged ppl , it's knowing whats right and wrong.