Why Is US Obsessed With Iran

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Why is US obsessed with Iran Feb 06, 2008
I found this comment on Iran's launch of a missile into space funny and interesting.

By Mike Richards
Posted Tuesday 5th February 2008 16:16 GMT

Why is Washington so obsessed with Iran?

Easy - it used to be theirs. They once had a tame dictator with impeccable fashion sense and a ready love of torture to act as a balwark against the Soviet Union. Sadly the people of Iran were less enamoured of the Shah than those in the West (even after many of them had been tortured to love him all the more) and got rid of him in a revolution. This had the nasty side-effect of putting some religious nutters with an even more free-loving addiction to torture and terror in charge of one of the largest oil reserves in the World.

All in all, not a good thing.

So it was time for plan B. America (and its faithful sidekick Britain) found another accommodating Middle Eastern dictator who if anything was even more stylish and torture happy than the erstwhile Shah. They promised him lots and lots of weapons (including some of the grown up toys) if he'd just pop next door and hold an impromptu invasion on our behalf.

Sadly, the Iranians didn't play ball, and despite our new best friend getting lots of satellite info cribs and gee-whizz poison gas, they didn't roll over and die (well not all of them at least).

After ten years of murder, mayhem and merriment, things were pretty much where they started; Iraq said 'sorry' to the mullahs and did the silliest thing imaginable by invading an even bigger oil field.

They weren't our friends any more! We were especially angry when we found out the Iraqis weren't as silly as we'd thought and had actually read the instruction leaflets on all those nuclear thingumjigs, biological doohickies and chemical wadjamacallits we'd sold them - and been building grown-up weapons.

This was not only bad, it was wrong, which is where the current Middle Eastern hilarity all began.

http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/05 ... /#c_148202

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Feb 06, 2008
So true - and the day that Fox news runs a story outlining the background of the whole CIA's involvement in Iran is the day I eat my hat.

This is the biggest shame is that a large part of the population of the US believes the 'official' story told to them.
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Apr 14, 2008
I once read an article explaining the obsession of US over Iran.

There is a map floating around the net which is supposedly formed by the neo-con think tanks to divide certain populous of certain Muslim states to stop terrorism.

deviding iraq into three states. cutting of balochistan from pakistan and sistan of of iran and joining them together making it Greater balochistan in result isolating iran from pakistan so no more weaponry be transported there.

and making a greater punjab, greater kashmir.... eliminating pakistan from the map.

and mainly iran is supplying hizbollah and hammas weapons to fight against the zionist.

i dont quiet recall the entire article but that what it says.


could someone knowledgeable on current events point out their views regarding this?
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Sep 26, 2008
Majoring in Poli Sci and International Relations, I saw a trend in US OBSESSIONS and TAKE OVERS, the problem they always tell the Media about the country alwasy seems to go back to the US. For example, The taliban were created in the 1970's during the Soviet Invasion by the US, and Jimmy Carter's Secretary confirmed this,and the US had ties with the Talibs for many years aware of their oppressions and practices, and only publicized and bombarded the media with such "oppressions" after the talibs had rejected pipeline negotiations. Iraq...same thing, they were aware of Sadam's tortures in the 80's while bush Sr. was there and makingnegotiations with him....and going back to Iran...the US has always had their eye on Iran....in the 50's when their president nationalized their oil industry he SURPRISINGLY died and the US "helped" put in a US BACKED president ...in conclusion..the US has thier eye on any country when THEY WANT SOMETHING...usually a RESOURCE or a GEOGRAPHIC ADVANTAGE such as a base or port...they will use the media and crys of OPRESSION when they need to ....and the irony is THEY ARE THE TRUE OPRESSOR AND ROGUE STATE :(
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Oct 12, 2008
Don't be fooled with this charade. America and Iran, including Israel are all just playing a game of "Hide & Seek" to divert focus. They work together, even in Iraq, Iran has been a great help to America to kill and murder the Iraqi Civilians and Israel has used Iran's help to buy up prime Iraqi Property and to purchase the Kurdish Real Estate.
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Oct 13, 2008
britisharab wrote:Don't be fooled with this charade. America and Iran, including Israel are all just playing a game of "Hide & Seek" to divert focus. They work together, even in Iraq, Iran has been a great help to America to kill and murder the Iraqi Civilians and Israel has used Iran's help to buy up prime Iraqi Property and to purchase the Kurdish Real Estate.

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Oh come on!!!

How old are you? 4?

You obviously have a chip on your shoulder about something. Let it out and lets see if you really know what you are writing about. It seems you are looking at the world from the bottom of a political well of your own making.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Dubai Knight
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Oct 22, 2008
I really don't agree with most of the things USA is saying why they are in Iran...I know they are after 1 thing only----OIL.
dondi reyes
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Oct 24, 2008
I'm sorry Dark Knight but I'll have to side with Britisharab on this one. The west really IS trying to redraw the map of the middle east, that always was and remains the no 1 goal. The whole idea is to separate the oil rich countries from their oil wealth by making new countries in the oil rich areas. This is why the americans are doing everything they can to create fuel sectarian violence and divide people against one another. According to the neo-con agenda, Irak would be divided into three parts: A kurd state to the south, a shiite state in the middle (containing all the oil), and a sunnite state to the north. There are also plans to divide Saudi arabia into 2 countries, one small containing the 2 holy cities (Mecca and Medina) but with no oil wealth, and then a larger one containing all the oil but no holy cities.

The whole leftist movement doesn't realize that when they buy into arguments like "the suffering of the kurds" and "how saddam hussein oppressed the Shia people of Iraq" all they're really doing is supporting the neo con agenda by fueling the sectarian violence and division. Much of what is said in the mainstream media is aimed at manipulating public opinion in order to gain popular support for these twisted plans.
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Oct 24, 2008
Still don't believe me? Google "divide middle east neo map" and you'll have multiple hours of reading on this topic. The strategic interests are obvious, and if you look at all of the american interventions to give so called "freedom and democracy" to arab nations, you'll realize that all of them are much worse off than before the americans "saved" them
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Oct 24, 2008
Pimpin80 wrote:I'm sorry Dark Knight but I'll have to side with Britisharab on this one. The west really IS trying to redraw the map of the middle east, that always was and remains the no 1 goal. The whole idea is to separate the oil rich countries from their oil wealth by making new countries in the oil rich areas. This is why the americans are doing everything they can to create fuel sectarian violence and divide people against one another. According to the neo-con agenda, Irak would be divided into three parts: A kurd state to the south, a shiite state in the middle (containing all the oil), and a sunnite state to the north. There are also plans to divide Saudi arabia into 2 countries, one small containing the 2 holy cities (Mecca and Medina) but with no oil wealth, and then a larger one containing all the oil but no holy cities.

The whole leftist movement doesn't realize that when they buy into arguments like "the suffering of the kurds" and "how saddam hussein oppressed the Shia people of Iraq" all they're really doing is supporting the neo con agenda by fueling the sectarian violence and division. Much of what is said in the mainstream media is aimed at manipulating public opinion in order to gain popular support for these twisted plans.

If you think the US has any influence within Saudi Arabia in terms of them dividing up the country...you are very, very misguided! The reasons Mecca and Medina are considered for segregation are purely religious and are internally generated. They want a similar situation to the Vatican City as these are both sites of significance.

The American influence in KSA is strictly limited to earning revenue from oil infrastructure contracts, pipelines and supplying military hardware. On the whole the Saudis are extremely lazy and expect the US to provide all the luxuries for them and then just pay for it. They know that if they even considered interfering in Saudi politics, they would be out like a shot. The Saudis may be many things, but they do things their way and don't give a hoot about the US, China or anyone else.

:? :? :?

Dubai Knight
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Oct 25, 2008
Dark knight: I agree that the Saudis dont care about any other nation, and that is specially true since 9/11 where the US govt threatened to seize muslim assets wich made most oil rich nations pull their money out of there. The americans have realized that their relationship with KSA will never be the same, and they'll eventually try to get their hands on the Saudi oil. I also agree that the Saudis will never let anyone interfere with internal politics, but then the americans have other means: cut military support (hardware, training), give money, weapons and training to groups that will want to topple the Saudi royalty, fuel internal division to create civil war, convince the world that KSA is a terrorist hotbed and that the government is tyrannical and needs to be removed, they've done it many, many times in the past. here's an excerpt from an interesting article I was reading on this very topic the other day

Some of the neo-cons have publicly proclaimed that their goal for the War on Iraq (and eventually, its neighbors) is to redraw the borders of the Middle East. The ostensible reason given for this arrogance is to separate feuding ethnic and religious groups from each other. However, if you combine maps of the "new Middle East" sought by these armchair warriors with maps of the oil fields, a more sinister motive becomes obvious. Dividing up Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia would allow the consolidation of most of the region's oil into a new country (which presumably would be allied to the United States). This would remove control over the oil from governments based in Baghdad, Tehran and Riyadh, allowing new arrangements of control to be established.

its too bad I can post links here, I'd have a few interesting ones for you!

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