Xemnarth wrote:qouiou,
That's one good blog there. Thanks

. I've visited both websites but still can't decide which is better. My purpose for subscribing in any of the services is mainly for using other devices than my PC. What do you recommend and are you already subscribed to any such service? If so, are you getting your full advertised Internet access speed?
Thanks again and hope to hear from you soon.
It's good to hear a thanks.
I used to use your freedom before but now I switched to megaproxy because I download tonnes of files from BLOCKED file hosting websites such as filescheap etc. And for that your freedom FREE service offered killing slow speed.
As for your query about the speed, read below.
Megaproxy is an excellent service for browsing purposes and is very cheap. It is also easy to use for beginners and as I said before, I use it to download large sums of files, IT DOES give me FULL advertised internet speed. For example, I have 512/Kbs DSL from etisalat and that SHOULD give me 60/Kbs download speed. I always get around 57-60/Kbs from megaproxy
Now, I don't quite understand what you mean by devices other than your PC. Elaborate.
Finally, which is better? Well as I said in my blog, those who are willing to part with $9.95 for 3 months to use excellent and trouble free anonymous surfing, should go for Megaproxy. Otherwise, for those who wish to access blocked websites once in a bluemoon should definitely use yourfreedom client. It's an excellent client!
Comparatively, your freedom is much more secure than megaproxy or any other SSL service because it offers SOCKS proxy! The only problem is, yourfreedom's charges are a bit too high