Dubai Knight wrote:Maybe the guy was just good at playing the numbers? If you ask enough girls to sleep with you, by the law of odds, eventually one will say yes. He just had a good 2 weeks run!
OK girls, you can explain this to a cynical old git like me: Why do really hot attractive women like to go out with short, fat, ugly, grumpy, guys? (Don't say it doesn't happen because I will throw Bernie Ecclestone at yah!)
...Ok, this discussion is getting more interesting.
First Assessment (Without Material Wealth Consideration):
Normally, "short, fat, ugly, grumpy guys" as you describe above are "short, fat, ugly & grumpy"

That makes it a disadvantage.
Therefore, they work really hard on other strong points that they "might" have, such as:
1. Intelligence
2. Social Skills
3. Special Treatment of Women
4. etc, ect, etc...
...something that would compensate their lack of physical attractiveness where one would actually be lost and forget how short, fat, ugly & grumpy he really is.
Once they focus in these things, they end up mustering it until they get really the highest confidence level and ending up "forgetting that they are short, fat, ugly & grumpy."
Conclusion: He ends up having a really high confidence & acceptance towards his own self and releasing the same to other people. This is attractive, I must say, because he achieved something exceptional. Not only would he attract really hot and attractive hookers, he would attract intelligent, dynamic, smart, independent, rich, "hot" ladies out there as well.
Second Assessment (Material Wealth Consideration):
There is one fact in this world, and that is "money talks". Women likes to be seen and be flauntered upon -- especially the really attractive and hot women who cares way too much about their physical appearance.
Women as such takes care of themselves "to be seen". There is nothing wrong with it, it is normal to feel "appreciated for their physical high maintenance efforts".
In this regard, as the desire is way above all their priorities, they compensate their thoughts despite the fact that he is "short, fat, ugly & grumpy". They don't see him as such, they see him as their way towards achieving their higher desires which makes them happy.
Women will always be women. We have the heart to all the men outthere who would want to gives us our desires. It's just a matter of priorities in each and every individual.

Women are the queen of the universe especially for emotional-driven desires